Thirty Three- meeting the Reio

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations/notes), *mental speech*, {hell speaking}, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Thirty Three- meeting the Reio

After everyone had left only leaving me and the head captain behind, Yamamoto turned to me.

"The Reio (soul king) wished to speak with you. I can only show you the path as it is a distinct honor to meet with him. You must make this journey alone as I can not accompany you." stated Yamamoto. I nodded my head understanding as Yamamoto reached into his robes pulling out what looked to be an odd looking key.

"Is that the Oken?" I asked.

"Not quite Kurosaki. But it will open the path to the Reio." replied Yamamoto. Just like with the zanpakuto's which were used to open up a senkaimon, Yamamoto extended out his arm turning the key opening up a very unusual senkaimon. These gates where gold in design as they had silver chains hanging from them and two real live Komainu which are the same lion dogs that I have seen as statues in front of a library. The komainu growled when I got close to the gate but they quickly stopped allowing me to pass. I kicked open my wings flying through the gate as Yamamoto didn't travel past the gate. I flew ahead not looking back as I finally came upon what looked to be a temple made out of gold. I landed as my wings folded behind my back. I entered the temple to find a regal looking thrown where the Reio sat. I quickly bowed my head in respect.

"Ah..... you're the shinma. I believe that your name is Ichigo Kurosaki. I have heard a lot about you as I owe you my thanks for saving the world. Please raise your head so I can get a better look at you." stated the Reio. I did as he asked as my eyes locked onto the Reio. He looked almost completely human despite the large white wings he had behind his back. He had long stringy black hair that fell to his shoulders tied back into a ponytail. His eyes were almost like Shiro's except they where in an hourglass shape. The same eyes were also on his wings as he wore robes similar in design to what a monk wears. "You look exactly like the past shinma that came before me before he had died. But to think you were born human before the events happened to change you."

"Could you tell me about the shinma that used to exist? I only know very little about what I have become." I asked. The Reio gently waved his arm creating a chair to allow me to sit.

"You bear many of the same similarities to him when I knew him except for the color of your hair and eyes. His hair was white as snow as his eyes where gold resting in a sea of black." he stated. I could feel Shiro's interest spike in the back of my head.

"His name?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"He had a name that was very difficult to pronounce as we often just called him Shiro because his entire body from the head down was white." This statement caused me to rise to my feet quickly.

*It's impossible! It sounds like he is describing me King. How can that be even possible?* Shiro shouted in the back of my mind.

"Is there something wrong Kurosaki?" asked the Reio.

"You say that I look exactly like this shinma that you used to know except for the coloring of my skin, hair, and eyes. The thing is the being you describe sounds exactly like my inner hollow. He told me that he had no true name that he could remember and that he was a part of my power." I replied trying to settle back down. The Reio lightly scratched his beard as I finally sat down back onto my chair. My nails gripped the arms of the chair hard as the Reio simply waved his hand again as I could see two figures forming next to me. My eyes widened considerably when I saw not only Shiro but also Tensa forming beyond my mindscape. I could feel my body changing as I began to look more human. I nearly fell out of my chair until I was suddenly caught by both Tensa and Shiro. "I take it that the one with the clothing similar to ours and had black hair and eyes is your zanpakuto spirit." stated the Reio.

"Yes.... My name is Tensa Zangetsu." replied Tensa formally. The Reio's eyes carefully studied Shiro.

"So it is you once again my old friend. I wouldn't believe that it was possible. It seems that you have truly forgotten what you once were." stated the Reio to Shiro.

"I think that you have me confused with someone else. My name is Shirosaki Ogichi. The kid named me himself since I am a part of him and had no name of my own to speak of." replied Shiro in a low deep growl. I finally regained my composure as I pulled away from both Tensa and Shiro.

"Are you all right Kurosaki?" asked the Reio in concern.

"Yeah..... it is just I haven't been human for a very long time. Even though I was human after nearly losing all of my power after defeating Aizen. It just feels strange to be like this." I replied.

"Sorry but I was a bit curios. It is strange to see a face that I clearly recognize but he doesn't remember. But then again it has been nearly five thousand years since one had existed. I will tell you everything that I can remember about the shinma." replied the Reio as he proceeded to tell me about the Shiro he once knew. It turns out that the shinma was actually a demon from hell and Hueco Mundo with the powers that were almost godly. The shinma where actually created or formed when any of the realms where in danger. The shinma weren't truly immortal as Shiro had died trying to preserve the peace between all of the realms. "You look so much like him..... the Shiro that I knew. You have already saved the human world from Aizen's plans. Both the Seireitei and Hueco Mundo have come to peace. But I have heard that it seems something is happening within hell."

"Yes...... I was attacked by three figures that came out of the hell gate. I had heard a voice calling out for help before the gate disappeared. I can't help but to feel that something is happening within hell as I maybe the only one to stop it." I replied.

"If I can remember Shiro's true name or anything else about the shinma that can prove useful to you, I will alert Yamamoto." stated the Reio. I bowed my head as the Reio used his powers to have Shiro and Tensa go back into my body as the transformation into the shinma form rip through my body. I bit my lip to try to prevent from crying out in pain. Soon I could feel my power settle as I then proceeded to leave the Reio heading back home using the descorrer (loosed void).

*I can't believe that it was possible that I used to exist before all of this. Do you think that it is the reason to why you have become a shinma?* asked Shiro in the back of my mind.

*To tell you the truth..... I don't know!" I replied. I had more on my mind as I wondered who will be helping me out with what is going on within hell.

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