Part 7

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He called in the evening to ask her to come for the party that he is giving for his friends. She told him she won't come as it will become night by the time it gets done. She waited for him to return home at night.

Her mom spoke with her for sometime about how is everything going, Krithi informed her about today's sudden surprise. Her mom got little shocked but felt happy that her daughter is doing what she wants and also respected in this family. Meanwhile her dad didn't felt good listening to their conversation on speaker. He took the phone and enquired about this in a casual way. Though he sounded normal Pavithra and Krithika felt something different with his talks.

While having dinner with Shanthi

Sh - where is this fellow, didn't come home yet

K- he is having party with his friends na aunty

Sh- which party? He didn't tell me

K- oh... May be he forgot to inform you.. he'll come in an hour

Sh- hmm

Shanthi felt a little upset that her son is not telling her anything now a days. Krithi saw her disappointment. She didn't knew what to talk next. She previously thought she might have already knew about Prabhas choosing her to be the managing director, but now she felt he might have not informed this also. She felt nervous to talk anything at this time. She didn't want to hide it either. Santhi is having her food calmly. Krithi couldn't have it properly. She ate only little and went to her room telling her "goodnight aunty".

By the time Prabhas came back it was 12:40pm. Shanthi didn't sleep, was waiting for him in the living room.

Pr- ma, you didn't sleep? Why did you stay awake till now?

Sh- waiting for you... I didn't know where are you, what are you doing and when will you come... So I'm just sitting here wondering and waiting

Pr- ma, why do you sound weird..

Shanthi gave a look

Pr- I thought you knew... Didn't she tell you?

Sh- who

Pr- Krithika

Sh- why will she tell me ? Is she a messanger between you and me ??

Prabhas got surprised by this sudden change in her behaviour
"What happened mom... I didn't mean that.. I forgot to inform you, so I thought she'll do as she's at home... Otherwise why won't I do, didn't I ever tell you before whenever I used to be late?"

Sh- hmm... Ok go have a shower and sleep.

He didn't understand why his mom got so angry for a small thing. But he is too sleepy to think about it.

He went to Krithika's room to check if she is awake. When he opened the door he saw her peacefully sleeping keeping phone on her tummy. He smiled thinking she dozed off waiting for him, went to her and placed her phone to other side of the bed. She looked so cute and innocent, he felt like kissing her. As he didn't want to disturb her sleep he felt a little bad and came out of her room with a pout.

Next day morning Shanthi was doing her work without talking to anyone. Prabhas was so hungry as last night he only drank but didn't eat. He went to the kitchen and checking what his mom made for breakfast. As he saw her making upma he frowned looking at her. She saw him and acted like she didn't cared.

Pr- mom why are you acting strange...

She didn't respond.

He scratched his head thinking what wrong he did

Pr- maa you know I don't like upma... And mostly when I'm so hungry I hate to eat this upma na.. can you please make something else for me.

Sh- Padma, make whatever he asks..

She is making her way out of the kitchen after ordering her. Prabhas followed her and blocked her way with his arms stretching across the door.

Sh- rey, give me way

Pr- not until you tell me what happened

Sh- why should I tell you, as if you tell me everything.. po ra😏

Pr- huh ??
What maa... Please tell why are you doing this drama..

She looked at him angrily and pushed him from there "Don't talk to me. Just go and do whatever you want"

He felt like banging his head "maaaa... I'm so hungry and I didn't even came out from hangover.. and I have no idea why are you angry on me... I'm starving like hell please show some mercy on meee..."😩

He sat down on the floor holding her hands while she sat on the couch.

She took back her hands, folded them and turned her face to a side

Pr- wah! I never knew you can act so well amma, now I understand why dad calls you drama Queen

She hit him on his head and before she hit again he held her arms tight and layed his head on her lap without allowing her to move

Sh- leave u brat.. leave me

Pr- nope.. not until you tell me

Sh- I don't have anything to tell

Pr- ok then goodnight. I'll sleep here it's so comfortable.

Pr- Prabha, I have many works to do.. your father might have gotten ready I should go check what he needs.. leave me

He still acted as if he is sleeping.

Then he remembered that she shouted on him last night after he came home.

Pr- oooohhhh you are angry for that silly reason... How silly is that mom.. just for once I forgot to tell you. This is too much.

She pulled her hand and hit him again

Pr- ouch

She kept a serious face came near his face

Sh- what is happening between you and Krithika?🤨

He moved back with her sudden question.

Sh(narrowing her eyebrows) - tell.

He didn't expect this from his mother. He actually planned to tell her in some days, but she found it and now he knows he can't act in front of her but tell her the truth.

He stood up and looked at her

She is waiting for his answer

He was about to start but then his dad came out and sat near the dining table for breakfast.

Somehow Prabhas felt relieved as he got nice chance to escape. He too sat with his father.

Shanthi kept quite till her husband finished eating and started for office.

Prabhas tried to sneak out to upstairs, when he reached the stairs he saw Krithi coming down

His got trapped "oh shit" he cursed himself

Krithi didn't notice his expressions as she was busy greeting Shanthi good morning.

Shanthi asked Prabhas to wait.

She pulled both of them to dining table by holding their hands, and made them sit.

Krithi is clueless and wondering with a smile.

Shanthi is looking at them seriously

He is sweating, Krithi felt nervous looking at him.

Sh- Recently when me and Pavithra were talking, she told me that they are looking for matches for you. While she was telling me about the type of a guy they are looking for, I remembered one of my relative's son who lives in New Jersey. I thought he'll be perfect for you and I've sent his details to her.

Prabhas and Krithika faces became blank. She didn't get it. He became angry and pissed off at the same time.

Krithi became alert seeing his expressions. She nudged his leg.

K- but aunty, I'm... I think... I don't think about marriage now..

Sh- how can you not think Krithu, you are 25 now.. and it's the right time. If you see that guy you will like him. Wait let me show you

Prabhas caught her hand while she is getting up.

Pr- mom. (He looked seriously into her eyes) I have something to tell you.

She didn't listen to him. Pulled her hand and went inside their room to get the photo.

He got mad. Krithika didn't expect this from his mom. She got freaked either. She is thinking what to tell her.

Pr- mom knows about us

Her eyes got widened. Another shock.

K- what??........ How???...When???

Pr- I don't know (he held his head)

Shanthi came with an envelope (with photo in it) ✉️

Krithi felt tensed

Shanthi kept that on the table and sat
"I know this might have shocked you, because you are not expecting this. Your mom liked the guy, she also said he'll be perfect for you.. so without any thoughts just have a look" she pushed the photo to Krithi

Krithi didn't know what to do, she got stuck

Sh- mmm open it.

Krithika's hands were moistened by sweat. She took that envelope and tried to open

Prabhas pulled it off from her hands and kept it before his mom making a sound on the table.

Before she could react he held Krithi's hand. She stood up with him.

Pr- maa. I love her.

Krithi got shocked. Her heartbeat skipped a beat. She couldn't hear anything else that he was telling his mom. Couldn't believe what just happened. She was dumbfounded, happy, and Surprised at the same time. Didn't expect this from him this soon. As he never proposed her with the magical three words before. She knew he didn't wanted to say it dramatically or creating a situation to say it to her. He wanted that to be real and very special for her. He just told her how much he loves her by his actions, but never told her by words, and he knew she is not expecting a formal proposal from him as she knows his heart already.

He tightened his grip, looked into Shanthis's eyes and said "I want to marry her, mom"

She got startled. She didn't spoke a word. Krithika is so nervous now. Her throat got dried. Prabhas is feeling tensed thinking about the consequences. Krithi tried to get free from his hold but he didn't leave. Shanthi looked down in disappointment. Prabhas felt bad at that moment. He wanted to say sorry for deciding his life without asking his parents. But this happened all of a sudden. Out of his control.

Shanthi stood up seriously. Gave looks at both of them. "I have already decided who will marry her. Now leave her hand"

Pr- what?? How can you decide her life mom? What is this? Why are you after her marriage.. what happened to y....

She took the photo from the envelope and gave it to him "you only convince her to accept this one. Ok"

Prabhas didn't had a word to say to his mom even after telling her that he loves Krithi, she is not listening and forcing her to accept that stupid guy. He felt like banging something. He took that photo to tear it into pieces. When he was about to tear it he got the biggest shock.

Sh- how's he? Looking better than you right.

She burst out laughing looking at his expressions.

He hit his forehead not able to believe that she played with him till now.

Pr- this is so bad mom.. so bad.. you are turning very bad day by day. I got so worried thinking how to convince you.

Krithi is blushing so hard. she felt like hiding her face from his mom.

Sh- you two think you can play around without telling me anything, and now telling that I'm bad huh.. I should have played for a little more time but I couldn't control my laugh looking at your faces.

They laughed.

Prabhas and Krithi hugged Shanthi. She embraced them gave them kisses on foreheads.

Sh- this is mine and Pavithra's childhood dream.. that after I had a son we badly wished Pavithra to have a daughter so that we can hitch them both. But we never thought that would really happen. We're so happy with you too. (She kissed them again)

Pr- but how do you know ma.. that we are seeing each other

Sh- oh come on who doesn't know by seeing you two together. You may think you can easily act, but it's not easy to hide Love my big boy. I knew this long back.. just waited for right time😉

K(nervously) - does uncle too knew about this aunty??

Sh- no no not yet, how will he get to know.. he won't be at home only.

Pr- thank God! Please don't tell him mom. Let me be prepared first.

They talked to each other for hours, Padma also felt happy listening to them. Shanthi felt very satisfied with the kids. She was actually waiting to see krithika as their daughter in law. They had a video call with Pavithra. Both moms exchanged greetings as if the alliance already got fixed. Nothing could make Prabhas and Krithika more happier than this, they had blushy smiles throughout the call. Shanthi prayed to God to bless their kids soon. Prabhas nudged her to calm down, not to plan for a sooner wedding. But she didn't listen, he couldn't control her excitement at this time. Krithi sighed him to let her be😊


Yeeyyy it's a happy day ☺️
They climbed the next big step in their relationship. Both mother's are happy. What about the father's? How will they react? Whom do you think that won't be happy with this news? Comment your thoughts.
Also check out my small video edit in the beginning👆

Cya soon. Take care dear readers.

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