Seven- years later

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*,~letters/notes~, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Seven- years later

It had been seven years since my death/rebirth. Just as Kisuke said, my new body continued to grow and get older. It was the same when I was in soul form. I was now sixteen years old as my body was very lean but muscular. My powers in soul form had grown even stronger since my death. Shiro and Tensa was always there within my mindscape should I need to talk to them. I had learned that no matter what form I was in, I was the only one who could hear my zanpakuto and hollow. Tensa's looks never changed from the first time that I had meet him. Shiro on the other had much like me grew older and aged. His looks mirrored my own. Thankfully since my death, I haven't yet encountered a soul reaper. But I knew that it would only be a matter of time.

I went to school on a regular basis as I had Kisuke and my father teach me how to repress my reishi. I didn't need hollows and/or shinigami attacking me while I was at school. No matter where I went, I always carried my mod soul pill with me just in case. I had several good friends in school and a major crush on a girl in my class, Orihime Inoue. At first I was afraid of letting people get close to me fearing that they would find out that I wasn't human.

*You are just being silly King. No one can tell that you are any different from them. Even those with any spiritual powers wouldn't be able to tell that your not human.* Shiro scolded me mentally. Since learning that I could hear Shiro mentally in the back of my mind, I had worked on a way to communicate with him. Finally after I while I had achieved speaking with Shiro mentally this way no one thought that I was crazy.

*So your basically trying to encourage me to tell Orihime how I feel.* I replied to Shiro. Shiro said nothing in reply as I could hear Orihime and Tatsuki laughing. Orihime's face blushed lightly as I looked at her. Orihime had long straight orange hair that fell down to waist in length. Large blue-grey eyes that seemed to shine. Orihime was a bit bustier than most of the other girls in our class. It wasn't the size of her bust that attracted me. It was her kind and gentle nature. Of course Orihime didn't know that I had stopped her brother who had transformed into a hollow from attacking her a couple of nights ago. I slowly rose to my feet taking a long deep breath. 'Here goes nothing.' I thought to myself as I walked over to Orihime and Tatsuki. Tatsuki and I knew each other before I had died. We went to the same karate dojo.

"Hey there Ichigo. You know that the teachers are going to demand that you get a hair cut let alone to stop dyeing it." stated Tatsuki. I often got into trouble with other people and the teachers over my hair. I brushed several of my long orange locks out of my face. No matter how many times I tried to cut my hair, it quickly grew back. I had given up on trying to change my hair style.

"I actually think he looks attractive with his hair like that. Besides he isn't the only one that color hair. Can't they tell that its completely natural?" replied Orihime. I smiled gently thanking Orihime.

"I wouldn't get too close to him Inoue. His kind means nothing but trouble. He will be more than likely to eat you." stated a voice from behind us. I turned looking at a black hair male who wore a pair of glasses. Uryu Ishida was perhaps one of the smartest kinds in the school. I could sense his reishi as clearly as he could sense mine. Uryu knew that I wasn't human. I was still trying to figure out what he was.

"No one cares what you think Uryu. Besides you know next to nothing about me." I growled. It was true that like most hollows I consume souls but, I didn't eat any that where innocent only those who were evil. I was still trying to figure out how I knew what souls were good and which ones were evil. Uryu walked away from us as I could feel a piece of paper placed in my hand by the teen.

"Is it just me or does he hold a personal grudge on you?" asked Tatsuki.

"I don't know to tell you the truth Tatsuki. I have never done anything to him." I replied.

"Of course you wouldn't do anything to hurt and/or harm anyone. That's what I like the best about you Ichigo." stated Orihime. The teacher finally showed up as I went back to my seat. I opened the paper that Uryu gave me.

~I know what you truly are Ichigo Kurosaki. You may have everyone around here fooled but not me. Meet me after school unless you want your secret revealed.~ The note read. I quickly crumpled it in my hands as I could feel my reishi rising threatening to unleash wildly.

"Master Ichigo, may I suggest that your mod soul take your place. We need to do something to quell your rage." stated Tensa. I knew that my zanpakuto had a point as at times he and Shiro did their best to keep me calm. I sighed softly and asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. My teacher nodded their head as I got up placing the mod soul pill case in my pocket before I got up and went to retrieve the pass for the restrooms. Even in my human form I could use some of my newfound abilities that I had gained since my death. I quickly flash sonido to the bathroom as I quickly checked to see if the bathroom was clear before I swallowed the mod soul. I could feel my soul pulling free from my body. I now stood next to my gigai in my soul form.

"Hey what gives Ichigo? You never usually never use me while your at school." stated the mod soul. I looked at my gigai pointing to the crumpled note that was in its hand. Kon, the mod soul who know in habited my body read the note. "Well its no wonder that your upset. Go I got this covered!" stated Kon.

"Thanks Kon. I should be back quickly as I am going to Kisuke's place." I told the mod soul as I slipped out of a nearby window. Kon waved my hand as he took off heading back to my class. Once outside, I quickly flash sonido to Kisuke's shop. When I arrived I could see Tessai sitting outside.

"Kisuke has been expecting you. He's down stairs." stated Tessai. I nodded my head and went inside to the basement training grounds.

"Well something as gotten you riled up. Want to talk about it while we fight?" asked Kisuke as he took out Benihime. I smiled as I could feel Tessa Zangetsu form in my hands. I had discovered that unlike anyone else, I could make my zanpakuto materialize whenever I need it this way I didn't have to carry my zanpakuto all the time while I was in soul form. As Kisuke and I fought I told him about Uryu. "Tell me Ichigo is there anything about him that stands out?" asked Kisuke as I dodged a blast from Benihime. I remembered that he always wore this strange bracelet around his wrist.

"He wears this strange cross on his bracelet." I replied as I returned a blast of my own. "Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" I snapped. Kisuke tried to dodge but he ended up at the last second using Benihime's energy form a shield to protect him.

"Damn Ichigo, your powers have gotten much stronger." stated Kisuke. The store owner wasn't hurt but his clothing and hat where torn to shreds.

"Sorry about the clothes Kisuke." I replied causing Tensa Zangetsu to vanish from my hands.

"That's all right Ichigo. I think I may know what exactly Uryu is just from you telling me about his bracelet." stated Kisuke. I looked at the store owner as he dusted himself off. I began to wonder what secrets Uryu was hiding.

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