Eighteen- Orihime

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Eighteen- Orihime

I turned looking at Orihime as she held Tatsuki close to her. Fear was etched in her eyes as I could see why from the pieces of glass that remained fully intact. I didn't even look recognizable, I didn't even look human anymore as I stood in full and complete resurreccion (resurrection). My body became all white as the hole in my chest was much larger. Parts of my shihaksho laid in shreds as I had only part of my sleeve and my pants on. Red fur trimmed both wrists and surrounded my neck. My hair was much linger as it reached to my waist in length. A full complete hollow skull caressed my face as I had two long horns while my eyes became all gold with no visible irises and/or pupils. My black claws reached out for Orihime as I still held Tensa Zangetsu in my hand.

"Orihime." I stated softly.

"No..... stay away from us!" shrieked out Orihime. Seeing her fear and my full resurreccion (resurrection) caused me to turn away from her sharply as Tensa Zangetsu vanished from my hands. I collapsed to my hand and knees as tears streaked down my face as I let out a loud and painful cry.

'She is afraid of me. She thinks I

am a monster. I can't believe after everything that happened I have released my resurreccion (resurrection). I don't know how to transform back to normal.' I cried to myself as I had revealed what I truly was to Orihime. I could feel a pair of warm hands gently touch me. I looked up to see Orihime gently looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Ichigo.... is that really you?" she questioned weekly. I slowly just nodded my head yes. Orihime wrapped her arms around me as I could feel my resurreccion (resurrection) breaking as I reverted back into my original soul form. I wrapped my arms around Orihime as tears streaked down my face.

After a while Orihime and I were sitting on a roof after she made sure that Tatsuki and all of her friends were going to be all right. I could feel her hand lightly caress my face. I took a hold of her hand holding it gently. I was still pretty upset about what that hollow said. Clearly Aizen was going to make an example out of my friends to make sure that I joined him. He was going to pay big time for harming my friends.

"Ichigo.... how....?"

"Did I become like this and how long have this kind of power?" I asked as Orihime nodded her head yes. "It happened seven years ago when I was attacked by almost the same creature that attacked me. My mom died because of this creature. It was going to strike me again to eat me because it could sense a power that I had within me that I didn't know about. But I guess in my anger and rage I had transformed into what you see." I stated.

"Which is what exactly?" asked Orihime as she removed her hand from my face.

"I am along the same lines as the creature that attacked you, a hollow. But I am stronger and more powerful than an ordinary hollow. I am what they refer to as a vastro lorde. But unlike other hollows I still retain my human form and all of my emotions. I could never harm you Orihime as you mean the world to me. If you don't feel the same way especially after what you have seen, I will understand." I stated rising to my feet. I turned to leave Orihime when I could feel her grab me from behind as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Ichigo.... did you truly think that I wouldn't still love you because of what you are?" she asked. I slowly nodded my head yes.

"I could see the fear in your eyes when you saw me in my full resurreccion (resurrection). You are about the only person to ever see me in that form. I could tell that you thought that I was a monster. In someways I am." I stated as I prided myself free from Orihime's grip. Orihime grabbed me one more time turning me harshly as she stood on her tip toes kissing me gently on the lips. Tears streaked down her face. I pulled her closer to my body as I nipped at her lips. Orihime opened her mouth to me as I deepened the kiss. Orihime moaned as her hands hugged me close.

*She still loves you King. I guess that she doesn't totally see us as a monster. But aren't you forgetting about Chad? He is still at Kisuke's waiting for answers.* stated Shiro forcing me to break the kiss. I gently wiped the tears away from Orihime's face.

"Your not a monster Ichigo. I just just shocked to see you in that form as you helped me and I reacted badly to your appearance. I love you so much as it doesn't bother me what you truly look like." Orihime stated. I held her hand smiling softly.

"Thank you Orihime. I love you too." I stated as I lead her to Kisuke's place.

*She is your true soulmate as she clearly understands and doesn't fear you or even see you as a monster. I never thought that your emotions would be as strong for one person Master Ichigo.* stated Tensa.

*What do you mean by that Tensa?* I asked.

*You will see when you enter your mindscape.* he answered. Orihime and I walked to Kisuke's place quietly still holding hands.

"Orihime know that I could never do anything to hurt you as I love you so much." I quietly whispered into her ear. Orihime looked up at me smiling.

"I know Ichigo. I am sorry about how I reacted to seeing you in that other form. You helped me out without thinking twice revealing to me what you truly are. I love you too Ichigo Kurosaki." replied Orihime. I lifted her gaze to meet mine as I began to kiss her deeply and aggressively. When the need for air became so great we broke apart.

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