Thirty Five- even more changes

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please don't forget to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell/Hogyoku speaking}

Thirty Five- even more changes

When I opened my eyes I found myself within my mindscape. It felt like ages since I had last been here within this place. Several buildings laid in complete ruin where others still stood tall reaching for the never ending sky. The buildings began to take on more modern qualities as they were no longer made out of glass. Some were made out of metal and/or stone. A large pool of water sat around the buildings as the waters sat around the buildings as the waters laid still but looked a deeper blue than the sky. More clouds lined the sky as the sky looked clear despite the clouds flying overhead. I was amazed by the drastic changes to my mindscape as I remembered what it looked like when I first came here. Suddenly I was punched rather violently which caused me to fly off of the building that I was on as I flew through a window of one of the buildings. I landed with a sickening crunch as I rose shakily to my feet. A white hand reached down pulling me to my feet as I was slapped hard again. I could feel blood dripping down from my nose.

"Do you have any idea of how stupid you are? What the hell where you thinking when you sank your fangs into that girls neck? Now you have marked her as your mate for life!" yelled a rather angry voice. I looked to see Shiro but his voice sounded different as if it wasn't him. I could see Tensa approach us.

"Shiro calm down please. Master Ichigo doesn't need you to beat him to a bloody pulp." stated Tensa. Shiro turned his head to Tensa letting out a low deep growl.

"My name isn't Shiro. I don't know who you are or where we are but get this through your head. I will not tolerate this humans stupidity." he snapped. My eyes widened considerably despite the swelling in one of my eyes. Shiro never spoke to Tensa or even me like this before. Was he remembering who he was before this? I gently placed my hand down onto Shiro's hand as I could feel energy leap between us. I could see a change within Shiro as his eyes soften as he gently placed me down. "King..... what in the world happened to you? You look like hell!" I found myself smiling at his words.

"You don't remember Shiro?" questioned Tensa as the hollow looked at him in confusion. "You did that to Master Ichigo. You yelled at him because of what he did to Miss Orihime. Saying that he had marked her as his mate for life." replied Tensa as the look on Shiro's face changed to shock.

"Did I really?" asked Shiro. I nodded my head yes as my wounds slowly closed. "King whatever happened you know that I wouldn't harm you."

"I know Shiro. It was almost like you recalled something from your previous life. I don't truly know what possessed me to mark Orihime as my mate or how this all changes things for me." I stated.

{It's simple really...... having that young woman as your chosen mate will allow you to pass on not only a bit of your power into her but also ensures that the shinma line can continue on. After all it has been over five thousand years since one has been alive. It was no mere coincidence that you have Shiro within you. Even though he doesn't fully remember his past life since being reborn, the memories are still there.} stated the voice of the Hogyoku as it began to take on a form of a young woman made entirely out of light.

"Are you the embodiment of the new or old Hogyoku?" I asked.

{Both. I can help your hollow recall his past if he wishes.} she stated.

"I don't want to attack King again without being conscious of it. But the knowledge of the past shinma could prove useful to us. But if I recall my past..... how will this change me?" asked Shiro bluntly.

{I am not certain to tell you the truth.} replied the Hogyoku. Shiro looked at me as if asking me what he should do.

"It is your choice Shiro. No matter what happens to you remember to me that you will always be a part of me and that you are Shirosaki Ogichi." I stated. Shiro nodded his head as he turned towards the glowing form of the Hogyoku.

"Please allow me to remember." he stated. The glowing form of the Hogyoku placed her right hand onto Shiro's left shoulder. Energy lept from her body into Shiro. Shiro screamed out in pain as his body changed into that of the vastro lorde form we took on when we became an Arrancar. It then changed once again to our awakened shinma form. I could feel the pain as if it was happening to me. Soon it became too much as a bright light flashed sending a mass amount of energy from both out of me and Shiro as it blasted me out of my mindscape.

When I came to..... I found myself back at home. My dad sat by my bedside passed out on a chair. I was hooked up to several medical equipment. My entire body and head throbbed in pain. I tried to piece together my last memories as I could only recall kissing Orihime but nothing else. Did I truly do what Shiro claimed? Was Orihime now truly my mate for all time? The Hogyoku pulsed against my skin matching my heartbeat. I felt odd at first but strangely whole again. Slowly memories of a past life flowed into my mind. I recalled everything that has happened as I could see events that I had blacked out unable to recall. The moment of mine and my mom's death up to the event that happened in the park. I had bit into Orihime's neck drinking her blood like I was a vampire. I remembered how much I sexually craved her. God what was happening to me? All I wanted more than anything else was to be normal again. Not to be whatever I had become or to have the events that had happened to me happen. But it was already too late as my body had changed as well as my life. I could never go back to who I once was.

*King......* Shiro called out softly.

*I am here Shiro.* I answered. Shiro's voice sounded slightly different but he still called me king.

*I remember..... I remember everything..... my name..... it used to be Darichi. By marking Orihime as our mate, we will want to have sexual relations with her in order to have her bear our young. We have transferred a small portion of our power to her. It will unlock new potentials in us. The things I have seen is too much to put into words King. My memories of my past to now are so blurred...... but you may still call me by the name you have given to me.* stated Shiro. I could feel him shiver which caused me to shiver unexpectedly.

*Get some rest Shiro. We need it with everything that we have been through. Tomorrow we will go see Kisuke to find out how much our abilities have changed.* I stated as I gently closed my eyes falling back into a blissful sleep. Memories of the past shinma came into my mind. I knew that this would be the last change that I would go through. I had more to worry about with what is going on and why the spirits of from hell would come out and openly attack me. Was someone after me because of my power? I had a feeling that very soon I would find out those answers.

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