Thirty Two- trip back to the Seireitei

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations/notes), *mental speech*, {hell speaking}, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Thirty Two- trip back to the Seireitei

I rushed down the stairs heading towards my classroom before the second bell rang. I couldn't afford to be late. I made it in record time as the second that I entered the classroom three heads rose. Uryu, Chad, and Orihime could sense that my power had gotten much stronger than before as it had finally come back.

*You know that those three are going to question you about your power King. I am pretty sure that they can sense the difference.* stated Shiro.

*No doubt that they won't be the only ones as the Seireitei are going to demand answers.* added Tensa.

*I know.... I will explain it to those three later on. I am also planning to go back to Kisuke's place to find out if there is a way for me to go to the Seireitei.* I replied as I went over to my desk as the second bell rang as our teacher Mrs. Touya entered the room. Mrs. Touya was a young looking woman possibly at least in her mid thirties. She stood to be at least five feet six inches tall. She had long naturally wavy golden blond hair that fell to her shoulders in length and emerald green eyes. Mrs. Toya began teaching as I listened to her paying very little to what she was saying when I could feel two very familiar reishi's close by. I knew that Uryu felt it too by the way he tensed up. Suddenly someone knocked on our door forcing Mrs. Touya to answer it. I could hear her talking to whoever was at the door as she opened it up to allow two figures to enter the room. My jaw nearly fell to the floor when I saw both Rukia and Ulquiorra enter the room.

*What in the world are those two doing here?* asked Shiro in shock. I was about to raise to my feet to ask the same question. But I remained in my seat as I looked at Ulquiorra who was within a gigai. He looked how he normally looked as an Arrancar only there was no bone fragment on his head as he his skin was very pale. The teal tear streaks that ran from his eyes were gone as he looked almost human.

"Ichigo Kurosaki?" asked Mrs. Touya as I rose to my feet. "Get your bags as you are dismissed for the day." This caused to look at the two with a raised brow as I grabbed my stuff walking out of the classroom. I quickly looked at Orihime as our eyes meet.

"Call me later." I whispered to her before I left the classroom. "This better be important for you two to pull me out of school." I stated.

"Head captain demanded us to come and get you." stated Rukia.

"And what are you doing here Ulquiorra?" I asked the former fourth Espada.

"I am acting lesion for Hueco Mundo. We have made peace with the Seireitei." replied Ulquiorra. I looked at him in shock as I didn't hear anything about peace between the shinigami and the Arrancars.

"Don't look so shocked Ichigo. But a lot of things have changed since you have been recuperating." stated Rukia as we left the school. The three of us headed to Kisuke's place this way he could hold onto our gigai's for us. Once Rukia was back in her soul form she used her zanpakuto to open up a senkaimon which would allow us access into the Seireitei. "Hurry up Ichigo as the head captain doesn't like to be held up." snapped Rukia. I sighed softly as I pressed my combat pass to my chest. My soul separated from my body as once again I was within my shinma form. It didn't hurt as much this time because I was wearing the modified version of the hogyoku. Rukia's eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she saw me within my true form.

"Don't ask as I will explain everything later on." I stated as Rukia just nodded her head. The three of us entered the senkaimon as both Rukia and Ulquiorra lead the way. As the three of us walked, we made light conversation as I asked Ulquiorra what was going on within Hueco Mundo. Ulquiorra told me that Tier, Nell, Coyote, and himself are ruling over all Hueco Mundo. Ulquiorra told me that my fraccion that I had when I was an Espada have been helping out with keeping the peace and making sure that the hollows don't cause any problems or escape to the world of the living. We finally made it to the meeting hall where everyone was waiting for us. Almost everyone was shocked by my new appearance.

"Kurosaki?" questioned Yamamoto.

"Yeah it's me old man. Get used to this appearance as this is my true form that I have acquired since finding out that I am a shinma." I stated after letting out a soft sigh. I could see Mayuri grinning like a kid in a candy store. "Don't even think for one second that I will allow you to experiment on me Mayuri. I am not some sort of test subject!" I snapped at the captain of squad twelve as my voice was laced with Shiro's. My long prehensile tail whipped out lashing at Mayuri as well as the modified Hogyoku despite keeping my incredible powers in check.

"But don't you see..... this a perfect opportunity to study something that none of us even thought even existed. I need data to find out what your capable of and how your powers work!" stated Mayuri. I could even see Kenpachi grinning like a mad man at the thought of someone worthy to finally fight. I let out a low deep snarl as Ulquiorra quickly moved to my side releasing his first stage resurreccion.

"Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Zaraki you will not do anything to harm this boy. The Reio (soul king) has forbidden it. No one is to lay a hand on him no matter their intentions!" shouted Yamamoto as he brought his cane down to the floor hard. Both captains bowed their heads as they stepped back. I gently tapped Ulquiorra on the shoulder.

"It's alright Ulquiorra. I can defend myself. Thanks for your help as getting in a fight now with the Seireitei would only complicate and cause problems for you and Hueco Mundo." I stated calmly calling back my power. Ulquiorra simply nodded his head as he transformed back to his regular Arrancar form. Head captain Yamamoto sighed softly.

"Now Kurosaki, Uharara has stated that the hell gate had opened up onto the world of the living as three souls came out attacking you." stated Yamamoto.

"That's correct. Even though I was in my human form when I attacked them and managed to kill one of my attackers, they said nothing to me before attacking. I had devoured the soul that had attacked." I stated as Yamamoto began to stroke his beard.

"That is indeed very troubling. The same thing happened here and according to Schiffer as well as within Hueco Mundo." stated Yamamoto. I looked at Ulquiorra as he nodded his head to indicate that it was true.

"Strange. But I had heard a voice calling out for help as it seemed to be coming from the gate it's self. It felt similar to the Hogyoku." I stated as Yamamoto's eyes meet mine.

"Explain." he stated. I sighed softly as I explained about what happened with Aizen, the Hogyoku, and my fight with Aizen. I then explained how Kisuke had created a modified version of the Hogyoku to keep my powers in check.

"I can fully summon all of my powers and abilities without staining myself or causing me any harm. It also keeps me from destroying anything around me. That is how Kisuke explained it." I stated.

"But what you have told us about the hell gate seems to have me troubled. No doubt those beings seem to be after you Kurosaki. I am going to have both a captain and lieutenant stay by your side in case these people attack again. Not that I feel that you wouldn't be able to handle whatever threat is coming for you."

"It's because you fear what effects it will have on the world of the living. I have no problem with your decision old man."

"Head captain.... I would also like for an former Espada and a fraccion to work with these shinigami as extra protection." stated Ulquiorra.

"So be it. Kurosaki they all shall arrive tomorrow. Please whatever is going on just don't do anything rash!" stated Yamamoto.

"Come on old man..... it isn't like I go looking for trouble. It just happens to have a strange way of finding me!" I stated laughing lightly. Yamamoto simply shook his head as a small smile stretched across his face. The head captain dismissed everyone as he indicated that I needed to stay as someone else wanted to speak with me. I had a guess that it was the Reio, the one who controlled all of the Seireitei.

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