Thirty Six- the team assembles

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission as Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), ~letters/notes~, *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell speaking}

Thirty Six- the team assembles

I awoke the next morning with my head pounding against my skull.  I could smell breakfast cooking within the kitchen downstairs as my senses were heightened beyond belief.  Every inch of my body was in pain.  I slowly worked out my kinks as I could feel the pain slowly subsiding.  The Hogyoku was lightly pulsing against my skin as I worked lowering my senses so that it wasn’t over loading me.  My father came into the room a bit relieved to see that I was alright but I knew that I was in trouble.  My father sighed softly running his hand through his hair.

“What on earth am I going to do with you Ichigo?” asked my father.  I smiled at him weakly.

“Sorry dad….. with everything that is going on, I seem to be causing nothing but trouble for you.” I stated.

“Tell me what happened Ichigo.  I received a panic call from Orihime stating that you had passed out after you had bit her blood.” I sighed softly sitting up as I told what had happened.  My dad looked shocked by what happened.

“I don’t truly know what possessed me to mark Orihime as my mate.  But regardless of my reasons.  I won’t have sexual relations with Orihime until I have married her properily.”

“I suggest that you explain to Orihime what happened and what you did.  I know that you both feel strongly for each other but it is no exuse for what you did.”

“I know.  I will talk to her today after or before school.” I stated as my dad unhooked me from the monitors and IV drip.

After having my breakfast and getting ready for school, I headed out the door for Karakura High.  The day at school began relatively normal as I managed to catch Orihime before school began.  She had the mark that I gave her covered up which caused me to growl darkly.  I moved the collar away from her neck to reveal a black kanji meaning protection with a small number one before it.

“Don’t cover it Orihime.  I want everyone to know that you are mine.” I hissed as my voice combined with Shiro’s.  I lightly kissed my mark sending a shutter of pleasure through Orihime’s body.

“Ichigo?!” she questioned in shock as I took her by the hand leading her elsewhere so we could talk.  I began by explaining what I had done and what I had given to her because I had marked her as my mate.  “I knew that something was different this morning when it seemed that all of my senses were heightened beyond belief.”

“I don’t know what powers you may gain because of me marking you as my mate but I will work you through this all.  Perhaps one day you and I can be married properly.” I stated.

“I would like that Ichigo.  I don’t mind being your mate as I guess it just kind of surprised me.” replied Orihime.

“I know…… I am still working things out myself.  Especially when it comes to my shinma nature.” I stated as I heard the bell ring.  “Come on we don’t want to be late for school.”

We made it to the class before the second bell ran as Orihime and I took our seats quickly before the teacher arrived.  As class began, I drowned out half of what the teacher was saying as I was going over in my mind the past memories of the shinma who came before me.  Suddenly my head shot up as I could feel very familiar reishi.  The group that would accompany me into hell to figure out what is going on was here.  I could instantly tell the difference between a shinigami’s reishi and an Arrancars reishi.  I recognized the two Arrancar’s presence instantly seeing how I spent more time around them than the shinigami.  There came a knock on the door as the teacher went to answer it.  They opened the door fully allowing four figures to enter the classroom.  I didn’t know the two shinigami because I haven’t had a chance to truly meet all of them.  There was a young male possibly no older than ten years old with snow white hair and large blue eyes.  The other was a teen close to my own age with long red hair which was held back by a bandana, weird shaped eyebrows, tribal tattoos going down his neck, and he had golden brown eyes.  The two Arrancars happened to be the former Espada number four Ulquiorra Schiffer and the other was one of my fraccion Ienzo Viristio.

“Attention class….. we have four new students who will be joining us.  Please introduce yourselves to the class.” stated the teacher.

“I am Toshiro Hitsuguya.” stated the kid with snow white hair.

“Renji Abari.” stated the red head.

“Ulquiorra Schiffer.” stated Ulquiorra.

“And I am Ienzo Viristio.” stated Ienzo.

“Why don’t you four take a seat anywhere you can find room.” stated the teacher as the four of them did as she told them.

At lunch I gestured to the four to come up to the roof this way we could all talk.  The four nodded their heads as Orihime, Uryu, and Chad also joined us.  We all sat in a large circle as I smiled at Ulquiorra and Ienzo.

“It is good to see you again Ulquiorra.  You too Ienzo.” I stated as I turned to the two shinigami.  “I haven’t had the chance to meet all of the soul reapers yet.  I only know of a few of them.”

“I am the captain of squad ten, Toshiro Hitsuguya.” stated Toshiro formally introducing himself.

“Lieutenant of squad six, Renji Abari.” added Renji formally.

“I trust that the head captain told you what is going on.” I stated to the two shinigami.

“Yes.  He told us that we are to help you figure out what is going on within hell and why strange cloaked figures emerged attacking you.” replied Toshiro.  I nodded my head to indicate that what Toshiro had said rang true.

“Head captain had already arranged a place for us within the world of the living while we are here.  We are rotating shifts to keep an eye out for the gate if it manifests.” added Ulquiorra.  I nodded my head grateful for the help as I felt that I was going to need it.  Orihime’s hand intertwined with mine as she squeezed my hand lightly.  I smiled at her weakly as I was still a bit troubled by what I had done and the changes happening to my body.

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