Four- meeting in the mindscape

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, spirits speaking, hollows speaking

Four- meeting in the mindscape

My father went back into his body as he and Kisuke explained a few things. After a while my father needed to be home for Karin and Yuzu. I began to wonder if I would see them again? Kisuke smiled at me gently while patting my shoulder. I was a bit grateful for the man to help me with understanding what I was and how to control my power. Once my father was gone, Kisuke rose to his feet.

"Please follow me Ichigo." stated Kisuke. I rose to my feet as my sword rested by my side. I picked it up swinging it across my shoulders. I followed Kisuke as he open up the mats in his shop as underneath them was a ladder. We climbed down the ladder as it lead to a large underground basement which didn't look like a basement. It had large rock and dirt as it seemed to have its own sky. What could I say? I was a bit impressed but I guess that I shouldn't expect anything less from a former soul reaper. Kisuke thrusted his cane out towards me. "As we all ready explained every soul reaper and even arrancars has a zanpakuto. You are no exception Ichigo as you hold yours in your hand. Every zanpakuto has its own name and presence as they are alive. They often take on the shape and form reflecting the person's spiritual pressure or as we know it reishi." stated Kisuke as his pulled on his cane revealing a sword hidden within it. "Mine is known as Benhime. Now close your eyes and focus. Try hearing the voice of your sword." I began to wonder if he meant Hichigo. But I did as Kisuke instructed me. The next thing I knew I found myself within a strange world with very tall sky scrapers. The building looked to be made of glass as they reflected the clear sky as very little clouds floated overhead. I stood on the buildings sideways without falling over and/or off them.

"Jesus King, I didn't expect you to come here so soon." stated a voice that I was quite familiar with. I turned quickly to see what looked to be the mirror image of myself except he was completely white from the head down. The only colors he had was the black and gold eyes which almost looked haunting, black painted fingernails, and when he talked his tongue was actually blue. He looked completely human as he was about the same age as me.

"Hichigo?" I questioned as the being nodded his head yes. "Are you my zanpakuto spirit?" I asked earning a laugh from Hichigo.

"Me.... hell no King. As I told you before, I am a part of you. I guess you could say that I am your inner hollow or your hollow half." replied Hichigo. For some reason he felt much more than that. I began to recall when he told me that he had no true name. The name Hichigo was something he had come up on the whim.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Your inner mind. I happen to call it home. But why are you here?" asked Hichigo.

"Kisuke told me to focus on hearing the voice of my zanpakuto. The next thing I know, I end up here." I replied.

"Oh so you have come here to see the old man." stated Hichigo as he sounded disappointed.

"That and to perhaps finally meet you. You weren't what I guess I was expecting but I am glad that you were there to kind of help me out before. Frankly between you and me, Hichigo isn't much of a name. How would you like a better one?" I asked. Hichigo looked shocked to hear these words as a soft smile caressed his lips. Hichigo seemed to be wearing the same exact clothing as me except they were the inverted colors of what I was wearing. Finally a name seemed to come to my mind as I studied Hichigo's appearance. "Shirosaki Ogichi or Shiro for short. Taken into context it means white Kurosaki Ichigo. Since you say you are a part of me, I feel that this name will do you more justice." I stated. A smile caressed Shiro's face.

"What do you think old man? Do you like my new name?" questioned Shiro. I looked to see a figure approaching us as he wore a long sleeve version of the cloak that Shiro and I wore. A hood covered his head so I couldn't see his face. In his hands he held the same exact sword that I had.

"I think your new name fits you Shiro. It sounds much better that Hichigo which meant hollow Ichigo. His wording on the name is much better than what I came up with." stated the figure. His voice sounded young as I guess hearing Shiro call him an old man was a pun to throw me off. "Welcome master Ichigo Kurosaki. My name is Tessa Zangetsu. I am the spirit of your zanpakuto." stated the figure as he pulled back his hood to reveal a young looking man possibly in his early twenties. He had long black wavy hair that fell to his shoulders in length and piercing jet black eyes.

"Tessa Zangetsu, would it be all right if I just call you either Zangetsu or Tessa for short?" I questioned. The spirit of my sword smiled at me.

"Either or will be fine master Ichigo." replied the sword spirit.

"Please you two don't need to be so formal Zangetsu. Ichigo is just fine. I mean we are all on the same side right?" I questioned.

"Sorry no can do King. I am nothing more than your horse as you are the ruler over me, my king. I only obey your orders." stated Shiro.

"What Shiro speaks is the truth as you are our master. We have to obey you." replied Zangetsu. A small scowl crossed my face.

"I won't tolerate that. I insist that you both call me just Ichigo. I am no king or master so I insist that you both treat me as we are all equal." I stated rather angrily.

"You have a lot to learn King. I wish it were that simple but, not even you can change how we refer to you and what we call you." stated Shiro. I sighed softly as I guess even they had a point I still had a lot to learn about what I was and what I had become.

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