Chapter 2 12 Men, 1 Woman

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~ My POV ~
I grabbed my phone and called Mack. Her and Alice are the only ones that can stay up this late.

"Please pick up! Please pick up! Please pick up!"


"MACK!!!! I need help over here. Bring Alice and whatever you do, don't call the cops!"

"Wait, Ken Ken, what's goi-"


And with that I hung up the phone.

~ Mack's POV ~
Ok. That was weird, but she sounded really serious. I go over to Alice's room, where she is still asleep. I gently shake her.


"10 more minutes, Deku."

"What? Alice, wake up. Something's wrong with Kennedy."

She immediately shot out of bed as soon as I said those four magical words.

"What's wrong? Is she hurt? Do I need to bring knives?"

"Calm down. I don't know what's happening, but she asked for both of us, and for us not to call the police."

After explaining the situation, we got into the car and started driving back to Kennedy's house.

~ My POV ~
I go back downstairs and all of them are still there. The one that looks like Italy is crying, while everyone else is either standing still, or fighting with someone.


That got their attention.

"Vhat I vant all of you to do iz go into zhe living room und stay zhere until I say so."

I said that still keeping up my German accent. They all shuffle into my living room. Some of them decided to sit on the floor, while others sat on the couch or in chairs. Then I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and Mack and Alice are there.

"Thank God y'all are here!"

"Ken Ken, what's going on? Are you ok?"

"Sort of."

"What do you mean by sort of?"

"Well, I woke up at 2:00 to something crashing in my kitchen. When I checked, with the gun you gave me of course, I saw twelve guys in my kitchen. Now all of them are in the living room, and the weird part is, they look exactly like Hetalia characters."

"Which ones?"

"France, America, Canada, England, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Spain, and Prussia."

"They could be cosplayers."

"That's what I thought, but why would cosplayers break into someone's house?"

"Good point."

I lead Mack and Alice into the living room, where all the guys were.

~ England's POV ~
Well this is bloody brilliant. Thanks to America being an idiot as always, we are now stuck in this German woman's house. Oh great, she brought backup.

"Alright, these are my friends and the three of us are going to do an inspection."

That's weird. She doesn't have her accent anymore.


I simply facepalmed at Prussia's comment.

"No, I'm not. I'm American. And if any of you don't want to be shot, you all will let us inspect you."

This woman is as terrifying as Russia.

~ 3rd POV ~
Alice, Kennedy, and Mack fanned out to do the investigation.

"Mack, see if any of them have wigs on. Alice, you check for signs of makeup. I'll see if any of them have colored contacts in.

The men in the room, except for France, Prussia, and Spain, felt very uncomfortable about three women looking at them so diligently.

"None of them have wigs on, Ken Ken."

"No makeup either."

"And definitely no contacts. The glasses on those two are as real as pigs."

The blonde woman said this while pointing to America and Canada.

"I have one more test though."

"What is it, Kennedy?"

"A sound test."

Everyone in the room gave Kennedy a quizzical look. Each of them confused what she meant by, "sound test." Kennedy placed herself in the center of the room, getting ready to say something.


America immediately flinched as soon as he heard that name.

"Ok. Joan of Arc."

It was France and England's turn to shudder. The most effected of the two being France.

"Grandpa Rome."

Italy and Romano looked up. Both were confused on how Kennedy knew their grandfather.

"Old Man Fritz."

Prussia sat wide eyed at that name. He felt his heart begin to shatter.

"Finally, Holy Roman Empire."

France, Prussia, Italy, Romano, and Spain froze in their places. Italy looked like he was about to cry again.

~ My POV ~
I noticed how only certain people would react when I said those names. The fundamental law of the Hetalia fandom is whenever one of those names are mentioned, everyone freaks out. Not just a few people. These people aren't cosplayers; they are the actual characters from one of my favorite anime's.

*sigh* "They aren't cosplayers, y'all. They're the actual characters from Hetalia."

The guys looked at me like I had nine heads. Obviously, they were confused about what I meant by them being characters.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So that means..... PRUSSIA!!!!!!!!!"

Mack flung herself at Prussia, who was the only one standing up, and head butted him straight in the gut. Let's just say, both of them hit the floor after that attack.

"OW!!! Frau, zhat was unawezome!"

"Mack, for the love of god, get of him!"

She got off of Prussia and stood next to me again. There was still one thing that lingered in my mind.

"Why are y'all in my house? And how did y'all get her?"

~ England's POV ~
As the blonde woman before us said that, I made note that her natural accent sounded like what America sounded like during his cowboy phase. We must be in the southern part of America's country then.

"Allow me to explain, Love."

"My name is Kennedy. Please use that."

"Alright, but please let me explain how we all got here."

She motioned me to continue.

We all were at a world meeting, I remember. Before the meeting started, I decided to practice some magic.

"Yo! British Dude, what are you doing?"

"It's none of your business, America. Now, please leave me alone."

"Dude, don't be like that! Just tell me!"

I can't concentrate over all this noise. Germany is yelling at his brother and Italy for reasons I don't know nor care to know. China is trying to sell sweets to everyone. Japan appears to be reading a manga. With his nose bleeding???
Russia is being his terrifying self. The frog is trying to be Spain's wingman to help him get together with Italy's brother. And, of course, America is pestering me. I feel like I'm forgetting someone. Oh right! Canada is in the corner talking to that polar bear he has.

I still feel like I'm forgetting someone. Maybe it's just my imagination. I just need to figure out how this spell works. I start saying an incantation, but then America messed me up.


He pushed me while I was finishing the spell.


That's when a portal opened and started drawing us in like a vacuum cleaner. We couldn't escape the vortex and it closed as soon as we all entered.

When we arrived on the other side, all of us fell from the sky onto the ground outside.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Aiyaa!" I landed on something soft, aru."

"That would b-be my f-face, Mr. China, Sir."

China got off of Canada, apologizing in his native language.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Canada. I'm your owner, Mr. Kunajimo."

Canada and his polar bear are always forgetting each other's name. I shouldn't complain, however. I've mistaken Canada for America on multiple occasions.


"Mein Gott, Italy...."

"Fratello stupido."

Germany and Romano then helped Italy out of the bush.

"I'm fine, Anglterre."

"Si. Me too."

"Zhe awezome me is awezomely unharmed!"

I do not trust those three when they are together.

"Da, I would be better if America was not on me."

"Shut it, Commie. I'm getting up."

"Vhere's Japan?"

Oh no. We're missing a person. I look at my surroundings when I spot a small neighborhood.

"Maybe he went that way."

I quickly brush the dirt off me and all of us head toward the neighborhood I saw. We ended up in the backyard of a simple two-story house. Luckily, Japan was there in a small flower garden.

"Konichiwa. Did I miss something? Is anyone one hurt?"

"Nein, Japan. Ve are all present und accounted for."

Japan gave a sigh of relief. For a man that hates being touched and is monotone all the time, he really does care for his friends.

"Dudes! Check this out! We could easily get in here."

"America, you idiot! We are not breaking into someone's house!"

"It's not breaking in if you pick the lock. Besides, we need a place to stay for tonight."

America took a bobby-pin out of his pocket. Within moments, he unlocked the door and strolled right in! Everyone even followed him, except for myself and Germany. We seem to be the only voices of reason here. But with no other choice, we went in anyway.

"Ve~ This-a place looks-a very nice."

Italy wasn't looking where he was going and knocked something over on the kitchen counter.

"And that is how we ended up here."

I said finishing up the story.

~ My POV~
After everything was settled with the explanation, I made a decision.

"Y'all can stay here until we figure out how to get y'all home."

Some of them had hope in their eyes, some fear, and some confusion.

"But there is something y'all need to know. Alice, go get my laptop of of my room."

Alice proceeded to go upstairs to get said item. When she came back, I took my laptop and searched Hetalia on YouTube.

"First of all, none of you are real."

"What the bloody does that mean?! Of course we're real!!!"

"Cool your eyebrows, Tea Man. Here. You guys are from an anime called Hetalia in this world."

America and France immediately started laughing at what I said about England. The laughing ceased as soon as everyone heard voices emitting from my computer. Their voices.

They got through a whole episode when they finally understood what was going on.

"So, none of us are rear?"

"No, Japan. Y'all, in this universe at least, are just the figment of peoples' imaginations."

All of them looked very solemn, except America. He was the only one beaming with excitement.

"DUDES!!! Do you know what this means?! We're famous!!!!"

"And subject to experimentation by the US government if y'all are found out!"

"Kennedy, maybe you should calm down."

"Sorry, Alice. I just don't want them getting hurt."

"Eh. Life as a tomato!"

"Pfft. And a potato."

Right as we said that Spain, Romano, Italy, Germany, and Prussia all looked up.

"You-a have tomatoes here-a, Ragazza?"

"Und awezome potatoes?!"

I immediately facepalmed.

"No. It's just a meme in our world."

Then England finally spoke up.

"We got here with magic, then we can go back with magic. Miss Kennedy, do you have a spell book or a cauldron I can borrow?"

Mack and I gave each other a look that said, "Should we tell him".

"Magic doesn't work like that here."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, magic is more spontaneous. Random stuff happens at random moments. No one can control it, and no one makes potions or uses cauldrons either. The only potions here, is medicine. The only form of magic that you will see, and is real, is people that can talk/sense/see spirits."

I honestly didn't have the heart to tell him, but he needed to know before he did something stupid. England got very quiet after that.

"And since y'all are staying here until we find a way for y'all to get home, we need to set some ground rules."

They all looked up at me, waiting for me to go on.

"First off, hygiene. There are three bathrooms here. One down here and two upstairs. One is off limits, because it is connected to my room. My room is also off limits, unless there is an emergency where you need me. To avoid having a high water bill, you all will have a shower time of 5 to 10 minutes. No more, no less. The only two people that are allowed to exceed the time limit are me and Japan, because we both love soaking in hot water. Understand?"

They all nodded. Everyone, except Russia, fearing what I would do to them if they didn't follow the rules.

"Rule 2: Security. When people are over and they don't know about you, you are to hide and stay silent. In the moment that I need to go somewhere, all of you are to be in a different room from each other. I don't want anything broken from a fight."

I looked at America, knowing for a fact he picks fights with people for fun.

"Rule 3: Food and Cooking. When it comes to cooking, the only ones that are allowed in the kitchen are France, England, and Canada. I don't trust most of you around a stove. Mostly America."

"Why would you want zhe Black Sheep of Europe to cook. All of 'is food tastes 'orrendous."


"Shut up! For one, I think English food rocks and I don't like French cuisine. Besides, you three are the only ones that have variety in your diets. I don't want to eat pasta everyday of the week."

Italy looked a little sad, but didn't seem offended. Then England and France started shouting.




Mack and Alice backed away slowly as soon as I said that. I only say a person's full name when I'm mad, and both of them know not to mess with me when I'm mad. Both of the men that I shouted at sat down. England giving a quizzical, yet terrified look. He's probably wondering how I know his middle name.

"Before you ask, internet. Rule 4: Clothing. I will buy all of you the proper clothes that you need. We are in Florida and summer here gets really hot. I don't want any of y'all burning up. Also, laundry day will be precisely on Saturdays. At that time, you will sort your clothes by shirts, pants and undergarments, and pajamas. It makes it easier for me to wash things that way."

The more organized ones of the group nodded, understanding how I want things.

"The last thing we need to cover is living accommodations. Follow me."

I lead everyone upstairs, directing them to which rooms were my room, the bathroom, and the guest rooms.

"Ok. France, America, Canada, and England, you all will be staying in this room. The bed can only hold about two people, so y'all can decide who sleeps on the floor."

The four of them went into the room to start getting use to it and figure out who sleeps on the floor.

"This room will have the Italians, Germans, and the Spaniard. Same situation as the last room. Please civilly decide who gets the bed."

They did the same as the F.A.C.E. Family.

"Excuse me, Kennedy-San. Where wirr we be staying?"

Japan motioned to himself, China, and Russia.

"Well I have a pullout couch downstairs. Two of y'all can sleep there, while one of you have to sleep on a regular chair."

"I vill sleep on the chair, da. I vant to make sure my comrades are comfortable."

"Says the person that enslaved the Baltic's and invaded his own sister's land."

Russia and I had a glare off when I said that. Then I put on a gentle smile just like Russia would. I even went into my Russian accent.

"Now that that's settled, I'll get some pillows and blankets for everyone. Da?"


He let out a string of kols and so did I. I still went to get the stuff for everyone. After I got everything, I knocked on the door to the room where the F.A.C.E. Family was staying.

"Come in, Dude."

"Has everyone decided where they will be staying?"

"Y-yes. America and I will t-take the bed."

"Ok. Just let me see something up so both England and France will be comfortable."

I laid the extra blankets and pillows on the bed, while taking one blanket and spreading it on the ground. I then put some fluffy pillows down and another blanket on top of everything.

"There we go. A pallet."

"A what, Cherié?"

"A pallet. At least that's what my family calls this. My sisters and I did this a lot when we were little. Well, goodnight."

I took the rest of the pillows and blankets, repeating the process in the other guest room. This time Romano, Spain, and Prussia were going to sleep on the floor, while Italy and Germany took the bed. I made a separate pallet for Prussia, seeing that there was an odd number of people.

I finally went downstairs, seeing that Mack was trying to help China with the pullout sofa.

"Here, let me help."

I've had experience with these before, so I got it first try. I set up the bedding for the sofa and gave the pillows and blankets to Japan. I took the last pillow and blanket, however, to set up the chair for Russia. Everyone seemed to be very comfortable with their arrangements.

"Mack, Alice, I have everything thing here sorted now. Y'all should go home."

I checked the clock that was on a wall and it read 4:00.

"Yeah. I guess. And again, don't hesitate to call if you need anything. Let's go, Alice."

My friends left the house and drove back home. I turned out the lights everywhere and settled in my bed, once again.

"Well this has certainly been an interesting day for me. I wonder what will happen tomorrow."

I whispered this to myself as I slowly fell asleep.

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