Three- the truth revealed

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, hollows speaking

Three- the truth revealed

With the police gone and giving my father the information he needed in order to pick up the bodies that way he could arrange a funeral for me and my mom. Kisuke and my father said very little as I followed them to hopefully a place where I could get some answers. I could feel the warmth of the sun hit my body. I could feel something tugging behind me when the wind blowed past me. I looked to see that I was wearing something similar to what my father wore when I first saw him. I had a long tattered cloak jacket with a white trim and red silk underneath. My right sleeve where extremely short showing off my Caucasian arms as it was also tattered on top with a white trim around the sleeves. Wrapped around the entire length of my right arm was the same black chain that hung on my sword. My other sleeve almost covered my entire left arm as it had a tattered look at the base right before the fur trimmed glove. I wore the same pants and shoes that my father had worn as tied around my waist was a white sash. We finally made it to what looked to be a small shop as the sign read Uharara's.

"Come on in and make yourself comfortable." stated Kisuke. Both my father and I did as he told us as he opened up the shop to us. A very large man was there to greet us as he looked at me with extreme curiosity. "Tessai, could you make us some tea. Ichigo would you like some orange juice?" asked Kisuke. I nodded my head yes as the large man left us.

"Please can somebody tell me what is going on?" I asked trying not to sound angry. I could hear a soft sigh escape my father's lips.

"Ichigo perhaps you can explain to us what happened to you first." stated my father. I explained what I could recall not leaving out a single detail. My father turned towards Kisuke as they looked shocked at my story.

"Kisuke do you think it's possible that he could be a vastro lorde?" questioned my father.

"It is possible. But I always thought that they we purely myth. No one has ever seen one before. But judging from Ichigo's story, I believe that he could actually be one." replied Kisuke. It upset me when they talked as if I wasn't there.

"Somebody better tell me what on earth you are talking about!" I growled loudly as violent black and red energy lashed out when I became enraged. Both Kisuke and my father looked at me shocked at the display of power that I wheeled.

*Calm yourself King. I know that your upset right now but, it won't help anyone if you do get angry.* Hichigo stated in the back of my mind. Tessai had come back handing us our drinks I began to calm back down as waited for my father and Kisuke to explain what was going on.

"First you have to understand what that thing was and what you have become. I know that what we are going to tell you may sound strange but please keep an open mind." stated my father. I slowly nodded my head. Kisuke explained what had attacked me was known as a hollow. I had become something similar but more powerful than a normal hollow. I had become a hollow unlike any other as I still retained my human shape. I felt around my chest feeling a rather large whole in the center of my chest. On my face sat part of a hollow mask complete with a single horn. My father then told me about soul reapers and a soul society. It's a soul reapers duty to fight hollows and to send souls to the soul society safely.

"I used to be a soul reaper captain of one thirteen court guards before I meet your mother. When I first meet your mother, it was love at first sight as I gave up being a soul reaper as I married your mother. I believe that some of my power transferred to you kids." my father stated.

"Both Isshin and I have battled many hollows before as we heard rumors that hollows could evolve and become stronger as the highest level is that of a vastro lorde as the look more human than other hollows. But never have I heard of a hollow that retained its human consciousness as being around us you are not striking us down because of our high spiritual power. Most hollows go after being with high spiritual power or other spirits to feed themselves." stated Kisuke.

"Like I did with Grand Fisher?" I questioned. Kisuke nodded his head yes.

"Some how you became a vastro lorde Ichigo but, you are dressed like a soul reaper. Maybe we are wrong Kisuke. Perhaps he became an Arrancar." stated my father.

"It's not possible besides look at his sword. Its not in a shiki state or even has a scabbard. Its completely unsealed. Have you ever heard of such a thing even happening before?" asked Kisuke. My father shook his head no. "Our best bet is to keep him here for a while as I want to learn the extent of Ichigo's powers. I will also work on a special gigai for him."

"Gigai?" I questioned. My father stood up as he took out what looked to be a candy dispenser from his pocket. He pressed onto the candy dispenser to have a round piece of candy pop into his mouth. There was this bright flash as my father separated. One was still wearing his normal clothing while the other was exactly how I first saw my father.

"A gigai is a temporary body which houses your body. The candy I swallowed is a mod soul, a temporary host that takes care of your body in your place." stated my father. I was confused as I guess that I still had a lot to learn about.

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