Chapter 1 What Just Happend?

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~ My POV ~
Finally! I'm 19 years old and big things are changing. Today is my birthday, March 9th to be exact, and I just moved into my own house.

I used to live with three of my best friends, but the bills were getting so high that I decided to move out to make it cheaper for all of us. The place I live in now is a beautiful, yet simple two story. It was surprisingly cheap too. I can already see what I'm going to do with this place!

"Kennedy.... KENNEDY!!!!!"

~ Mack's POV ~
"Sorry, Mack!" Kennedy has always been known for daydreaming and not listening. I can't blame her though, I'm the kinda the same sometimes, but I don't daydream. I just zone out. Right now I'm helping her unpack the last of her things while Alice and Fenix get pizza, chocolate cake, and chocolate ice cream. Kennedy has been so busy moving that she didn't plan her party this year, so we did. She doesn't know about anything we're doing though.

"I was asking you where you wanted this box."

"Oh. Upstairs, first door on the left. That's my room."

I went to said room and holy Naruto, this room is purple! I put the box down and open it. Cosplay supplies. That's my girl. She already has a spot for her cosplay stuff in the room so I put it there. Then my phone rings.

"Hey, Mack. Are you guys done unpacking?" It was Fenix.

"Yeah, we just finished. How far away are you guys?"

"Not far. Alice saw an anime store and decided to stop by it to get some presents for Kennedy."

"Ok. See y'all later." Then I hung up.

~ Fenix's POV~
"Hurry up, Alice! We're going to be late!"

She's taking too long in that anime store. The ice cream is going to melt. Alice finally gets to the checkout and pays $200 in presents. She is way too kind for her own good. We load everything in the car and drive to Kennedy's new house.

"Sorry I took so long. I saw so many things I thought Kennedy would like."

"It's fine. Next time pick just three things though."

"But I want to give you guys more stuff because you're awesome!"

~ 3rd POV ~
The two females pull up to their friend's house and unload the car. Luckily, the door was unlocked. They noticed that Kennedy wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, meaning she was either in the downstairs bathroom or upstairs somewhere. Alice sent a text to Mack saying they were setting everything up. Mack's job at the moment was to keep Kennedy out of living room until everything was set up for the party.

~ My POV ~
"Dude, I'm just going to make a grilled cheese. Get out of the way."

Mack is blocking the door and I'm getting hungry. She's acting really weird about it too. Yeah, she hides things from me, but not badly like this. I can see right through her.



I pushed past Mack, but she grabbed my arm trying to stop me.

"It's nothing! Just come back in here and watch Attack On Titan!"

"You're telling me that that huge crash was nothing?!"


I made it close enough to get to the stairs, but being the clumsy person I am, I tripped. That hurled both me and Mack down the stairs into one giant pile of laughter on the living room floor. My medium length, blonde hair was everywhere, while her short, undercut, dark purple hair was just frizzy a little. Then we heard two pairs of footsteps.

"Are you two ok? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"Oh gods, that looked painful."

Alice is the type of friend that worries about you way too much. Once she tried to take Mack to the hospital over a paper cut.

Fenix, on the other hand, is super chill. She just needs love, food, and play D&D with her sometimes. But when the four of us are all together, it's basically chaos.

"Yeah. We're fine. I was just trying to find out what that crash sound was and Mack was trying to stop me."

"I knocked over one of your pans by accident. I'm really sorry, Kennedy!"

Alice likes to apologize a lot. We try to get her to stop, but it's no use. When I first met her, we were little kids, and I thought she was Canadian based on how much she said, "sorry".

Mack and I get up from the ground and the three of them drag me into the kitchen.


~ 3rd POV ~
The room was decorated with purple and black streamers, various pictures of anime's, and a banner saying, "Happy Birthday".

"You guys did all this for me?"

Kennedy was so mesmerized that her friends did this, that she accidentally went into her British accent. The said blonde has many varying accents ranging from French to German, to Russian, to Italian. They usually come on the spur of the moment, or when she is in a certain mood. Sometimes, someone only needs to say a word for one of her accents to come out. The reason for this is because Kennedy is an actress, her heritage is mostly European, and she watches the anime Hetalia.

"Of course! You were so busy moving that the three of us decided to plan your birthday for you."

Mack, Fenix, and Alice all got the presents they bought for their friend and urged her to open them.

~ My POV ~
"Come on, open mine first!"

Mack's consisted of two white boxes. I opened one and there was a semiautomatic handgun in it. The other box had the ammo for said gun. To be honest, I was perplexed.

"What is this for????"


(Fun Fact: This is Mack. I told her about the book and what her gift to me should be. She said a gun and I asked why. She pulled this pose saying "Protection.")

All of us started laughing at the way Mack said that. She clicked her heels together, formed her hand in a circle with three fingers sticking out, and one arm behind her back. It is a good and practical gift. In case someone tries to rob my house, bam, gun. I guess it's a good thing we taught each other how to fight. Too bad my aim is crap.

Fenix presented her presents to me, signaling that she wanted me to open up her's. I open the bag to find books upon books of D&D race and class guides, and an Amazon Alexa.

"How did you afford this stuff, Fenix?!"

"You know all those extra shifts I've been taking at work? That's why."

I immediately tackled her into a hug. Fenix already didn't get enough sleep because we were so noisy. But the fact that she took those extra shifts to pay for crap that I probably don't even need. Sometimes I feel like my friends do too much for me, while I don't do enough. Nah! I do plenty! It's just my depression trying to take over.

"Aw man. You guys' gifts are awesome! I don't think mine will be that good."

"Don't sell yourself short, Ali! Let me see what you got, dude!"

Apparently, Alice bought a lot of stuff for me. This is because I had to go through three bags. And they were really big bags. I decided to look through the first one and HOLY SMOKES!!!!


"I knew you really wanted to cosplay Arctic, so I got you those."

Alice is way too precious for this world. How do any of us deserve her? Fenix just kinda looked at us in confusion. I wasn't able to drag her into the Hetalia fandom like I did with Mack and Alice back during freshman year of high school. Therefore, she doesn't really know anything about it.

"Who's Arctic?"

"Remember that anime I wouldn't stop talking about back in high school?"


"Well the anime's name is Hetalia and Arctic is my oc for it."

"That makes a lot of sense."

I take out my phone and show her a picture of my oc on Gacha Life.

Fenix just nods her head in approval and I continue to open up Alice's gifts to me. The second bag had an All Might onesie in it. I started laughing maniacally.

"Do you not like it? I'm sorry. I'll return it if you want me to."

"Alice, dude, it's fine. I'm laughing because I was planning on cosplaying Baby Deku. Besides, I can wear this as cosplay and pjs!"

Mack and Fenix chuckled when I said that. Jokes on them. I'm wearing this tonight. Then I opened the third and final bag, trying not to fangirl at the top of my lungs. It had the entire Hetalia collection, including every season ever made and the movie.

"Ken Ken? You ok?"

"Yep. Just trying to trying not to fangirl here."

"It's that good? What did you get?"

*deep inhale through nose* "THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF THE HETALIA ANIME!!!!!"

Alice immediately hid, Fenix ducked for cover, and Mack covered her ears. Yeah, I was that loud. I can be louder though.

~ Alice's POV ~
Kennedy raced to her room with all the presents we got her. She seems pretty happy, but she could be faking. I just want to make sure everyone is happy and not upset about anything.

When Kennedy came out of her room she had the All Might onesie I bought her on and she had the anime collection in her arms.


Kennedy got me into Hetalia our freshman year of high school. At first I was really confused about it, but I let her explain it to me because I felt happy that she got to express something she was passionate about. Not long after, I started getting into it and made an oc for it as well. Antarctica is his name. He was supposed to be Kennedy's oc's little brother. She told me about all the characters and I really like Italy and Canada. I kind of relate to them. I'm just glad that Kennedy got a happy birthday after all.

~ 3rd POV ~
The four women did indeed binge watch Hetalia until they passed out. The first to go down was Fenix. The remaining three, however, were mostly night owls, so they stayed up longer. Kennedy was mimicking all the characters actions and personalities as they came on. Alice and Mack seemed more invested in watching their friend than the show as well.

The party lasted until 10:00 p.m. That's when sweet, little Alice fell asleep. Deciding that they should head home, Mack asked Kennedy to load their friends into Fenix's car, so they could drive home. Kennedy drove Mack with her own car earlier that day for the unpacking.

"Ok. You get Alice; I'll get Fenix."

"It's going to look really weird with you in that onesie loading Fenix into the car."

"Do I look like I give a fudge?"

The two of the women chuckled and helped their friends into the car.

"Night, Ken Ken. And happy birthday."

"Right back at ya. Also, thanks for throwing me this party. It was so much fun."

"No problem and hey, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call us."

"I'll be sure of that."

And with that Mack, Fenix, and Alice returned to there home for some sleep. Kennedy decided she should get some sleep as well and went to her room upstairs.

"Man, today has been a good day!"

She plopped on the bed, sighing with content. Before her friends had left, Mack and Alice helped her clean up the living room and kitchen, so she wouldn't have to do it the next morning. The blonde turned her head to the side and saw all her birthday presents. Especially, the Hetalia discs.

"It would be pretty awesome if Hetalia was real. Awesome like Prussia! Well I know that's never going to happen, but a girl can dream."

She turned off her lights and swiftly fell asleep.

*Timeskip to about 2:00 in the morning*

~ My POV ~
CRASH!!!! BANG!!!!

I awoke to the sounds of someone or something in my kitchen. By the sound of it, whatever it is is bigger than a dog, but smaller than a grizzly bear. I don't know how I know either. Just roll with it.

"I ain't dying today! No sirree!"

I grabbed my gun and loaded it. I kept the safety on just in case. Then I started contemplating my plan of action in my head.

"Ok. So there's something in your house Kennedy Monroe. Probably a person.... Just use one of your intimidating accents! Which one though?! Russian? No. They wouldn't take you seriously. Scottish? No. You mix it up with your Irish one sometimes and then you sound like a leprechaun. GERMAN!!! Yes, German! They can be scary as all get out and you actually sound and look German! Thank you genetics!!!!"

I made my way down the stairs slowly and cocked the gun, ready to fire at anyone. I had one of my fingers on the safety release, so it will actually fire. These people better be happy that I have terrible aim!

I'm fairly accustomed to the dark, so I can see things right now. As I get to the kitchen, I see a guy there and he's a little bit shorter than me. Approaching him from behind, I tackled him into a headlock, gun pointing to his head. I still have the safety on and he's trying to get out of my grip while yelling for help.

"Don't speak or I vill kill jou! UND STOP MOVING!!!"

He immediately, stopped flailing and screaming as I said that.

"Now, vhat I vant jou to do is nod or shake jour head. Understand, dummkoff?"

The man nodded.

"Are jou vith anyone?"

He nodded again.

As soon as that happened I hear a footstep behind me and whirled around with the guy I had in a one arm headlock.

"FREEZE! Make any moves und he dies."

From what I could make out, there were multiple people in front of me. About eleven.

"If jou have any, drop jour veapons."

Each of the seemed hesitant.


After that command they laid down their weapons. A gun, a tomato, a battle axe, a whip, a katana, a rose, a magic wand, a wok, a small yellow bird, a metal pipe, and a polar bear plushie. I was highly confused by most of these weapons of choice, but then the man I was holding at gun point escaped my grip.


I froze. That voice and what he said....... It can't be. I quickly turned on the lights and I am in utter shock. The Hetalia characters are standing in front of me. This has to be a dream! Or maybe I'm being robbed by cosplayer!

"Stay zhere und don't move."

That's all I say as I rush up to my room and grab my phone, calling Mack. What is happening?!

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