Part 6

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Shanthi is finally happy that Krithika is staying back in their house for some more days. Prabhas took her to his company as a visitor and showed her the whole campus. He made her meet his office friends, she felt good knowing them. They were very nice to her. She liked his team. During their discussions she got to know that he is planning to keep his own company soon along with his friends.

She found him very sincere and dedicated to his work. She wondered how silly he turns from that serious mode once he comes back to home.

That day he did early logout to take her out.

In his car.
K - you didn't asked your manager !

Pr - I did ping him. Not an issue.

K - I liked your future plans.. about your own company..
By the way what exactly I got to do here... You can't bring me everyday na..

Pr (smiling) - what you wanna do. Tell me

K - I want to be a manager (saying with a proud smile)

Pr - Oh!...... sure you will be (driving and looking at her)

She gave a questionable yet smiley look

Pr - to my future company 😉

She smiled, not knowing he really meant that.

They stopped by a lake point which he loves to spend time there. It's near to his office, he usually spends some time by himself after leaving from work sometimes. It's a less crowded and more peaceful place.

They walked for a while and sat on a bench facing the lake. He looked at her when she is watching the surroundings "it's beautiful"

Pr - yes it is. My favourite place.

She looked at him

Pr - I mostly come here alone... usually after a tiring day. Sometimes I used to sit here for so long forgetting the time. This place give me peace and makes me discover myself. I got a lot of ideas from sitting here. It's like my best friend. Whenever I'm in a confusion or need to take any decision I come here and sit for sometime. My wisdom giver.

I knew someday I would come here along with you. It took a little longer though.... but I'm happy it happened.

She looked down when he gazed at her. She didn't know what to say.

Pr - how life went for all these years..

K - it went well.. can't believe they went so fast but back then I used to wonder when would I see you again. Sometimes I used to get so bored and pissed off, but thanks to Sanju and my mom... When I'm outside Sanju was always with me and in home it's mom. I don't know what would I be without them. Now Sanju will be missing me poor thing 😕

Pr- don't worry she'll also find some boyfriend

Krithi (looking at him)- she already has.

Pr- oh wow... I didn't expect... For how long?

K- three and half years.. he was our classmate actually

Pr- nice.... So everyone are far ahead of us
(Turning towards her) and where are we?

K- at the lake 🌝

Both laughed looking at each other's laughs


Days passed.. Krithika mostly used to be at home but she never felt bored. She enjoyed knowing more about Prabhas from his mom and his friends.

Prabhas spent most of his time with her everyday after coming back from work. They used to sit and talk for hours and hours about anything and everything. His mom knows that, because earlier he used to tell his mom after coming from office how his day went and about his friends and all, but now he is not talking much about it. She didn't mind it anyway.

Few days later in Vizag...

VG- these days Krithi is not calling home like she used to call us every night. Seems she got habituated at your friend's place so much.

P- she already stayed in their house before also na, and she likes Shanthi and Shanthi loves her. They like each other's company. May be that's why our baby is not missing us.

VG- hmm.. that's great.
What is that guy doing ?

P- who ?

VG- your friend's son.

P- Prabhas ?

VG- mmm.

P- he is working as an architect for some MNC. Smart and sweet guy.

VG- mmm.... smart and sweet.... (Deep breath)

P- what...

VG- nothing. Sleep. Goodnight.


The next morning Prabhas woke up early than his usual timings, got ready and came down for breakfast. Shanthi just started to prepare.

She asked him in a little surprised tone... "You got ready so early? Anything important?"

Pr- yes ma, very important. Need to go early today. Where is Krithi? She didn't come?

Sh- no.... She is also coming with you ?

Pr- yes, I told her to be ready by 8 and it's already 7:55 what is she doing.

Before shanthi would say anything he ran up in jet speed. Went to her room.

He pushed her door open and didn't find her. Just then she came out from shower.


She got startled and ran back to the washroom


Pr- you come out first. I'm so angry

K- are you crazy? How can I come.. go out and close the door.

He then realised what he saw. she is in a towel. Saw her clothes on the bed. Took them and went near the washroom door "here take your dress, wear and come out"

K- areyyyy... Please go out na for a minute.. pleeeeaseee

Pr- Krithika what is the problem with you? I told you to be downstairs by 8. I told you it's important. And you are still like this. Let me help you fast and we can leave.

K- Prabha I need to pick my inners from the shelf. Will you please go out for a second 🙏🏻

He slapped his head in disbelief and went out of the room.

She wore a white anarkali.

As soon as she got ready they left without having breakfast.

He is driving faster. She kept her seat belt and applying lipstick looking at the mirror. She got habituated with his driving. Though it's fast he drives very smooth and carefully. She looked at him who is calm and focused.

Pr- why are you stealing glances at me

K- you look cute when you're angry

Pr- I'm not angry... Did I say anything to you

K- I'm sorry for your breakfast. You should have had some coffee atleast.

Pr- no I'm not hungry, usually I won't eat anything when I have an important work. After its done I'll have.

He took a big chocolate 🍫 from his blazer pocket and gave it to her "here have it for now... We'll have breakfast in sometime"

She smiled and took it like a kid and started eating in small bites.

They reached Vicky's house where all their friends are gathered.

K- I thought we are going to your office

He gave her a sheepish smile. she didn't understand.

As soon as they came in all his friends greeted her congratulations. She asked them "why?"
Prabhas sighed them to stay calm. They told her she'll know in few minutes. She wondered why they are planning to give her some surprise.

After arranging some papers in his file, Prabhas looked at her and smiled. She smiled back at him in confusion.

Pr- Goodmorning guys, first of all thank you for being here today. Though I have informed you at the last moment I'm glad everyone gathered early.

V- why are you being professional now. This is not your office ra.

Prm- Rey, let him speak.

Pr- OK, I'm not gonna take much time, I'll finish it off in just 5 minutues. So as y'all know me Pramod and Vicky are trying to find a better place to start out own business from an year.. we have recently found an amazing place which is much suitable for us. and guess what? We bought it.

Everybody started clapping and cheering. Krithi felt great hearing the news.

Prabhas continued - the registration process will be done by this week. We'll start some interior works and get them done by the last week and we'll be opening it by the end of this Month.. yeeayyyyy

Krithi is so happy, she wanted to click pictures of him because he is so happy and glowing.

One of his friends shouted "OK. Now tell us the main news.. we are waiting"

Prabhas started to blush, controlled it
"so coming to the important point, since we thought of having our own company, we knew this will be run by us. As friends and partners you all guys have individual responsibilities for this. As I'll still be working as an architect for another year, I wanted someone who will be with me all the time, whom I can guide and trust. After all the discussions I had with you all, I'm so happy to propose Krithika to be as a Managing Director of our new company.

She got shocked, for one moment she felt he was joking and this is all planned to prank her.

All of them started to cheer for her 🥳👏👏

She couldn't believe what she heard. Prabhas held her hand and pulled her to come front and stand.

K- are you serious? Why will I be the managing director to your company? It's a huge responsibility... What if..

Pr(in her ear)- I've already discussed this with my dad, he is fine with it. And it's a start up you won't be having huge responsibilities... We'll talk about this later. Now say something.

K- what should I say?

P- I asked for you a proposal

K- and you have already decided.

P- you wanted to be a manger..

K- yes. but....

P- say it.

K(looking at them)- OK...

V- Just OK ???

K(smiling nervously)- thank you for choosing me, I don't know what to speak now. I accept this offer.

He smiled proudly looking at her, she smiled back at him.

Prm- all of us are meeting again in the evening for a big partyyy.... wooohooooooo

They all had breakfast. Prabhas introduced Krithika to Vamsi's parents and wife. They all liked her. His wife became friends with Krithi instantly.

Pr- I need to start now. Pramod will drop you at home. Ok?

K- when will you come back from work?

He smiled at her question as she is asking like a wife

K- why are you smiling for everything I say?

Pr- I'll tell you in the evening

After he left she spent some time with them. They told for how long Prabhas is planning and how he decided at first that she'll handle the business, and how he was so happy after hearing that she also loves to work. They made her feel relaxed saying "there is no need to worry we'll handle everything you just need to be there".

Somewhere she felt suddenly things are moving fast and she needs to inform her parents about all this.

While Pramod is taking her to home

K- how did you convince Surya uncle?

Pr- he never says No to Prabhas' decisions. And that too this is not related to him. It's ours, as a head Prabahs will have the upper hand. What he wants will happen. Don't stress yourself too much Krithika.

She took a deep breath and let that sync in.


Hey guys.....
I'm so sorry for making you wait for this long. I know for a simple update it's not worth to wait this much. I'm really really sorry. I didn't had time till now. I don't know know how this came out. Hope it's not bad and didn't disappoint you.

I want to say have patience in understanding the story, because few things which are related to present will be revealed in the next chapters. I know some of you expected romance (which I'm very bad at writing) but I promise there will be everything in this story. Don't expect too much of it, I like writing half and leaving other half to your expectations 😅

Thank you everyone who is supporting my work. Please feel free to give any suggestions, you can DM me or comment. Give a star if you like this chapter ⭐
Don't forget to watch the video in the above

See you soon

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