Thirty Nine- Kokuto's betrayal

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Also I am featuring some new attacks that I had come up with that I had also used in other Bleach stories for this story. Please don't forget to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission as Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell speaking}

Thirty Nine- Kokuto's betrayal

Kokuto lead the way to the entry way to the lower levels of hell. My large wings where wrapped around my body keeping me warm since I wore very little clothing. My wings didn't constrict my movement as it felt like I was wearing regular clothing a big feathery leather jacket.

"Ichigo, how were you able to find out where they were keeping Orihime?" questioned Ienzo.

"I can connect with her mentally as I could see what she saw. Hell also informed me where they were keeping my mate. Hell also informed me to what is happening within this realm. It seems that a sinner is trying to over throw hell and how it is run. According to hell, I am the only one who can stop this from happening." I replied.

"And of course you have us to back you up if needed." stated Renji.

"It's not like you will need it. Did you see how the guardians reacted in his presence? I have never seen anything quite like it." stated Kokuto.

"Kokuto what can you tell me about the sinners who attacked me. How where they able to escape from hell?" I asked bluntly.

"I don't know how those four were able to escape from hell or why they would attack you." answered Kokuto. I noticed everyone tense up when Kokuto told us that there were four attackers.

"How did you know that there were four attackers?" asked Toshiro.

"Lucky guess." replied Kokuto.

*He is clearly lying Master Ichigo.* stated Tensa.

*I know Tensa.* I replied.

I spread my powers out connecting mentally with all four of my team members.

*If everyone can hear me please nod your heads.* I told them all mentally. All four men nodded their heads yes. *Good. I know that you all feel we can trust Kokuto but as he has just said proves that he can't be trusted. He knows far more than he lets on.* I told them. The four nodded their heads again as they began to keep their guards up around Kokuto. Once I had broken mental contact with the group, I began to feel weak that I suddenly collapsed to my knees. I realized that I needed to feed. Most of my powers and energy required souls which I had devoured. Even though I would devour the souls, their spirits were able to pass on to the next life. I kept the energy that they had within their bodies. The last time I had feed was when I returned back to the living world after my visit to the Seireitei. I couldn't feed off of Kokuto no matter how much I didn't trust him as he was our only lead to where Orihime was being held. I didn't even notice Ulquiorra until he was right next to me. He had used his zanpakuto to cut open a vein in his arm. My fangs lengthened quickly. Ulquiorra simply nodded his head to indicate that it is all right. I allowed my fangs to pierce his arm as I could feel his blood give me the substance that I needed. Since Ulquiorra could regenerate quickly, I felt no need to hold back. I took my fill as I used my tongue to seal up the wound. "Thank you Ulquiorra."

"Not a problem Kurosaki. But you should try to refrain from using too much of your power." Ulquiorra stated bluntly. I nodded my head as I rose back up to my feet. Our group took off again as I could see a strange smirk cross Kokuto's face.

*What in the world is he planning?* Shiro questioned.

*I don't know. Whatever it is, it can't be good.* I replied.

Our group made it to a cliff to see water made out of blood. Kokuto pointed to the water.

"That is our way to the lover levels." Both Ulquiorra and Ienzo released their resurreccion (resurrection) forms. I also spread open my wings as each one of us took a passenger as the three of us with wings dove with our passengers into the blood red water. I could feel the warmth of the bloody water envelope my body as I could see large blocks rush past me. I could see a light coming closer as we broke through as we all kicked open our wings flying towards the ground. I could feel Orihime's presence much closer than before.

"Where are we?" asked Toshiro once we set foot upon the group. Both Ulquiorra and Ienzo reverted back to their human forms as my wings wrapped back around my body.

"The graveyard of the sinners who couldn't survive the guardians devouring them over and over again. This is all that is left of their remains." replied Kokuto as we can see endless piles of human bones. We all took off with me taking point as I focused on Orihime's spiritual pressure.

*Hang on Orihime....... I am coming!* I stated mentally.

*Ichigo....... It's a trap. I am not worth you risking your life for.* Orihime replied.

*Nonsense Orihime. You are my mate as I will let no one hurt you or take you away from me. I will get you out of here no matter what.* I replied mentally.

*Please be careful Ichigo.* stated Orihime.

*Don't worry Princess. We will get you back home. No matter what!*stated Shiro.

*Ichigo was that......?* asked Orihime in shock.

*It was my inner hollow. You will be able to see and hear him much like I do. I will introduce you to him after all of this is over and done with. I love you Orihime Inoue.*

*I love you too Ichigo Kurosaki.* I broke mentally contact with Orihime moving faster as the five of us came upon a large platform as I could see Orihime hanging inside of a large bony cage. I could feel my fangs lengthen biting into my lips as my nails bit into the palms of my hands. I could clearly see Orihime's beaten body as a spirit chain hung from her chest.

"Welcome....... We have been expecting you Ichigo Kurosaki." spoke the flame sword guy. The same three that had attacked me once before stood before me upon a large statue that held Orihime's cage.

"Who in the world are you guys and what is it that you want?" I growled darkly as my voice was laced with Shiro's. I could hear Orihime gasp in shock as no doubt she could see Shiro standing besides me.

The three lept down as they all threw off their cloaks and masks that they were wearing.

"Garogai." spoke the blocky looking man.

"Taikon." answered the chubby one.

"I am Shuren. What we truly want is your powers Ichigo Kurosaki. As the only living shinma, we can use your powers to forever escape this place. With your powers sinners will no longer have to be afraid of the guardians. We will be the rightful rulers of hell." I threw my head back laughing.

"You seriously think you can take my power? What makes you think that you can handle it? You may try but you will fail just like everyone else." I growled as Tensa Zangetsu formed quickly in my hands. I moved so quickly that no one even realized that I had cut the cage causing it to crash to the ground as I had freed Orihime from her prison. "Orihime do you trust me?" I asked in a low whisper. I watched as my allies fought to give me time to free Orihime. Orihime nodded her head as I cut off the chain that was on her chest.

*I am ready King and so is Tensa. Let's hope that this works.* stated Shiro. I ripped the chain out of Orihime's chest as I began to pour my powers into hers to seal up the hole that was forming. I could feel Shiro and Tensa doing the same. Suddenly I could see a large sword flying towards Orihime as I moved quickly blocking it with my own body. The sword managed to cut through my heirro (iron skin) but managed to avoid piercing Orihime as the hole in her chest had been sealed. I recognized the sword instantly as it belonged to Kokuto. I let out a low deep growl as I turned to the sinner pulling out the sword with my tail.

"Kokuto!" I snarled sharply.

"Sorry Ichigo but I need to get out of this hell. And you are our only means out." stated Kokuto as I looked at my allies to see the same chains attached to their chests that used to be on Orihime.

"I never did trust you Kokuto. You slipped up the minute that you admitted that there were four attackers. But I think you may have under estimated one of my team members." I replied with a smile on my face. *Orihime keep your shiten koshen (shield of four heaven resistance) around you and don't drop it for anything. If anyone tries to attack you focus your spiritual energy to call upon some of the power that I have given to you. Utter the spell hakaisha kyuuten (heavens destroyer). It shall protect you.* Orihime nodded her head as I kissed her lightly on the lips. "I love you my princess."

"I love you too my shinma knight." replied Orihime softly as she rose her shun shun rikka (six princess shielding flowers) to bring forth her protective shield.

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