Six- return to the living

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, spirits speaking, hollows speaking, attacks

Six- return to the living

I had spent the last two days at Kisuke's shop learning what I could about my powers, what I was capable of, about the Seireitei and the shinigami. Because of what I was most shinigami would attack first rather than ask questions because according to Kisuke I felt to much like a hollow. But the power of my reishi was far more than that compared to that of both my father's and Kisuke's. I had to begun to miss my sisters and some of my friends. My father often came by to see how I was doing. On the third day my father came back with my twin little sisters. Both where happy to see me as they broke down crying when they saw me as they quickly ran up to me hugging me. Tears streaked down my face as I was happy to see them.

"Ichigo, we missed you so much. When dad told us what happened to you and mom. Yuzu and I were saddened but dad said that you didn't truly die but you have changed. Dad explained what he was and what you had become. I am just glad to see that you are all right." Karin stated with tears in her eyes. Yuzu said very little as she was a blubbering mess. I tried to be strong as I didn't want to see the girls see me cry. By now Kisuke had come with my new body which looked exactly like me when I had died.

"Ichigo, this is going to be your gigai. Much like a regular human body it is going to grow, age, and pretty much do what a regular human body would do. I also gave you a mod soul to take your place should you decide to do the duties that usually a soul reaper would do. I wouldn't make it a habit as if you do encounter as soul reaper, they will no doubt try to kill you." Kisuke stated. I nodded my head understanding Kisuke's advice as I walked over towards where my gigai was. My family smiled at me before I went to enter my gigai. I closed my eyes and focused on joining my body with the soulless body. I could feel this strange rush as I could feel myself being pulled in.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the position that my gigai was in. I slowly rose to my feet as my legs felt weak. I nearly collapsed when I tried to stand. Both Kisuke and my father almost came to my aid as I waved them off. I had to do this on my own. I moved slowly remembering how to fully move my body as it felt a bit strange at first operating the gigai. But soon enough I was able to walk around without any problems as I couldn't even tell that I was any different from anyone else.

"Kisuke thanks for everything. You were extremely helpful to me and my son." my father stated.

"That's what friends are for. Ichigo remember my shop is always open if you have any more questions or if you just want to use my training grounds." replied Kisuke. I nodded my head as my family and I went home. I was anxious to begin the new chapter in my life and get back to living a somewhat normal life even though I knew that I was no longer human anymore.

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