part : 2

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"Ok, I understood. Should I give you medicines?", Shivaay asked and held her hands tightly in his. Anika looked at their hands with a smile. Every time his hand give her support and strength that she can go through anything if he is holding her hand

"I don't know if I can take it or not", Anika said

"Give me the doctor's number. I will ask then", Shivaay said and sat on the ground in front of her, Anika smiled at him because this care is like medicine to her.

"Shivaay I am having a headache and feeling weak", Anika said looking into his eyes which are showing care and pure love for her. She touched his cheeks and smiled as this is what she needs right now.

"Let's go there and you can sleep ok?", Shivaay said and pointed toward the couch, Anika nodded and stood up to go herself but Shivaay held her hand and placed it on his shoulder. Anika's heartbeat raised due to proximity as he is very close and he encircled his arm around her waist. She looked at him and then at the ground as Shivaay started to walk with her.

"My weakness will not affect the child right?", Anika asked

"Don't worry it will not. Come I will order something good", Shivaay said and caressed her hair. He helped her to sit and kissed her forehead, he knows about pregnancy a little and that women need care and support because carrying a child is difficult. The fact that this is starting scare him as he doesn't want her to suffer. He wants to give his best as she deserves the best.

"Please don't order anything", Anika requested as she is scared to have something now. She is now cursing herself for saying that how she is not having any symptoms.

"Just juice ", Shivaay asked but Anika shooked her head again and told him she is ill

"Please I am scared Anika have something and give me the number ", Shivaay requested

"Take it yourself. I have saved with "gynaecologist" ", Anika said and pointed toward her mobile phone which was placed on the table. Shivaay nodded and called the gynaecologist.

"She said it is normal and is asking us to come ", Shivaay said after ending the conversation with the doctor and sitting beside her. He held both hands together and kissed her knuckles.

"Tomorrow please ", Anika requested with a pout, Shivaay nodded and stroked his fingers on her hair softly.

"Are you feeling pain here ?", Shivaay asked and touched her abdomen, Anika shivered to feel his hand where their new life is growing

"I am fine Shivaay. Stay with me", Anika said and placed her hand over his. She doesn't know if it is true or not but she felt their baby move feeling their hand together.

"I am calling the doctor here. I can't take a risk", Shivaay said

"For whom?", Anika asked shockingly. Risk for whom? Her, baby or someone else?

"Obviously for you Anika. You are the one who is sick", Shivaay said as he didn't understand why she asked this question

"Please don't. I am fine, just stay here", Anika said and hugged him tightly, she placed her head on his shoulder. Shivaay hummed and caressed her hair softly. He kept doing the same for some time and kissed her forehead in between to make her believe that he is there for her. Anika looked at him with a smile seeing his care, Shivaay rubbed their nose together and asked

"Feeling good?", He asked to which Anika nodded and closed her eyes as she is still having headaches but doesn't want to tell him about it right now. Suddenly they heard a knocking sound, Shivaay tried to come out of Anika's hold but Anika didn't let him

"Don't go ", Anika said and tightened the hug. Shivaay kissed her hair and caressed her back softly. She is resting over him that's why he can't get up without her wish.

"Someone is knocking Anika", Shivaay told her

"Let them. You can't go", Anika said

"Don't act like a kid Anika. Leave me as I can't let anyone come inside ", Shivaay said

"Why?", Anika asked

"Want people to see us in this position?", Shivaay asked to which Anika shooked her head as she don't want to embarrass him and herself.

"That's why Anika leave me. I will come soon. Till then take rest", Shivaay said and came out of Anika's hold after Breaking the hug slowly. When he was going towards the door he noticed Anika standing up which tensed him.

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you getting up?", Shivaay asked angrily

"I am weak but not that much. I can walk", Anika said

"I don't know that. You can't come outside of this cabin ", Shivaay said and made her sit on the couch again.

"You are rude. Especially here", Anika said and looked aside. Shivaay chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. You are the reason I am happy otherwise I feel bored here", Shivaay said looking in her eyes lovingly, he knows pregnant women need love, care, and support and he wants to give everything to Her.

"Haha, I know why you said that. But I liked it", Anika said and laughed, Shivaay smiled and looked here and there as she understood that he said these lines to melt her.

"Don't go. You asked me to work here so bear consequences ", Anika said and held his hands in hers.

"Anika, please. I am boss here", Shivaay said trying to make her understand, he is calm because she is the one asking him to stay otherwise if someone else requested him same thing he would have shouted or pushed that person out of his office.

"Ok go, aap bhi kya yaad rakhenge ", Anika said and kissed his palms

"Are you fine now?", Shivaay asked

"Yes, Don't worry, after taking rest I will be fine", Anika said and kissed his cheek. Shivaay smiled and hugged her as this new phase of their life is exciting but scary as well. He knows she is not well, she lied because someone knocking made him feel sad.

"Sorry I have to go", Shivaay said

"I know you have work Shivaay. Go and do that, I am happy to get this little time with you. I understand", Anika said

"Thank you for always understanding me. I love you", Shivaay confessed and left from there. Anika jumped in excitement as today she felt so happy when he pampered her, she always love his care but never used it because he get worried easily. Today she couldn't hold herself, her weakness made her think what if she died here? That's the main reason she was asking him to stay with her.

When he stayed for her, it made her believe that he loves her truly, when he didn't shout at her for stopping him to open the door and talked with her like she is a small kid. She blushed thinking about his love and care. Everything looks so beautiful and interesting to her when he supports her.

"Anika I am going to a meeting and it will take hours ", Shivaay said and left there hurriedly. Anika didn't get any chance to talk with him and felt bad when he left suddenly. She shrugged her thoughts off and layed as if she need rest for a while.

After an hour she opened her eyes and found his cabin empty. She sat and realised that she is much better now, that her weakness was due to vomiting. After washing her face she came out of his cabin to see many people working. She smiled as the fact people work under him made her feel proud of him. She noticed one man coming towards her with files which confused her. Why her?

"Good afternoon mam", greeted that person

"Good afternoon. Who are you?", Anika asked

"You are Shivaay sir's wife right?", Asked that guy to which Anika nodded

"I'm his new pa. What would you like to have in lunch?", Asked Shivaay's pa

"Nothing thanks for asking", Anika said

"But Shivaay sir said you would be hungry. Don't hesitate here ", said his pa

"Why would I feel hesitation? This is my husband's office", Anika thought and passed a fake smile toward that guy

"I will have something whenever I want. You should continue your work ", Anika replied and went to the canteen as she can't disrespect Shivaay. She is not yet hungry, also she is still feeling scared what if she throws up again? She understands his care and doesn't want him to feel that she disrespects him.

After having lunch Anika came back to his cabin and started to draw designs. After 2 hours Shivaay came back and looked at her who was designing.

"Are you mad? Can't you take rest for a day?", Shivaay asked angrily. He snatched the paper and her belongings from her and placed them inside his drawer carefully.

"As you do", Anika said sarcastically

"Why are you comparing us? I am not carrying a child Anika when will you understand this? Do even you know how much concentration a person needs to draw then why are you doing it? Laptop doesn't need that much concentration ", Shivaay said angrily

"But a laptop is dangerous for the eyes. It can cause headache ", Anika said

"Ohh yes and these drawings will heal you isn't it?", Shivaay asked sarcastically

"But..", Shivaay interrupted Anika as he don't want her to argue with her now

"Don't open your mouth for argument. If you want to work with me then you have to hear my orders", Shivaay said

"What is the difference between my boss and you then?", Anika asked

"None. Don't follow my orders then. Do whatever you want to. You can leave office as well", Shivaay said and sat back on his chair. Anika sat in front of him and pulled his cheeks

"Why do you spoil my happy mood?", Shivaay asked

"I can change your mood to happy as well ", Anika said

"How when you are not alright?", Shivaay asked. Anika gestured for him to stand and when he stood up she started to tickle him. Shivaay started to laugh and went away from her while laughing.

"Like this ", Anika said and Anika again started to tickle him.

"Ok enough stop Anika this is not home ", Shivaay said

"Happy now? Or want to become happier?", Anika asked and stepped close to him. Shivaay kept quiet as he don't want her to start tickling him again and neither did he want to lose any chance from her, he thought she is going to kiss him.

"My sweet husband I love you", Anika confessed

"Happy now?", Anika asked

"Yes ", Shivaay said and kissed her

"We will get time for each other after a child too right? I don't want to fight with you because of time", Anika asked

"I can't guarantee about future but I can assure you about one thing I will love only you till the end of my life", Shivaay said as he can't guarantee that he will be able to spend time with her or not. He never wanted her pregnancy this early because he want to grow his business. He will try his best to spend time with her and achieve his goals together.

"Same here", Anika said and intertwined their fingers together.

When they reached home Omru at night dragged them toward their room and asked them to open a gift box. Anika opened the box hurriedly and noticed many soft toys.

"There are many months left Omru", Anika said and hugged Omru

"No problem bhabhi. Save them for our champ", Om said and went toward Shivaay who was smiling and looking at the trio.

"Shivaay I'm warning you as I have heard pregnant women have many mood swings so beware. Bhabhi can be sweet for a moment and get angry with a blink of seconds", Om said near Shivaay's ear.

"Don't scare me Om.", Shivaay said

"It's true, you can ask anyone. Moreover, you need to be there for her. Don't get angry if she minds little things", Om said

"Whatever. I will see when the time comes. Right now I want to enjoy the present ", Shivaay said and sat with Anika and Rudra who were playing with soft toys.
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