Eight- honor of the quincy

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, =flashback=, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Eight- honor of the Quincy

Kisuke dusted himself off as he told me about a race known as the Quincy. Much like shinigami, they were able to kill hollows. But when they killed the hollows, they didn't ease the souls existence but rather obliterate it completely. There were rumors that the shinigami didn't help them when they were under attack by a large hollow army as several Quincy's were killed.

"He maybe the very last of his kind. The Quincy where known to have a very strict honor. He sees you as a hollow trying to hurt people." replied Kisuke. Hearing Kisuke's words about hollows got me upset as my reishi went out of control lashing out everywhere. "Ichigo calm down. I don't think that this Quincy knows a single thing about you." yelled out Kisuke as he dodged my reishi.

*He's right King. Who does this Quincy think he is to judge us? We should show him that we aren't like other hollows. I say meet him after school.* Shiro stated mentally.

*Shiro does have a good point Master Ichigo.* added Tensa. I began to calm down at my inner hollow's and zanpakuto's advice.

"Sorry Kisuke. I just don't understand how he was able to figure it out. I keep my reishi under control so not to draw the attention of people like him." I stated. Kisuke closed his eyes as I could feel his reishi rising as he focused it to sense something. I could see thousands of ribbons shoot up all around me as Kisuke walked towards me with his eyes still closed. He reached past me grabbing a ribbon as he opened his eyes.

"I think he miss read your spirit ribbon Ichigo. Shinigami's ribbons like your father and mine is red as blood. Yours because of your hollowed nature looks black." Kisuke stated as he handed me my ribbon. He was right it did look black as night. "If he looked closely, he would have seen parts of shinigami in your ribbon." I looked at my ribbon closely to see that it was a black-red color darker than mahogany. The spirit ribbons disappeared once Kisuke relaxed his reishi.

"Thanks Kisuke. I just have to show Uryu that he is completely wrong about me."

"Ichigo be careful. We still don't know if a Quincy's arrow can cleanse you completely out of existence. The same goes for a shinigami fighting you with their zanpakuto. I know that you are able to perform a konso sending souls to the Seireitei. But we don't know what will happen to you if you fight a full shinigami and/or a Quincy." stated Kisuke as I made my way upstairs.

"I guess that I will have to find out. Don't worry Kisuke, I will be careful. Thanks for everything." I replied as I flash sonido back towards the school. When I arrived at school it was lunch time as I knew precisely where Kon would be. I went to the roof of the school to find Kon sitting eating lunch with some of my friends. Keigo Asano was perhaps one of my most annoying friend, Mizurio Kojima was his closest friend as they grew up together, and Yasatro Sado who I have nicknamed Chad was a gentle but quite giant. Kon looked up as he could clearly sense my presence as he excused himself from the group.

"How did it go with Kisuke?" asked Kon.

"Well I found out that Uryu is as I am going to confront him after school. Thanks for your help Kon. I will take it over from here." I stated. Kon stretched out my body letting out a long yawn. I pressed my gloved hand next to my body as it went through to retrieve Kon's marble. Before my gigai fell to the ground, I quickly moved reentering my body. Within my left hand was Kon's marble. "Rest well Kon. I may need you again later on." I whispered as I rejoined my friends for the rest of lunch.

I sat in class listening to the teacher's voice drown out. Uryu watched me carefully like a hawk. But my thoughts were elsewhere as I looked at Orihime. I began to remember back to when I first meet and fell in love deeply with Orihime.

=Begin Flashback=
It was one year after my death/rebirth as Orihime became the new girl in the school. She was very shy as she kept to herself until Tatsuki went over to befriend the girl.

"Hey Ichigo come over here for a minute." yelled out Tatsuki. I got up walking over towards the two girls.

"Orihime Inoue this is Ichigo Kurosaki. He happens to be my closest friend even though he is a guy. Like you he too has orange hair and tends to get in trouble for it. Just don't let anyone get to you about your hair." Tatsuki stated. Orihime looked up at me blushing lightly.

"Tatsuki is right. If you ever have a problem about anyone because of your hair tell me and I will take care of it." I stated. Orihime looked at me smiling. God she was beautiful. I knew that I would do everything within my power to protect her. I then noticed the small snowflake pins in her hair. "I like your pins." I stated trying to hide my blush. Orihime touched her pins as it looked like she was ready to cry.

"Thanks they were a present from my brother before he....." Orihime suddenly broke down into tears. I fumbled into my pockets pulling out a handkerchief handing it to Orihime.
"Please don't cry. I hate to see a girl cry. I know what it is like to lose someone you love. I lost my mom last year. I say wear those with pride as I know that he is watching over you." I stated. Orihime took the handkerchief thanking me.

Several days later I found Tatsuki consoling a crying Orihime as her hair had been chopped up to shreds as she didn't have her brother's pins in her hair. Seeing Orihime in tears with her long hair shredded got me very angry and upset. I set out to find the ones who hurt my Orihime.

*Your Orihime, you are very protective over her.* Shiro stated within my mind.

'Why shouldn't I be? I care a lot for her. I love her since I first meet her.' I replied.

*Just be careful to not to lose control. We don't need to hurt any humans.* replied Shiro. I said nothing as I knew my hollow had a point. I managed to find the ones who made Orihime cry. They were older students in a local junior high school.

"Give them back!" I growled at them when I saw them playing with Orihime's pins. The three junior high students just looked at me laughing. "I said give me back those pins you took!" I snarled angrily.

"Oh yeah..... who is going to make us? You?" asked one of the students as he moved to punch me. I stood my ground catching his large fist in my small hands. I grasped it hard using my full blown strength to snap his wrist.

"Yes. I am." I snarled. One of the other boy jumped kicking me in the head. I took the kick still remaining put. "Was that supposed to hurt?" I asked lacing my voice with that of my hollow. My eyes transformed into that of Shiro's causing the boys to jump back in fear. The third boy held a sharp knife. He came running at me as he slashed at me with the knife before he stabbed me hard in the chest. The knife was still stuck in my chest causing blood seep from my wound. "Are you guys mad? Attacking an unarmed person. Allow me to show you true fear!" I snarled as I unleashed a bit of my reishi to cause Tensa Zangetsu to form in my hands as my energy lashed out at them. I dug the knife from out of my chest as my wounds began to instantly heal. Seeing my wounds heal as Tensa Zangetsu slowly began to form in my hands caused the three older teens to bolt. They threw Orihime's pins as they ran away from me. I capped my reishi causing Tensa Zangetsu to disperse.

*Good job King. I think that you scared them shitless.* laughed Shiro. I bent over picking up Orihime's pins. I brought back the pins to Orihime as she smiled brightly. I swore that never again I wanted to see her cry as I had fallen in love with Orihime Inoue.
=End Flashback=

The final bell rang as all the students took off for the weekend. I slowly rose to my feet as I could see Uryu point to the roof. I sighed softly as I nodded my head taking off to the roof.

"I don't know what you are after hollow. But I won't allow it to continue on. By the honor of the Quincy, I will see your kind destroyed." stated Uryu. I could see his bracelet glow as his reishi transformed into a bow and arrow. "Now die hollow!" snapped Uryu. I knew instantly that Uryu meant business. I instantly took the mod soul capsule out of my pocket as I popped Kon into my mouth avoiding the shot from Uryu's bow. Kon and I instantly switched places as I stood before Uryu in my true soul form.

"Ichigo.... what's going on?" asked Kon who now possessed my body.

"Kon keep my body safe for me. You are wrong about me Uryu. I am not your enemy as I am not like other hollows." I snarled at Uryu as I allowed Tensa Zangetsu to form in my hands. I prepared for Uryu's next move and what he was going to do next.

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