Chapter 4 The Nordics

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(Quick Disclaimer: I'm not even going to try with the Nordics' accents. Sweden's is way too hard for me to type and y'all will actually know what he's saying.)

~ My POV ~
I work at a convenience store in my hometown and, surprisingly, my coworker likes Hetalia too. If she knew what was going on at my house though, she wouldn't believe me. When you think about it, it's absolutely insane.

The store was empty at the time and I was just stocking shelves. I only had about ten minutes left into my shift, then I could go home. I hope the guys are ok and haven't burned anything down. Especially, England and America. I know those two too well.

"Yo, Kennedy! Customers at three o'clock."

"I got them, Christy. You can take a break."

I finished stocking the shelves just in time for the customers to come in. I got behind the register and immediately froze. There were five people and they looked exactly like the Nordics. The one that looked like Norway started to walk up to me.

"Excuse, me. I need direc-"

"Oh my god! You're cosplays are so good! You guys look just like the Nordics from Hetalia!"

Christy thinks they're cosplayers, but they probably aren't. I need to cover for them. I decided to address Norway, because he's objectively the smartest out of the five.

"Lukas! It's great to see you and the guys again. How was the convention?"

~ Norway's POV ~
I was honestly confused. How did that woman know my name? Why did the other one think I was cosplaying? That's more of Iceland's thing. What convention? What is Hetalia?

The blonde lady started to frantically wave her arms around, and mouthing something. I'm not that good at reading lips. Thank Odin that Ice stepped in.

"The convention was good. We had a lot of fun. How are you doing.......Kennedy?"

~ My POV ~
Oh thank god!!! Iceland, you are an amazing person!

"Everything has been good. The six of us can go to my house after my shift ends."

Before the mini conversation, I was mouthing to them, "She doesn't know you exist!"

"Just wait for me. My shift will be over in a few minutes."

Iceland did a quick recap for the other Nordics and they actually waited near the door. Even Denmark!

"I didn't know you had friends that cosplayed Hetalia, Ken."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Christy."


My shift finally ended and I met up with the Nordics.

"Before any of you ask, I'm Kennedy, you're in Florida in America, and none of you are real."

Obviously, they all looked confused. Except for Sweden and Norway, because they're both Dead Face McGee's. I just sigh and walk out of the store.

"How am I, the King if Scandinavia, not real?!"

"I'll explain on the way. Just get in the car!"

My car is one of those cars with three rows of seats.  I place them strategically, so there wouldn't be a massive brawl between all of them. Denmark in the passenger's seat next to me, Iceland behind him, Norway behind me, and Sweden and Finland in the back.

"Can you explain what's going on now?"

"Gladly, Norway! To put it simply, you're in another dimension, universe thing. Here there's a manga and TV series called Hetalia, featuring countries as people. You five are some of the characters."

"So what you're saying is, we exist, just not as people?"

"Yeah. That's the long and short of it. You're also not the first ones to come here."

"Who else is here?"

"Well, Finland, there's the Axis, Allies, along with Spain, Prussia, and Romano. And now you guys."

"Wait. If we're in a different world..... WHO'S TAKING CARE OF LADONIA AND SEALAND?!?!?!"

Finland grabbed at Sweden and started shaking him, panicking.

"It will be ok, M'wife. The boys can take care of themselves."

I just started laughing. This was honestly hilarious to me. Momland and SweDad. I love this!

"Ok, Fin, chill. Ladonia and Sealand are probably with their micronation friends. Kugel Mugel is the closest to them, so they probably went there."

I'm so tired and stressed out. I quickly explain the rules and give kitchen privileges to all the Nordics. There'll all responsible enough, even Denmark.

We finally got to my house and as I opened the door I rested my head on the nearest person to me. The nearest person just so happened to be America.

"Uh... Kennedy, what are you doing, dude?"

"I'm stressed and tired. When that happens, this is what I do. Just let me have this."

America's jacket actually had a comforting smell to it. It obviously smelled like burgers, but it had another scent to it. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it reminded me of my childhood. (This comes into play later. Trust me.)

"By the way, the Nordics are here."

And as soon as I said that, America, England, and Prussia ran to their friends. Since I was leaning on America, and he ran without warning me, I almost fell. Thank god for my fairly good balance.

"Ve~ Are you-a alright?"

"Yeah. Ballet does wonders for balance training, and wrangling people since I was 7."

"Wrangring peopre?"

"I have a little sister and I'm known as the mom of my friend group. So, what does everyone want for dinner?"




"Some borscht would be nice, da?"

"I'm not going to eat anyzing from Angleterre, or Amérique's countries. Zhey are too greasy and bland."

And just like that multiple fights rung out through the house. All arguing over what to eat for supper. They do realize they aren't in their own countries, right?

That's when my head and ears started to feel fuzzy and hurt a little. My heart rate started to increase along with my breathing.

"Just remember what your therapist told you. Surround yourself with things that you love and be in a quiet space."

~ America's POV ~
I was arguing with the other countries and, honestly, wanted to punch someone. Preferably, England or Russia.

Then I felt someone tug on my arm. I turned around and my expression immediately softened. It was Kennedy and she looked as if she was in danger. She looked panicked, tears pricked the sides of her eyes. She was hugging her arms, as well as her was head twitching and thrashing from side to side, and forward and back. I my act goofy and like I don't know anything most of the time, but I can still be serious.

"A-America.... C-can I borr-ow your jacke-t-t-t?"

"Yeah. Are you ok? You don't look good."

Right as I gave her my jacket, Kennedy's tongue clicked and her arm flew forward, hitting my chest.


She ran up the stairs, and she must have gone into her room because I heard a door slam.

"America, what did you do? Where's Kennedy?"

"I didn't do anything! I think she's having an anxiety attack....."

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