Thirty Four- Ichigo's claim

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please don’t forget to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks, {hell/Hogyoku speaking}

Thirty Four- Ichigo’s claim

The following day I had meet with Uryu, Orihime, and Chad since it was the weekend.  I had called them to meet at a local park.  It was the same place that Uryu and I first fought.  They arrived an hour after I did as Orihime hugged me.  I kissed her gently holding her close to my body.

“I missed you.” I whispered into her ear.

“I did too.” she replied as Uryu lightly coughed breaking us apart.

“All right Ichigo…… perhaps you can tell us why your power seems almost ten times stronger than before.  Even though you have it fully suppressed, I can tell that there is something different about you.” stated Uryu.  I gently pulled away from Orihime running my hands through my hair.

“Alright…… you all know that I am not human.  I haven’t been since I died.  But what I have truly become goes far beyond what is normal from anything that you have come to know.” I stated.  The three of them looked at me in confusion as I let out a soft sigh before popping Kon’s mod soul pill into my mouth.  I separated from my body as Kon took control.  I stood before the three of them in my shinma form as I could hear all three of them gasp.  My skin was deathly pale almost looking white.  No hollow mask sat on my face revealing my once human face as my eyes still looked like Shiro’s.  The horns from my hollow form stayed on me along with a long pale tail with a black flame ripped out of my tailbone.  Four large wings one set that looks like an angel but black in color and another set of demonic wings as both symbolizing my shinigami and hollow nature.  All that I had left for my clothing was my pants which looked torn up to shreds.  Red fur still lined my left wrist as my right still had the full black binding along with the chain that was wrapped around my entire right arm.  My hole still sat in the middle of my chest as black markings wrapped around my chest from the hole.  “This is my true form and what I truly have become.  I am what is known as a shinma, a demonic god.  I don’t know if this is because of my powers and abilities or because of something else.” I replied as I willed my wings to close behind my body.  Kon came up to me allowing me to retrieve his marble from out of my body before I took back control.  Once back into my own body, I proceeded to tell the three of them what happened and until we can figure out what is going on, I was going to have at least two soul reapers and two Arrancars helping me out.

“So who is coming?” asked Uryu.

“I am not certain.  Just promise that you guys will play it safe as we still don’t know what these guys want or why they are after me.” I stated.  The three of them nodded their heads before both Uryu and Chad left.  Orihime stayed with me as she held my hand.

“A shinma…… what does that mean for us?  Our relationship?” asked Orihime.  I stopped turning to face her as I lifted her face to meet my gaze.

“Nothing has changed how I feel about you Orihime.  I love you regardless of what changes I am going through.  I want you more than ever as I crave you.  The feeling is so strong but I have been fighting it as I don’t want to do something that I will regret.” I stated as I pulled her close enough to dip my head to her lips.  The kiss began sweet as I could feel Orihime wrap her arms around me as her fingers tugged in my hair.  I began to deepen the kiss fisting my hands into her hair as my tongue slipped into her mouth.  I could her moaning as the kiss became more aggressive.  I pulled her away from me quickly when I could feel my shinma nature tugging to be let lose.  Newfound fangs ripped from my lips as I craved to mark Orihime as mine.  I panted trying to fight off the effects as I dropped to my knees.

“….. Ichigo …..?” questioned Orihime.

“Stay there.  Don’t come any closer!” I growled darkly as my voice laced with Shiro’s.  My claws lengthening ripping into the earth like it was a life line.

*Calm yourself Master Ichigo.  Your body is reacting to the point where you want to claim Orihime as your true mate.* stated Tensa.  I could feel the modified Hogyoku working to pull back the reigns allowing my power and feelings to settle.

*Gods….. I didn’t think it was going to be that strong King.  You crave her as even I could feel it.  You want her not only sexually but also physically.* stated Shiro.

*What does that mean exactly?* I asked angrily.

{It means you have to be careful when you are around her.  Every cell within you desires your mate.  To claim her.  To make her yours.  But she isn’t ready….. but in time….. you can claim her.  To truly bind her to you.} stated a voice which I recognized instantly as it belonged to the Hogyoku.  I sat there waiting for the feeling to wash out of my body when suddenly I could feel two arms wrap around my gently.  I looked to see Orihime’s gaze as tears where in her eyes.

“It’s all right Ichigo.  I want this….. I want to be with you.” she whispered.

“Orihime…..” I stated huskily as I pulled her close to me.  I couldn’t fight the effects any longer as I nuzzled at her neck.  I licked and nipped at one spot turning her on.  I could feel it, sense it.  But even with her close to me, I could feel and sense a way to bind us without me taking her.  My fangs lengthened as I pulled her hair away to give me better access to her neck.

“…… Ichigo …… please …..” Orihime moaned.

“You are mine…… now and forever Orihime Inoe…… my true life mate.” I growled darkly as I let my fangs pierce into her neck drawing out blood.  Her blood tasted like honey and copper as I drank a bit of it greedily.  As I withdrew my fangs from her neck I swept my tongue over the marks sealing them.  I had lost consciousness afterwards as I passed out in Orihime’s arms.  Little did I even realize what I had done or how having Orihime as my mate was going to change things.

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