part: 14

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"Congratulations bhabhi. You gave me my little friend", Rudra said and hugged Anika tightly to congratulate her on her delivery. He was waiting for such a long time to see the baby and he also knows how much pain Anika was going through. Shivaay's worry also gave him a hint of how much pain Anika is going through.

All the time Shivaay was not in his senses, he was very tense. By looking at Shivaay's face now he can say that he is relaxed. He went towards the baby and waved his hand towards the baby and came towards Anika as Shivaay asked him not to touch the baby without washing his hands. That was an instruction from the doctor as babies catch a fever easily and have many chances to get infected.

"Yes. Now nobody will call you a little boy", Anika said. Rudra sat in the place where Shivaay was sitting before pushing him aside. Shivaay has to sit on the couch and stared at them. Rudra asked Anika If she is fine to which Anika replied yes and then they got busy with thier conversation. After a while, Rudra left there telling both of them to take care of each other.

"Have it now", Shivaay said and sat beside her again. He opened the tiffin box to find Shahi paneer with chapatti. Anika smiled widely finding something good and she knows this is especially for her. Shivaay caressed Anika's cheek as he felt that maybe she is still weak and he is unable to forget how much pain Anika was going through. Anika closed her eyes when his hand touched her cheek and then held his hand. She placed the tiffin box aside and intertwined their fingers together. Shivay looked into her eyes with love and stepped one step close to his wife who makes him fall for him daily more and more. He tucked her hair strand behind her ear and joined their forehead together. Anika's breath hitched finding their faces close and there is no space for air to pass through it.

"I... I am fine and you don't need to worry", Anika said while breathing heavily due to his proximity and his dark blue-green orbs are looking at her intensely making her go weak. Shivaay kept quiet and rubbed his thumb on her cheek, from a long time he was controlling himself but now he is feeling like he can't control more. But he has to as Anika is still not well and her safety is more important to him, he knows Anika will never stop him but he can't take advantage. He peeked at her lips softly and stepped aside as he don't want to move further right now

"Are you feeling pain anywhere?", Shivaay asked and tore one morsel for Anika, he don't want Anika to trouble herself more. Today he will give her full rest.

"No", Anika said and opened her mouth for Shivaay to feed her. She loves when he pampers her and cares for her. This makes her feel very lazy sometimes because of his love and care. When Shivaay tore another morsel Anika made him eat food and caressed his hair

"Shivaay thank you so much for supporting me in this pain and phase. If not for your support then I think I would have never conceived. I can't express how much I love you. Your support keeps me strong. And I'm sure you will be the best father like are the best life partner", Anika said and hugged him very tightly as her whole life depends upon this person and her mood also depends upon him.

"This is my duty and everything I do for you is a part of my duty", Shivaay said and made her eat another morsel.

"Not everyone takes it happily as you did. I want to give you everything you want because you deserve it. Don't hesitate before asking anything because I respect you and your choice a lot. But that should not include me leaving you otherwise I will ruin everything you like", Anika said, Shivaay chuckled at her statement as first she praised him and then warned him. The main reason for their togetherness is respect as they respect each other a lot. If one is wrong then another one tries to solve problems between them.

"I have got everything now", Shivaay said

"Not your dream Shivaay. I will complete your dreams ", Anika thought and opened her mouth but suddenly they heard the crying sound of the baby. Shivaay ran towards Ansh and picked him up in his arms and started to play with his child. Shivaay is feeling on top of the world whenever he is taking Ansh in his arms. He rubbed his nose on Ansh's stomach and started to think does he consider his child a mistake? Did his parents feel the same which he is feeling? How can his father cheat his innocent wife who used to wait for him? And how can someone call his child a mistake? His mind started to revolve around his parents and their thinking and he started to wonder what if he turned out to be the same?
It's been a week since they came back from the hospital and Shivaay is taking care of both of them. The whole day he stays in the office and after coming back he spends time with Ansh and her. He always takes Anika in a hug and talks with Ansh. Anika finds him cute whenever he talks in a childish voice. He looks like a cute baby at that time, her baby husband. Yesterday she asked Shivaay if she can go to meet Gauri and live there. Shivaay replied with a yes and she knows it was not easy for Shivaay as he wanted to spend the whole time with the baby but she has to and she can't leave the baby alone with him as more than a father baby needs his mother.

Anika completed packing as she decided to leave today, she also needs to start working to complete Shivaay's dream now which is a most important task for her. She is very excited to go there and then she will surprise him by gifting that industry to him. She knows it is not going to be an easy task as she needs to take a loan and she will work hard in his company to understand what is important in opening a new company. She already decided name and logo.

"Huff finally packing complete. Now I have to tell Shivaay that I am going. Rather than this packing leaving this house for a month is difficult and see this person is in office", Anika said and sat near Ansh whose eyes are open and he is moving his hand up and down happily. Anika giggled seeing him and took him in her arms

"Aww, baby. Don't want to leave papa right?  Same here but Gauri Massi is calling us and Priyanka too. I am missing them and your mamu( uncle too)", Anika said with a pout and kissed Ansh's cheek and hugged her child close to her heart

"Where is papa? Papa is in the office. Do you want papa to come with us? ", Anika asked in a baby voice and placed Ansh on her lap. She started playing with his small hand and nose, she then looked towards her bag. She asked Shivaay if he will come or not to which he said he will remain busy now so he can't which disappointed her but she understands that his work is also important.

"We will go tomorrow because I can't go without telling him or we will go in the evening ok?", Anika said and giggled while talking with him.  She knows he can't hear her but she still wants him to understand that she loves her child and husband both and want him to learn good habits from Shivaay. Shivaay is a perfect example of a man with a golden heart who is innocent and understanding to the next level. Soon Rudra told Anika that someone came to meet her so Anika came down after taking Ansh In her arms. Anika noticed Dhruv and waved her hand at him.

"Hey ! Congratulations. How are you Anika", Dhruv asked with a warm smile. Anika smiled back and replied politely. She is so happy to see him after such a long time

"Fine what about you?", Anika asked

"I'm also good. Took a holiday today as I went to my sister's house and while coming back I thought to meet you and sir", Dhruv said

"You took the right decision Dhruv. I missed talking with you", Anika said

"Same here. Is Shivaay sir in office?", Dhruv asked as his sister asked him to convey a message to Shivaay as he was coming here but to his disappointment, Shivaay is not there.

"Yes", Anika replied

"Did you leave his office? Won't you come back?", Asked Dhruv as most of the time he noticed Shivaay with Anika so he want to know if this is because of a newborn baby or if Anika left work.

"I will come soon after my Ansh baby grows up a little", Anika said and kissed Ansh's forehead. Dhruv smiled seeing Anika as he always sees her happy and her happy mood can light anyone's mood

"Ohh. Yes, you should take time. Also, Shivaay sir is there to handle everything ", Dhruv said

"Yes. That's the main reason I am not tense", Anika said

"You live in a beautiful house. Do you remember you used to say I want a bindass and a carefree person who would joke along with you ", Dhruv said remembering old times and now when he compares both of the times he thinks this Anika looks more mature and happy. Now she knows what to do and how to react in situations.

"Yes but after meeting Shivaay I guess I needed a responsible person because I'm irresponsible ", Anika said

"You are handling his child so you are also responsible", Dhruv said correcting her as he finds Anika a responsible person too. He thinks that Anika is not careless gi whereas only Shivaay knows how careless Anika is.

"Our", Anika said correcting Dhruv's line

"Yes. Sir is an inspiration by the way how is your sister-in-law? Priyanka is the name I guess. I have to convey one message to him ", said Dhruv without knowing that Anika is unaware of what is going on with Priyanka. He is asked not to tell everyone but he thinks that Shivaay loves his family so Anika must be knowing that Priyanka is going through several medicines and texts

"She is fine", Anika said

"Good to hear that. When my sister told me about her I was shocked. Hope she conceives a baby. At least once, otherwise, you should ask her for adoption because she is not ready for it", Said Dhruv. His sister asked him to tell Shivaay that the chances of Priyanka conceiving are increasing but Daksh needs to take care of Priyanka and she needs to eat healthy before getting ready to conceive again.

"What? A... Are you serious? Why I don't know about this?", Anika fumbled while asking this which shocked Dhruv as he realised what blunder he created. He cursed his sister in mind for not talking with Shivaay directly and now Shivaay will kill him.

"Sorry... It was a... A lie", Dhruv said and stood up to go but Anika held his hand to stop him and then took her hand back. Dhruv looked toward Anika in worry as he don't know how to handle the situation now and how to lie.

"Not a lie but truth right? Tell me ", Anika asked angrily glaring at him for changing his reply suddenly but she is not a fool to believe his lie

"Don't ask me. I'm sorry  ", Dhruv said and left there hurriedly, he wanted to take Anika's baby in his arms but he couldn't because he had created a blunder and now he need to run from here to save his life

One more thing I have one more idea for arranged marriage 🙈. Ideas he aate rehte hai

Plot: Anika hates arranged marriage and thinks about how can someone marry a stranger and Shivaay who doesn't want to marry. Both are tied into an arranged marriage how they will manage with each other? When Shivaay thinks that Anika is uneducated whereas Anika is well educated and used to work with her father but loves traditional dresses which made Shivaay think she is uneducated (≧▽≦)

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