Nine- hollow battle

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Nine- hollow battle

Uryu stood before me with his spiritual weapon aimed at me as Kon scampered getting out of the way. I could feel Uryu studying me.

"I am not your enemy Uryu. I am not like any hollow that you have seen before...." I stated.

"Shut up! You hollows are all alike. You are never satisfied no matter how many souls you consume. By the honor of the Quincy, I will not rest until I see you destroyed." snarled Uryu as he let the spiritual arrow fly at me. I moved at incredible speeds avoiding the arrow.

*Master Ichigo, why aren't you fighting him? He is trying to kill you!* Tensa roared in my head.

*I know Tensa. But I made a vow never to hurt a living human being. Now matter what Uryu says, I know that he is wrong about me.* I replied. My zanpakuto said nothing as it knew that I couldn't bring myself to hurt Uryu. Uryu fired shot after shot trying to kill me but I wasn't about to let one of his arrows hit me. I didn't know what would happen if I did. I began to feel this strange reishi flowing in the air as I noticed a crack forming in the sky. 'Shit this isn't good. Our fight is attracting something large and it feels dangerous.' I thought to myself. I watched as the crack grew in size as a large white hand began to pull the crack open.

"Now by the honor of the Quincy..... die!" Uryu snapped as he released an arrow flying straight at me.

*King..... watch out!* Shiro yelled out. I turned watching the arrow fly at me. The spiritual arrow hit me hard throwing me back a couple of feet but, I remained unharmed from Uryu's attack. This caused the Quincy to stare at me in complete shock. I was surprised too. I had expected the spiritual weapon to dissolve me into nothingness but I guess do to part of my shinigami heritage, Uryu's weapon wouldn't be able to kill me. Would the same thing happen if I faced against a shinigami?

"For Christ sake Uryu would you open your eyes! I am not the one you have to worry about!" I snarled at him pointing at the rift in the sky. The rift fully opened as hollows of every size and shape came pouring out. A large menos grande accompanied them as it let out a fearsome roar as it looked at us.

"You couldn't beat me alone is that it hollow? So you had to call for your friends to join you. It doesn't matter how many there are. By the honor of the Quincy, I will kill you all!" snapped Uryu as he fired a volley of shots at the menos. The menos let out another roar as a red ball of energy formed in its mouth.

'Shit!' I thought to myself as I quickly moved getting in front of Uryu. The menos fired off a cero (zero) shot straight at the Quincy and me. I stood before Uryu holding up my gloved hand stopping the cero. I easily crushed it in my hand as I glared at the menos shooting it a dark look. "Get lost!" I snarled darkly as my voiced was laced with my hollows. The menos looked at me as it then began to retreat going back through the crack as it closed it behind him. Tensa Zangetsu began to form in my hands as I held it tight while my reishi flared out. "Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" I snapped out unleashing a blast from my zanpakuto destroying some of the other hollows. Uryu stared at me in shock.

"Why did you protect me?" asked Uryu.

"I told you that I am not your enemy as I am not like these hollows. I protect humans as I swore since my death and rebirth that I would never harm another living being and that I would do everything in my power to make sure that no one meets the same fate that happened to me. Now are you going to help me stop these hollows?" I asked Uryu as I moved to attack the hollows. I madly slashed hollow after hollow as there was too many hollows for even me to handle alone. Suddenly I could see a large blue blast behind me. I turned to see a hollow vanish as Uryu let out another shot shot after destroying hollow. This caused me to smile.

"This doesn't make us friends or anything. I just won't stand by and watch these hollows attack innocent people." stated Uryu. I nodded my head that I understood as Uryu and I attacked hollow after hollow destroying as many as we could. I attacked using Tensa Zangetsu as well as several cero (zero) blasts of my own. I could see Uryu's fingers bleeding as now one shot from his bow wasn't killing them as quickly as it should.

*Tensa..... Shiro..... lend me as much of your power possible. I am going to finish this once and for all!* I told the two. I could feel their powers flow into me as I clutched Tensa Zangetsu hard in my hands. "Kuroi Getsuga (black moon fang)!" I snapped unleashing a powerful black blast of reishi energy at the attacking hollows. The blast hit all of the remaining hollows destroying them in a single blast. I nearly collapsed to my knees feeling a bit weak. Uryu turned his bow back at me.

"Now its your turn hollow." he stated.

"Your weapon has no effect on me Uryu. You saw it yourself. Besides I told you before that I am far different from those hollows." I stated powering down my reishi. Uryu looked me over closely. He looked a bit confused at my looks.

"You look like a shinigami but your powers are that of a hollow. What in the world are you?" asked Uryu is weapon was still fully drawn.

"According to my father and Kisuke, I am a vastro lorde. Basically I am a hollow with the powers of a shinigami." I replied.

"But that's impossible!"

"Well it isn't. I was reborn this way. I am not like other hollows as I still grow and get older. My body is that of a human as I use a gigai to live out what used to be a normal life before my death. Not once have I harmed an innocent soul. I still retain all of my human emotions." I stated. My eyes widened as I saw a hollow approach us as Uryu turned quickly firing off a shot. The hollow dodged Uryu's attack as it prepared to strike the Quincy before he could fire off another shot. I moved quickly pushing Uryu to one side as I slashed at the hollow with my zanpakuto. The hollow disappeared as it transformed into an ball of energy. The ball of energy settled into my gloved hand as I was starving. Uryu looked at me in shock as his bow wavered. I had saved his life once again.

The gates of hell began to materialize as it tried to pull the orb from my hands. Uryu's eyes widened when he saw the gates of hell.

"What in the hell?" asked Uryu.

"Precisely!" I answered. I could barely contain my hunger as I began to eat the orb in my hands. Uryu watched me as I ate the orb causing the gates to hell vanish. This caused Uryu to have his spiritual weapon to vanish. I finished eating the orb feeling satisfied. "I will answer all of questions as no doubt you have a lot of them." Uryu could only nod his head as I began to tell him all about my past and how I first became a hollow. Uryu listened to my story as he couldn't believe it was possible. "As I told you, I am not like the other hollows. I use my powers to defend my hometown and the people I care the most for. Whether it be family and or friends. It doesn't matter to me who they are. I will defend them with my life!" I tell Uryu. I know that my words have moved him as I could tell that he no longer sees me as a threat. I caused Tensa Zangetsu to vanish from my hands as I called out for Kon to bring me back my body.

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