part : 15

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In the evening Anika got ready with her bags to leave today as an architect is also going to come there to meet her. She asked Khanna to arrange an architect yesterday to make a sketch how what Shivaay's industry will look like and she is excited about it. She made Ansh sleep and then went towards the poolside to get peace. She was always scared of water but now she doesn't know when her fear started to fade away. Shivaay always pulls the best in her but today she is a little bit disappointed with him. Why he was hiding about Priyanka from her? Are they lacking in trust? She messaged Shivaay to come home as she don't want to leave without meeting him. She knows how much Shivaay loves her and his presence is her habit too but sometimes we should know how to live alone.

After some time Shivaay entered the room and noticed Anika sitting near the poolside. A smile crept over his face seeing her as that place is very special to them. He went towards her and sat beside Her, he was going to her without making any noise but Anika sensed him and gestured for him to come here. He held Anika's hand in his and intertwined their fingers together, Anika kept quiet as she don't want to fight with him. She wishes they could stay like this forever and she could forget what Dhruv said but she can't.

"Are you fine?", Shivaay asked as he is feeling that Anika is sad by looking at her expressions. Anika kissed his hand tightly first before asking about Priyanka as she knows she is going to miss her man a lot.

"What happened with Priyanka?", Anika asked

"She is fine. What will happen?", Shivaay asked not knowing the hidden meaning of Anika's words. He thinks that Anika doesn't know anything so there is no point in telling her something related to Priyanka's pregnancy.

"Is she pregnant?", Anika asked with a doubt

"She can't... I mean right now she is not but she... I mean that depends upon the couple right?", Shivaay stammered and looked down while replying to Anika as he can't match his eyes with Anika now. He needs to hide this again which hurts him the most. She is a woman who knows everything about him and this place is proof that Anika witnessed everything related to his past and present life. They came to that point where he finds it difficult to hide things from Anika.

"Wrong. You are a liar. Tell me why were you hiding about her from me?", Anika asked. Shivaay looked at her and understood that she knows everything and he can't hide it anymore. He sighed as he don't have to lie now and caressed the back of her hand while replying

"Because she asked me to do so", Shivaay said

"And you did it? Shivaay how can you do this? Don't you know I also deserve to know this? Or you think I am not good enough to be trusted", Anika asked which angered him. How can she talk about trust for such a small matter which is not related to him?

"Anika", Shivaay shouted angrily and stood up as he didn't expect this reply from Anika. He always thinks that Anika is very understanding and will not doubt him but he is hurt now because she breaks his expectations every time

"Think before you speak about trust at least. I know I didn't tell you about her but I have my reason ", Shivaay said raising his voice a little but still keeping patience because he knows how to handle her when she is angry

"Stop shouting because it is your mistake. Then why did you hide? If you would have told me I would have helped without letting Priyanka know but why you will tell me?", Anika asked and turned her face aside. She noticed her mobile phone ringing showing "Khanna Ji " and understood he is outside waiting for her. She declined the call and looked at Shivaay who was glaring at her angrily

"Can't you hear Priyanka asked me to hide it from you", Shivaay said

"And why me? Do you both think I would have leaked this information or something else? ", Anika asked as she felt this when she got to know about this from Dhruv. She knows Shivaay believes her but why they were hiding thier problems from her them? If she knew, she would have tried her best to help Priyanka if given a chance and this fact hurt her

"Have you gone mad? What are you thinking? Of course, I know you will never do that", Shivaay said

"Don't", Anika said when Shivaay stepped close to her. She knows if Shivaay hugged her then she will not be able to control her tears and he will manage to stop her which she don't want. This is always hard for her to leave Shivaay, she is not angry at him on this matter as she knows this is related to Priyanka so it should be her decision to tell her or not.

"Anika let me explain why these bags?", Shivaay asked pointing towards the bags, Anika ignored his question as she don't need any explanation about this matter. Shivaay told her that Priyanka asked him to hide everything is enough to believe Shivaay.

"Because I'm going to live with my family", Anika said and looked down to hide her tears as she is struck on two sides, on one side she want to stay with Shivaay and on another side she want to meet her family

"Are you mad? Will you leave in anger? Did we reach that point?", Shivaay asked being hurt as he is feeling that Anika don't understand him now. He thinks that Anika is leaving in anger because of this silly fight

"I am not leaving in anger Shivaay and I know you", Anika said

"You can't go ", Shivaay said and pulled her towards himself by holding her arm.

"I will I want to meet my sister. I want to show my baby to all of them too. They have that right. You were the one who said that you will send me after delivery. I want to go Please", Anika requested, Shivaay left her arm as he can't deny her request. He knows living in this room without her will be difficult but he has to.

"Ok fine go", Shivaay said

"For how many days you are going?", Shivaay asked further crossing his arms

"F...for 1 month ", Anika said while looking down she knows this will anger him and hurt him too but can't change this as she want to live in her home for some time as she can't guarantee if she will get time for them in future or not?

"Ohh so want to punish me. Great go ahead", Shivaay said and left the room angrily confusing Anika

"Why I would punish him?", Anika thought and then picked Ansh in her arms

"My baby we will miss papa a lot hana? No problem I will bribe him to come there ", Anika said and hugged Ansh tightly. She started to drag the trolley bag taking Ansh in her arms which looked difficult to her and her feet got hurt with the table. The bag slipped from her hand but she managed to save the baby. Shivaay noticed her and ran towards her, he took Ansh in his hand who started to cry and Shivaay caressed his forehead softly

"See you careless you are", Shivaay said angrily and kissed Ansh"s forehead. He was scared when Anika stumbled, he don't want to lose his child. He checked if the baby is fine and then looked at her

"My feet got hurt that's why ", Anika said with a pout but this didn't melt him

"Accept your mistake at least. What if something happened to my baby? ", Shivaay asked

"Yes, your baby. And what about I am hurt?", Anika said as even though she needs a perfect goodbye from him just like Ansh got that now.

"Stop taking everything negativity for God's stake. You can heal yourself and can take medicines but baby can't. And regarding hurt so your carelessness is the main reason I didn't send you there during pregnancy. You are very careless and a stupid person when it comes to self-care ", Shivaay said stating the fact that Anika knows is true but will not accept it

"Now I am looking stupid and careless to him", Anika thought and picked up bags and started to move towards the car

"Should I drop you?", Shivaay asked

"No Khanna Ji will drop me", Anika said

"Do whatever you want", Shivaay said angrily as he thought he will spend some time with her but she is hell-bent on showing attitude toward him. He gave Ansh to Anika and went from there, Anika wanted to hug him now but he left which made her feel sad. Why I stopped him before? She thought and then noticed Shivaay, who asked her to come out without Ansh. Anika gave Ansh to Khanna and went to Shivaay who pulled her into a bone-crushing hug which gave her relief.

"Take care ", Shivaay said and kissed Anika's forehead which made her smile and gave her strength. Now she can go but her eyes started getting watery as at night she will not find him there which is the main problem

"I will miss you a lot", Anika said and hugged him again and stayed in a hug for some time to live this moment. Shivaay kissed Ansh for the last time and waved his hand toward his wife and baby. Anika kept looking at Shivaay till her vision got blurred and then asked Khanna to take her to the construction site which is her husband's dream site. She kissed her nuptial chain, to begin with, her work now.

Here when Anika left Shivaay felt his room empty, he felt he is lonely now. Moreover this fight, he won't know if she is angry with him or not. He sat in bed as he don't want to go back to the office now, he wanted to tell Anika that it was Priyanka's decision but couldn't.

When we are alone we start to overthink, just like Shivaay who started to think about his parents now. Whenever Anika is near him, he never feels emptiness around him, he never misses his mother too but when she is not here he started to miss her. He knows what his mother went through and felt very bad for her.

Parents' behaviour has a great impact on children. Shivaay being sensitive is still unable to forget how past and what relationship his parents had. If parents behave friendly then a child learns how to behave but if he sees disrespect and feels he is unwanted then he will turn out to be the worst. His father used to call him a mistake which makes him feel like he was unwanted and a stroke of bad luck. His mother somewhere took the right decision to kill his father otherwise he would have learnt the same thing from his father. Parents need to behave like a friend with thier children so that they would be able to understand the difference between right and wrong.

Shivaay compared his life with his parents, even though thier child Ansh is a mistake so will this truth make Ansh hate him just like he hates his father? Will he be able to control his anger in front of Ansh or not? What if his son suddenly says he doesn't want Shivaay? What he will do? And what if Anika stayed in her house forever? Can he handle this? What if his son went through the same as he went? What if people called him a father-like son?

He is feeling this because the one who makes him understand everything is not here and she went from here in anger. He doesn't know that she decided to go there before their small fight which is nothing to Anika but she doesn't know what Shivaay is thinking 

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