Nineteen- Hueco Mundo

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Nineteen- Hueco Mundo

My time to give Aizen my answer was almost up. Kisuke began to work with Orihime and Chad teaching them how to fully use their powers. Orihime wasn't much of a fighter but her abilities proved useful in healing and defense. I knew that I wouldn't be able to talk her out of the up coming battle. Chad on the other hand was just as shocked to learn the truth. I knew that he would gladly follow me into the gates of hell in order to fight along my side. Uryu rounded off my group as the Quincy didn't view me as an enemy but rather as a friend. Which is a shock I know. With two other fighters and a healer, I proceeded to tell the group what I had learned about what was going on especially when it came to Aizen and his plans.

"I was asked by the Seireitei to act as a spy and to discover Aizen's true goals." I told them.

"What about us Ichigo? How can we help?" asked Chad.

"Use your powers to protect the people from the hollows while I am gone. I don't know if the Seireitei plans to send any shinigami here. The Seireitei recognizes me as an ally as they hope that I maybe the key to stopping Aizen." I told them. The three of them nodded their heads that they understood. I prayed that I was ready for what was to come.

The day came soon enough when I could feel an Arrancar's presence close by. I quickly hugged my family giving my sisters a quick kiss before I gave my body over to Kon.

"Take care of them for me Kon. Keep them safe for me."

"Count on me Ichigo." Kon stated giving me a quick salute. I quickly flash sonido out of my house heading towards the park. When I arrived at the park I found Chad laying on the ground as Orihime using her Soten Kisshun (twin sacred return shield) to heal Chad's right arm which laid in complete shreds. Orihime's Santen Kesshun (3 scared links shield) was protecting her from the two Arrancars. One was a much larger dark skinned male Arrancar while the other was a more slender pale skinned male with teal streaks going down his face from his eyes.

"Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" I cried out releasing a blast from Tensa Zangetsu once it formed completely in my hands. The two Arrancars backed off as I quickly stood before Orihime and Chad.

"Ulquiorra.... he the one?" asked the dark skinned Arrancar.

"Yes Yami. He is the one that we have been looking for. Ichigo Kurosaki we have been sent to retrieve you and to take you back to Hueco Mundo." stated Ulquiorra.

"I will come with quietly but you will leave these two alone. I will not allow you to harm them." I stated.

"But they have seen us. They can't be allowed to live." replied Yami. Before the large Arrancar could move I had moved striking the Arrancar smacking him down to the ground. My zanpakuto dangerously close to his throat.

"You will not harm them or so help me I will kill you right here right now. I don't think Aizen will question me at why I have done it." I growled threateningly as my voiced laced with my inner hollows. Yami's face clearly paled as he clearly knew that I was much stronger and more powerful than him.

"Alright. I will leave them be!" cried out Yami. I slowly climbed off of him allowing him to slowly rising back up to his feet. I turned towards Orihime as she gave me her best smile to assure me that both her and Chad were alright. Ulquiorra snapped his fingers creating a rift between the two worlds.

"Please step inside the descorrer (loosed void) as it will bring us directly into Hueco Mundo." stated Ulquiorra. I nodded my head stepping into the hole followed by Yami and Ulquiorra.

We arrived within a world black as night with white sand everywhere. Skinny crystal skeletal trees popped up from the sand. A crescent moon hung high in the sky shining very little light. Off in the distance laid a large white building.

"Welcome to Hueco Mundo Ichigo Kurosaki." stated Ulquiorra. The minute we arrived within Hueco Mundo I could feel and sense as if a part of me had come home. I could feel my powers growing rapidly almost causing me to revert to my resurreccion (resurrection). I could feel both Shiro and Tensa helping me from deep within my inner mindscape. After a while the effects wore off. The three of us journeyed towards the white building as both Yami and Ulquiorra sonido (sound). My own speed out did theirs but I kept up since I knew very little about this realm. I was brought into the white building to see a sun lite sky even thought I knew that it wasn't real. The two Arrancars brought me into a room where Aizen sat as king. two other soul reaper captains stood by his side. I had noticed that Aizen's looks had changed as I could feel a cold chill run up and down my body.

"Welcome Ichigo Kurosaki to your true home. Have you thought over the offer that I had made?" questioned Aizen.

*Lets hope that you can deceive him King as I trust him about as far as I can throw him.* Shiro whispered.

"Yes Aizen I have thought it over. Ot is true that I don't truly fit in within the human world as some people there only placed me within that gigai in order to keep tabs of me. I managed to elude the shinigami that was sent to check up on me. Being here within Hueco Mundo I received the sense that I have truly come home. I will join your army but in no way are you my lord or master." I replied as my voice sounded different as if it was laced with my hollows when it wasn't. The blind captain moved to strike me for showing Aizen disrespect. I easily moved avoiding the attack as I grabbed him by the throat hoisting him up into the air. "Listen I owe nothing to Aizen as he is the one who came to me. Not the other way around!" I snapped as my reishi rolled off of me in black waves threatening any other who believed that they could push me around. Aizen smiled wickedly as I tossed the blind former shinigami towards a nearby pillar causing the pillar to break as he was flung clear through the pillar.

"Amazing. Your power is truly outstanding. You will do nicely within my army." stated Aizen as he took out a small orb from his pocket. "This is the Hogyouku as it will transform you into a true member of the Arrancar army. You will be the highest ranked Espada within my army. Every member of my Arrancar army I have used this Hogyouku to create. You are the first Arrancar that I haven't created. As you will become number zero." stated Aizen as he got up from his chair approaching me while placing the Hogyoku in the palm of his hand. "Kneel Ichigo Kurosaki." Aizen commanded as I did as told. I could feel the Hogyoku's powers flowing throughout my body. Power radiated throughout my body as I bet my lip to keep from screaming out in pain. Finally the pain seemed to subside as Aizen took a step back surveying his work as I stood back up. I noticed that my shihaksho had inverted its colors as it was white with a black trim. The chain around my arm still remained black along with the glove on that hand. The number zero was tattooed beneath the chain onmy left arm. I felt no different than how I usually felt. "Welcome Ichigo Kurosaki to the high ranks of the Espada. Alloq me to introduce you to everyone." stated Aizen as a smile stretched across his face. I was now in as I had to discover Aizen's plans and relay them to the Seireitei this way they could put a stop to Aizen's goals. I hoped that everyone back home was alright.

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