Thirty Eight- welcome to hell

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Also I am featuring some new attacks that I had come up with that I had also used in other Bleach stories for this story.

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission as Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell speaking}

Thirty Eight- welcome to hell

I managed to rip the gates of hell open as those who were with me followed right behind me. Rage and anger burned within me. I would tear down hell if I had to in order to get Orihime back.

*King..... you must calm down. We will get Orihime back. Just please calm down!* Shiro called out. I stopped in midflight landing as I could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing in my hands. His warm energy and power filled my presence.

*Please Master Ichigo...... you must calm yourself for Miss Orihime's sake.* Tensa stated mentally. I took a long deep breath letting it out slowly. By nopw the rest of the group had caught up to me. I could feel Hell's effects on my body but I remained in complete control.

"Where exactly are we?" asked Uryu.

*We are on the Highway to Hell..... the Highway to Hell.* Shiro sung in the back of my mind.

*You're not helping Shiro!* I snapped at my inner hollow. Shiro just simply laughed in the back of my mind as I watched as Toshiro and Renji sheathe their zanpakuto's Both Ienzo and Ulquiorra dropped Uryu and Chad down to the ground next to me as their resurreccion (resurrection) reversed as they were back to their human form.s.

"This place gives me the creeps." shuttered Ienzo. I could see a man approaching us as I visibly tensed when I saw him as he looked surprised to see me.

"Well this is a sight that you don't see every day...... a shinma. It has been ages since I have seen one. Welcome to hell gentlemen. My name is Kokuto and allow me to be your guide." stated the man. I didn't know why but I felt that I couldn't trust this man. It didn't appear that way with the rest of the group. Parts of Kokuto's pale skin looked like it had been burnt in a fire as his silver hair was a mess.

'I trust him about as far as I can throw him.' I thought to myself as Tensa Zangetsu vanished from my hand. Which by the way was pretty far thanks to the inhuman strength I have gained because of my shinma nature. Kokuto explained as we walked about the workings of hell as he lead the way. When we saw the large skeletons killing people most of the team froze.

"What in the world are those things?" asked Renji.

"Guardians. They were designed to inflict pain and bring down a sinner this way sinners can be reborn and made to suffer again. These chains keep us bound here for all eternity." stated Kokuto.

Suddenly loud bells which sounded like some kind of alarm rang out.

*Hells Bells...... Hells Bells...... You got me ringing....... Hells Bells!* Shiro sang in the back of my mind.

*Tensa please slap him for me!* I growled as I could hear and feel a loud slap echo through my mental link. *Thank you.* I whispered.

*You know what King...... fuck you!* snarled Shiro.

*Yes I love you too Shiro!* I replied blowing him a kiss. I could imagine Shiro rolling his eyes at me. I could see Kokuto's face visibly pale as the guardians where heading straight for us.

"Shit...... Run!" yelled out Kokuto. I simply stepped forth placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Wait." I ordered. The guaridans stopped as they bowed their heads in my presence.

{Welcome to hell Ichigo Kurosaki. We have been waiting.} a voice rang out as only I could hear it. I recognized the voice as it was Hell its self speaking. Everyone watched in awe as the guardians didn't attack us as they bowed before my prescence.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked out loud.

{We needed your help Kurosaki. A sinner has grown in power and looks to disrupt our way of life. Unfortunately we do not have the power to stop them. This is why we had summoned you here. You are a part of this world as we need your help.} replied Hell.

*Do you know who this sinner is?* I asked mentally.

{Your assumptions about Kokuto are wrong. Kokuto has been trying to help us in what ways he can. Even though he is a sinner, he has seen a shinma in action. He has paid the price and has tried to seek redemption. He deserves a second chance.} replied Hell. Perhaps I was wrong about Kokuto. I could sense and feel how strongly Hell felt about Kokuto. Then I remembered what Shiro had told me about being able to communicate with Orihime mentally.

I used my powers to try to connect with Orihime mentally as the guardians showed us to a place where we could rest for a while. Hell was having a reversed reaction to not only the two Arrancars but also to my human friends. I had to use my powers to stabilize both Ulquiorra and Ienzo this way their resurreccion (resurrection) wouldn't drive them mad and force them to attack us. I could do nothing for Chad and Uryu so I created a discloser (loosed void) to make sure that they both got out of hell safely. I hoped that Orihime was all right.

*Orihime...... can you hear me?* I questioned mentally. *Orihime reply using your thoughts. Where are you? Open your eyes for me and let me see where you are.* I urged her mentally. I could see Orihime opening her eyes to my call as she looked down at her chest to see a chain that I have seen attached to spirits on her chest.

*Ichigo?* she questioned weakly.

*I am here my love. Look around for me. Show me what you see. I am coming for you.* I told her mentally. Orihime looked around finding herself stuck within a cage. The fire sword guy was standing before her smirking. God how much did I want to wipe that smirk off of his face. I could feel Hell also showing me where Orihime was.

{She is within the lower recesses of hell. Kokuto can lead you there.} Hell tells me.

*I know that you trust Kokuto but I do not. There is something about him that I do not trust. I fell that he has an ulterior method for why he has be friended us.* I replied.

*I agree with you there King. He reminds me too much of Aizen.* Shiro added.

*Hold on Orihime. We are on the way.* I told Orihime mentally before I turned towards Kokuto. "I need for you to lead us to the lower pits of hell. They are holding someone very important to me hostage."

"Of course..... please follow me." replied Kokuto as the guardians went back to their task of punishing sinners allowing us on our way.

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