Thirty One- return to power

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OCC so please don't hate! Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

OC characters: I claim no rights to any of the OC characters that I am using as they belong to other readers on whom are allowing me to use them with their permission. Sasori belongs to ultima-owner, Ienzo Viristio belongs to Antex-the Legendary Zoroark, Rey Tiburon belongs to dark machines, Akira belongs to Akira Namikaze, Sjach Votastrix belongs to my daughter Christiana, and Phoenix belongs to me. Check out my deviantart page for pictures that I have done of Phoenix.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations/notes), *mental speech*, {hell speaking}, italic-spirits/zanpakutos speaking, bold-hollows/Arrancars speaking, bold italics-attacks

Thirty One- return to power

It had been one year since I had battled against Aizen defeating the rogue soul reaper almost loosing all of my powers. For the time ever I enjoyed being human considering the fact that I haven't been one for a very long time. I was grateful that I didn't have to go and fight off any hollows or go save the world for a while. The Seireitei had alerted me to the sentence Aizen received. But in no ways did I feel that it was over. I felt that Aizen was the beginning. Something within my shinma nature was telling me that soon another threat would come to threaten everyone that I cared for. Meanwhile Kisuke was trying to look up any information he could about the shinma. Slowly but surely I began to feel the presence of Shiro and Tensa in the back of my mind. I looked up at the sky as my stomach grumbled loudly. God how long as it been since I last feed on a hollow?

I was walking to school when I could feel it. Something wasn't right. The sky began to darken as I could see the gates of hell forming.

"What in the world?" I asked as three beings dressed in strange cloaks came out of the gate and attacked me. 'Damn it all!' I thought to myself as I avoided their weapons. I could feel my power rising to the surface as Tensa Zangetsu began to form in my hands. A strange smirk crossed my face when I felt Tensa's familiar weight in the palm of my hands.

*I take it that you missed us King!* stated the voice of Shiro.

*I could kiss you Shirosaki. But right know I am kind of busy. We will talk later. I am starving.* I replied as Shiro laughed.

*I will hold you to that kiss later King.* stated Shiro.

*Fuck you Shiro!* I replied. Shiro simply laughed in the back of my mind as I slashed at my opponent with Tensa Zangetsu causing him to scream out in pain as his body transformed into an energy sphere. The other two attackers looked shocked to see this as they retreated back through the hell gate. With the orb of energy in my hands I began to eat the soul. I began to hear a voice that sounded familiar to the Hogyoku's voice but it felt different much darker.

{Help us shinma. Please..... help us!} called out the voice. As soon as the orb I held had been completely devoured, hells gate disappeared.

*What the hell was that? I don't recognize that voice.* asked Tensa.

*I don't know Tensa. I think it is about time that we go and visit Kisuke.* I replied. I picked up my bags and continued on my way feeling strangely satisfied with the orb that I had just digested. Instead of heading to school, I went to Kisuke's place. This time both Ururu and Jinta where outside doing some work around the shop. "Hey you two..... is Kisuke in?" I asked.

"Depends on what you need him for." replied Jinta as I hit him on the head hard with my fist.

"Of course Mr. Kurosaki. Go ahead in and I will tell him that you are here." stated Ururu.

"Thank you Ururu." Jinta glared daggers at me. "You should watch your mouth Jinta." I stated as my voice laced with Shiro's. Jinta gulped in fear as he ran off. I smirked as I entered the shop taking a seat as Tessai came out and asked if I would like something to drink. I politely declined. A few seconds later Kisuke came out.

"Ichigo what brings you to my little shop?" asked Kisuke opening a fan in front of his face.

"My powers have returned. But there is something else. On my way towards school the gates of hell appeared as three souls came out attacking me. They didn't speak a word as I managed to destroy one of them transforming his body into an energy orb which I devoured. The remaining two retreated back through the hell gate but the gates didn't disappear until I had eaten the soul. I also heard this strange voice calling out to me for help. It sounded familiar to the Hogyoku but much darker." I stated. Kisuke proceeded to fan himself as I told him what happened. He suddenly shut his fan before his face.

"Ichigo when you fought these beings what form where you in?" asked Kisuke.

"My human one, why?"

"Call me curious but have you tried to switch back to your soul form?" I gently shook my head no. Kisuke proceeded to stand up as he motioned to me to follow him. We both went to the underground training room to find both Tessai and Yoruichi there. "Ichigo I want you to assume your soul form." stated Kisuke.

"Why?" I asked.

"For an experiment." replied Kisuke. I sighed as the former shinigami wasn't going to give me any answers. I took out my combat pass pressing it against my body. Suddenly I could feel a large blast of my reishi flaring out as I stood before the three in my soul form but it wasn't the one that I have grown used to. Rather it was the form that I had awakened as a shinma. I let out a terrible ear piercing scream as I tried to control my power. I could feel both Shiro and Tensa helping me as I tried to cap as much of my reishi I could. I never saw Yoruichi move as she tackled me to the ground pressing something against my chest. I could feel my powers suddenly begin to settle as Yoruichi climbed off of me as I slowly made my way back up to my feet.

"It looks like your hunch was right Kisuke. Thank heavens you had it ready in time." stated Yoruichi. I could feel a strange object hanging from my neck as I grabbed it pulling at it this way I could see what it was. Hanging from my neck looked like a jewel orb similar to the Hogyoku.

"Kisuke is this.....?" I asked as he shook his head no.

"No it's not the actual Hogyoku considering that you had destroyed that one but this one is very similar. Since awakening your true shinma nature and merging partially with the Hokyoku, your powers have become much stronger that your soul couldn't handle the sudden shift since your powers had almost vanished. Now that your powers are back they are back at the level of the shinma as your soul form will now take on that form instead of the form you had awoken to." explained Kisuke. I let go of the modified Hogyoku letting it hang loosely around my neck. "Since your powers are so strong I had to create a modified version of the Hogyoku to sustain your immense power."

"Well you could have warned me that was going to happen!" I growled darkly my voice lacing with Shiro's.

"I did tell you that it was an experiment as I had to make sure. Now we should alert the Seireitei about your powers returning and about what happened with the gates of hell."

"Do you know what and why those guys attacked me for and what they are after?" I asked as I willed my wings to stretch out.

"I have no idea Ichigo. I could take random guesses but we won't know until they appear again. In the meantime, I must insist that you continue wearing that modified version of the Hogyoku. It will keep most of your powers restrained but not totally restrained as you will be able to summon forth all of your power if you need it." stated Kisuke. I nodded my head that I understood as I had to get to school quickly. Grabbing my gigai, I slipped out of the training grounds opening up my four wings to their full eight foot length as I flew high in the sky heading straight for Karakura High. I enjoyed the wind rushing at me as I flew. I felt at such peace as I didn't want to come down as I felt free. But I knew that I couldn't remain that way for long. I landed gently onto the roof of Karakura High as I entered my gigai easily just before the bell rang.

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