Thirty Seven- descent into hell

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Also I am featuring some new attacks that I had come up with that I had also used in other Bleach stories for this story.

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission as Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell speaking}

Thirty Seven- descent into hell

We continued throughout the day, I thought over what I had learned about the shinma. My powers were always growing and becoming much stronger every day.

*Hey King...... I wanted to tell you that because Orihime has become our mate, she will be able to sense, hear, and see me. Orihime will also be able to communicate with us telepathically.* Shiro whispered to me mentally. I looked over at Orihime as she simply smiled at me as right now she couldn't hear and/or see Shiro, yet. *I am training within our mindscape with Tensa to learn about our new powers this way we can have some inkling to what we are capable of. I have a feeling that those beings are going to attack again.*

*I have a feeling that you maybe right about that Shiro. Thanks for the update as I will let Orihime know about this ability later.* I stated to Shiro. I could feel my hollow half retreat further into my mindscape to resume training. If I had a choice I would have preferred to be in my mindscape training with Shiro but I couldn't be in two places at the same time even though I had my mod soul Kon with me. I only used Kon when the need called upon me to use him. Mostly when I was battling against hollows or off in the Seireitei. Finally the last bell rang as our group meet up outside. I was just about to tell Orihime what Shiro had told me but I could feel a slight chill in the air as I could sense the dark and evil presence belonging to the gates of hell.

*They're here!* Shiro stated hauntingly in the back of my head. I resisted the urge to go into my mindscape and slap the shit out of him. The gate began to materialize as Renji, Toshiro, Ulquiorra, Ienzo, and me all popped our mod soul pills into our mouths instantly separating from our gigais. Orihime, Chad, and Uryu had manifested their powers. I stood in front of Orihme as my tail wrapped around her waist as both set of wings were fully open wide.

"Orihime stay back. I know that you want to fight but, you're not a fighter." I growled huskily as my voice was laced with Shiro's. Kon had come up taking Orihime by the hand as he led her away from the rest of us.

"I will look after and protect her for you Ichigo." stated Kon.

"Thank you Kon." I replied. Before Kon could pull Orihime away, she pulled me close to kiss her softly on the lips.

"Be careful." she stated. I nodded my head as she was led away by Kon. I turned my head towards the gate to see four figures slip out of the gate. Tensa Zangetsu quickly formed in my hands as the four figures moved to attack us. Toshiro, Renji, Ulquiorra, and Ienzo all pulled out their zanpakuto's.

"Reign over the frozen Heavens..... Hyorinamaru!" called out Toshiro activating his zanpakuto.

"Roar...... Zabimaru!" shouted out Renji activating his zanpakuto. Toshiro's sword had an ice dragon head floating around it while Renji's looked like it was segmented in places. I could see both Ulquiorra and Ienzo doing the same.

"Enclose...... Murcielago (great winged demon)!" Ulquiorra stated bluntly transforming into his released state. Much like me, Ulquiorra had large bat wings as his bone fragment stretched becoming a helmet as it looked like horns.

"Rust...... Buitre (vulture)!" called out Ienzo. His zanpakuto war a rapier with a purple blade. Its hilt was golden colored and curved with a pattern that looked like an eye. Its hilt was black as a set of chains hung on the end similar to my Tenza Zangetsu. After calling out his zanpakuto's release, the chain on the end of the hilt rusted transforming into dust. The dust surrounded Ienzo as it transformed him into a humanoid vulture. He had two pronged feet much like a bird as his wings where metal blades. His hands and arms where clad in armor with twelve inch sharp talons. Ienzo's elbows have two foot long blades coming out of them. Metal tail feathers and feathery plumage covered Ienzo's body. A colorful crest of feathers rested on his head as he had a wattle underneath his neck. Finally his eyes looked similar to Shiro's except the color of his eyes were red not gold. His mask fragment transformed into that of a helmet belonging to an avian. This was the first time that I was seeing Ienzo's resurreccion. The four figures laughed as their faces laid hidden behind masks. They didn't look like hollow masks. Chain where wrapped around their bodies. One of them had arms like a worm, another was extremely fat, the third held a sword made out of fire, while the fourth was a short but blocky looking fellow.

"Prepare to die...... Ichigo Kurosaki!" one of them hissed out.

I clutched my zanpakuto tight in my hands.

"Sorry...... not going to happen!" I growled as my voice was laced with Shiro's. My reishi lashed out violently into Tensa Zangetsu. "Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" I snapped out swinging Tensa Zangetsu as I unleashed my black and red reishi at them. The fat one stepped forth as it seemed that his body absorbed my attack.

"Delicious!" he stated as he shot the energy he had absorbed back at us. I could see Orihime's Santen Kesshun (three sacred links shield) move to protect us from the blast. Renji and Ulquiorra morved to attack the worm guy, Chad and Uryu moved to attack chubby, while Toshiro and Ienzo moved to attack the blocky one. That left me with Mr. Flame sword. I spread my wings open wide taking to the sky to fight the flame sword guy on equal grounds.

"What is it that you want?" I growled darkly.

"For you to die!" he replied as he swung his fire sword at me. I meet his attack with Tensa Zangetsu as my zanpakuto partially caused his fire sword to lose its power. "Impossible!" he shouted in surprise. I could hear a familiar ear piercing scream as I could see Orihime in the worm guys arms.

"Let me go!" she screamed out kicking the worm guy. Dark energy vibrated throughout my entire being.

"You heard her....... Let her go!" Shiro and I growled in unison as I gripped Tensa Zangetsu hard in my hands. Words whispered in the back of my brain. "Tenmukei Kokushion (heavens spiritual cutting fang)!" Shiro and I snarled out swinging Tensa Zangetsu violently. Energy ten times the power of my Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer) lashed out at the worm guy. The blast hit him destroying him completely as Orihime fell. I flew at top speeds trying to reach her but the flame sword guy got to her first.

"If you want her back...... you will have to come to hell, Ichigo Kurosaki!" stated the flame sword guy as he and Orihime slipped through the gate.

"Ichigo!" shouted out Orihime before the three figures slipped back into the gates of hell as it closed behind them. I let out a terrible roar as I rushed at the Hell Gate before it had a chance to dissolve away. I ripped the gate open being followed by my two friends, two shinigami, and two Arrancars. Nobody was going to keep me from my princess!

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