Chapter 3 A Forgotten Memory

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~My POV~
I wake up to a strangely quiet house. Right, I moved.


THE HETALIA CHARACTERS ARE IN MY HOUSE!!!!! Ok, ok. Let's be rational. I probably just dreamt it? I do have very vivid dreams. But on the off chance that it wasn't a dream, why is it so quiet? The sun is out, so that means it's either late morning, or early afternoon. I'm not going to check my clock; I'm too lazy to. Either way, they should be awake if the sun's out. God knows the house would be really loud from the fighting.

Maybe it was just a dream. Forget it, I'm making breakfast.

I start getting ready for the day, when I realize  that I was in my All Might onesie during the entire intimidation routine. Definitely a dream then. How could someone be threatened by a person with a German accent and wearing a onesie at the same time.

After that existential crisis, I head downstairs and notice that the sofa was in couch mode. Mind you, it's one of those couches that you can pullout and it turns into a bed. You know those? The entire room was empty as a matter of fact. The spot where Russia was sleeping? No blanket. No pillow. Same goes for the couch.

I take a mental note of that and put my AirPods in my ears and start listening to music. I hobble my way into the kitchen, too tired to really think. My brain doesn't like to work until I get something into my system.

That's when I tripped on something.

"The Hades was that?"

I looked and saw a freaking pipe in the middle of the floor. Was that Russia's, or was that the prop I use for my cosplay? I started feeling something, well two things nudge against me. I paused my music.

"Are you ok? That was a heavy tumble, eh."

I look to see what I can only assume is Kumajiro. Ok, first of all, POLAR BEAR!!! Second, TALKING POLAR BEAR!!!! At this point, I'm freaking out. I don't know what is a dream and what's not.

"This has to a dream. A polar bear can't talking or survive in Florida's semitropical environment."

"I'm not a dream. Also, who are you?"


"I'm Kumajiro, and that little bird seems to like you a lot."

I looked to see what he was talking about, and sure enough, there was a small yellow bird on my shoulder, nestling into my hair. This must be Gilbird.

"Well hello. Are you Gilbird?"

He gave a little tweet in response.

"I'll take that as a yes. Do you two want to help me make pancakes?"

"I can help. Mr. What's-His-Face and I make them all the time."

"His name is Canada."

Gilbird proceeded to perch himself on the counter. I guess he wants to help?

"Mr. Kumajiro, can you get the milk from the fridge please? Gilbird, I need some chocolate chips. They're in the cabinet above you."

I opened the said cabinet, because I needed to get the pancake mix and grits from there. I'm going to make chocolate chip pancakes and cheese grits. I loved those when I was kid. I grabbed a pot to boil water for the grits, a pan, some measuring cups, and the rest of the ingredients needed. Kumajiro gave me the milk and I thanked him, of course. Same with Gilbird and the chocolate chips.

"You two can relax for awhile. I can take it from here."

"Ok, Miss Kennedy."

Both of them went into the living room. I put my AirPods back in and played music. I began cooking, tuning out the rest of the world.

~England's POV~
I awoke on the floor with the frog next to me. He was still asleep. I looked to my right and see America and Canada also sleeping, but on a bed.

'That's right. We're in a different dimension.'

Everything came to me from the night before. We are staying at a woman named Kennedy's house until we find a way to get back home. I then start smelling a pleasant aroma. I wonder where it's coming from.

I get up and go downstairs. Walking into the living room, I see Canada's bear sitting on the couch with a bird on his head. Peculiar, very peculiar. I start hearing singing and the scent is getting stronger. It's coming from the kitchen.

I walk in there to see Kennedy cooking something and singing in Japanese. I can't understand a thing she is saying. Maybe I should get her attention.

~My POV~
I turn around so I can grab some plates, but I'm caught off guard when I see someone. This basically scares the life out of me.


I naturally instinct is to punch whenever I get scared, and that's what I did. I punched the person dead in the face. Then I realized, it was England.

"Oh my god! England, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"

"It's alright. No harm done."

He uncovered his face, and there was harm done.

"Oh goodness, your nose is bleeding."

I grabbed some paper towels to help him. I put it under water and started wiping England's face to get rid of the existing blood. I grabbed another one and rolled it up.

"What are you doing?"

"Here. Hold this to your nose. It will stop the bleeding."

I smelt something burning, then I remembered.


I grabbed the plate I needed and put the pancakes on it. The grits were still cooking though.

~3rd POV~
Multiple footsteps were heard rushing down the stairs. It was the other countries.

"Iz everyzing alright? We 'eard a scream."

"Everything is fine, France. England scared me, I punched him in the face, and his nose started bleeding. Anyway, breakfast is ready. I made pancakes and grits."

Without a word, the countries grabbed their plates and got some food. Then, Kennedy noticed something.

"Where's America?"

"H-he's still asleep. It's really hard to wake him up."

"Really, dude? I got this then. You might want to move to the side as well."

They all moved aside, waiting and confused on what Kennedy was going to do.


America was heard running down the stairs and jumped from the top step.


Kennedy proceeded to step to the side and America fell on his face.

~My POV~
I laughed a little and helped him up.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. No harm done."

"Good. Now go get some food and come hang out with us in the living room."

I get some food myself and meet up with everyone else. I also turn on the tv so we can watch something while we eat. After awhile, I notice that England is staring at me.

"Uhh.......Is everything ok?"

"Your eyes........"

At that point, everyone started staring. I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable.

"What about them?"

"They're purple. Last night, they were green."

"Da. England is right."

I get what they're talking about now. They've probably never seen anything like this.

"Ok, so, my eyes do this weird thing where they change colors randomly or based on distance. The color range is blue, green, and gray. Purple has happened before, but it's really rare."

The Face Family seems to get confused, so does Prussia, Russia, and Romano.

"Fratello, are you-a alright?"

"Si. It's just I-a recognize those eyes-a."




Everyone agreed that my eyes, that looked purple at the time, reminded them of something. Especially, Canada.

"Are you guys ok?"

"P-purple ey-eyes. It reminds m-me of some-one, b-but I c-can't put my finger on i-it."

"Maybe it will come to you guys at some point. I need to get ready for work though."

We clean everything up and I go to work. But long did I know that more chaos would enter my life after this point.

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