Fourty- hell's war

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Also I am featuring some new attacks that I had come up with that I had also used in other Bleach stories for this story.

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission as Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell speaking}

Forty- hell's war

Kokuto laughed at me as I flicked his sword back at him using my tail. The sword landed just before him. Either he was impressed by my threat or he honestly believed that his group of sinners along with him could defeat me. Orihime stood behind me with her shiten koshun (shield of the four heavens resistance) firmly in place.

"These chains that are on your team mates and love one are very unique. They will keep them bound to hell regardless if they are sinners or not." Replied Kokuto as he went to pick up his sword. I laughed out loud as I moved my body to show Orihime no longer hand the cahin on her. "Do you truly believe that you and that human girl stand a chance against us?" Kokuto asked. I moved so fast that the four sinners didn't see me move before it was too late.

"Hakaisha Kyuuten (heavens destroyer)!" I snapped unleashing a large blast of reishi that threw Shuren, Taikon, Kokuto, and Garogai away from my team mates. "I think that you miss understood me Kokuto. I never said which of my team members you were under estimating." I replied cutting my team free of their bonds. "Do you think we should so them Ulquiorra what sets you apart from the other Arrancars and why you were ranked number four out of the Espada?" I asked. Ulquiorra grinned as he held out his sword before him once he grabbed it from out of its sheath.

"Enclose....... Murcielago (great wing demon)!" Ulquiorra stated as he unleashed his resurreccion (resurrection). But Ulquiorra wasn't done by a long shot as he began to release his ressurreccion segunda etapa (resurrection second stage) causing the chain that was on his chest to drop to the ground seeing how it was in the same exact place as his hollow hole which had grown larger.

"Do you think that you can keep them busy for a bit?" I asked with a smug look on my face.

"Of course." replied Ulquiorra as a cero formed at the end of his fingertips as it turned black in color with a green outline. "Cero Oscuras (dark zero)!" snarled Ulquiorra as he blasted the four sinners with the cero.

I knew that I had to act quickly as Ulquiorra couldn't hold off those four for long. Hopefully it will be long enough for me to free my other team mates from hell's grasp. I could feel hell's power pouring into me as the Hogyoku, Shiro, and Tensa were doing the same.

"Don't move." I told them as my grip tightened on Tensa Zangetsu. The three of them nodded their heads as they trusted that I knew what I was doing. "Sanjuu Kon Bakuha (triple soul blast)!" I snapped swinging Tensa Zangetsu close to their chests. My reishi along with the powers of hell poured into them causing the chains to fall off of their chests. I simply smiled at the three as they grabbed a hold of their zanpakuto's. "Whatever you do, don't hold back! Kokuto is mine!" I told them. The three nodded their heads as both Renji and Toshiro unleashed the bankai forms of their zanpakuto's. Ienzo unleashed his resurreccion (resurrection) as they all moved to attack the sinners. I noticed Kokuto trying to attack Orihime as her shiten koshun (shield of the four heaven resistance) protected her as it blasted Kokuto away from her. I could feel Orihime call upon the powers that I had given her.

"Hakaisha Kyuuten (heavens destroyer)!" she muttered sending a large amount of reishi at Kokuto as the blast injured him.

"Impossible..... she can't know one of your spells!" shouted out Kokuto. I moved to attack the sinner before he could recover.

"Apparently you know nothing about the shinma especially one of my caliber." I stated swinging Tensa Zangetsu at him. I managed to push him back away with a single swing of my sword. "Do you honestly think I would allow you to harm my mate without taking necessary precautions?" I questioned as I could hear Kokuto click his tongue in discuss.

"Perhaps you need more motivation Ichigo. Maybe I will take a group of sinners back and attack your sisters. Such innocence trapped within hell. They won't last long." stated Kokuto. My grip tightened on Tensa Zangetsu as I could feel both Shiro and I become enraged with that statement. Our reishi lashed out of control as I could feel our shinma form changing reflecting our mood.

"I will not allow you to go anywhere near my sisters!" I growled as my voice was laced with Shiro's. I moved as my reishi channeled into Tensa Zangetsu. "Karite Toukai Yaiba (reaper destruction blades)!" I snapped out as I created at least one hundred identical swords to Tensa Zangetsu which all flew at Kokuto. The one hundred swords were as real as my actual zanpakuto as Kokuto was able to only deflect a few of them. Most of them either stabbed or cut Kokuto. I could hear him spit out a curse at me. I moved up close to Kokuto as his eyes widened considerably. I could hear Orihime gasp as well. They both had good reason too. Part of my hollow mask covered my upper part of my face as my angelic black wings had changed as they became exactly like my demonic wings. Another set of horns had ripped out of my skull as my long tail now had a scythe near the end. Anger and rage pulsed within me as I attacked Koktuo with no remorse. A smug smile crossed Kokuto's face.

"Yes that is it Ichigo. Give into your darker desires. Set me free from this place!" yelled out Kokuto as a cero (zero) began to form at the end of my horns. Kokuto laughed as my cero (zero) unleashed hitting him as it began to destroy the chains that were attached to him. I didn't notice an army of guardians moving to stop me.

{Kurosaki...... you must calm yourself. You were right about Kokuto. The three sinners along with Kokuto must be stopped. Balance must be maintained. Allow us to help you stop them.} stated hell as the guardians swamped me. A golden light enveloped my body breaking apart my form that I was currently in as I was being changed by hell.

The four sinners and my four team mates stood in shock as no one could see my form change. By the time that the light had faded I was wearing the guardians almost like armor. For the first time in ages I was completely and totally human but I still had both sets of wings from my shinma form as they had returned back to normal. I turned facing the three sinners that had teamed up with Kokuto pointing my sword at the three of them. The four that were with me moved quickly out of the way as I simply swung my zanpakuto unleashing a large blast that was using my tenmukei kokushion (heavens spiritual cutting fang) attack as I could feel hell's power coursing much stronger through me as my attack instantly killed all three of them. Three orbs of pure energy floated over towards me as I could feel my mouth water as my fangs lengthened instantly. The orbs sank into my body feeding me instantly with their power. I turned towards Kokuto as his face instantly paled.

"How is this even possible?" asked Kokuto.

"Apparently you don't truly know much about the shinma as you claim. Do you honestly think that hell would stand by and allow you to do whatever you are planning? I have news for you Kokuto, it will not happen." I hissed pointing my sword at him. Energy and power pulsed throughout my entire being. "Tenmukei Kokushion (heavens spiritual cutting fang)!" I snarled swinging Tensa Zangetsu violently unleashing a powerful blast at Kokuto. The blast hit him hard as I knew that there was not a chance that he could have survived. I couldn't have been more wrong.

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