Ten- enter Rukia

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Ten- enter Rukia

After explaining everything to Uryu, I took back over my body and headed home. My dad owned a small hospital known as Kurosaki Clinic which also just happened to be our home. I opened the door to my house to find it strangely quite.

"I'm home!" I called out. Yuzu's head popped out from the kitchen.

"Welcome home Ichigo. I'm making dinner as it should be ready shortly." stated Yuzu.

"Where's dad?" I asked heading towards our kitchen to find Karin sitting at the table doing her homework.

"He had a meeting at Karakura General Hospital. He should be back by dinner time." replied Karin.

"I see. I am going to my room to lay down for a bit. Call me when dinner is done." I told Yuzu as I went upstairs to my bedroom. My room was nothing fancy as it contained a bed and dresser to do my homework. Once inside of my room I placed Kon's pill case on my desk along with my backpack. I got out of my school uniform throwing on some regular clothing. I collapsed onto my bed closing my eyes for a bit. When I reopened my eyes I found myself within my mindscape as Shiro and Tensa were waiting for me.

"Well I guess that you got Uryu to ease off of you for now. Do you honestly think that he will keep his word King?" asked Shiro. I looked at my inner hollow smiling softly while running my hands through my hair. When I first came to my inner world, I was confused as I didn't have a hollow mask and/or whole in my chest. I looked completely human. The same went for Shiro. It was Tensa who explained that my mindscape reflected me as I would take on the form I was most comfortable with. In my case, I would look how I used to be before I became a hollow. Since Shiro was a part of me, he would take on whatever form my mind chose.

"If what Kisuke tells me about the Quincy's are true. Then yes. He swore by the honor of the Quincy not to say a word and to keep my secret."

"Master Ichigo with what happened today, we should be on guard. No doubt that the Seireitei noticed the strange unusual happenings within Karakura." warned Tensa. I sighed softly knowing that the zanpakuto spirit had a point.

"I know Tensa. We all knew that eventually the Seireitei would begin to investigate what has been happening. Even though they are seven years too late. I won't blame them for what happened to mom. That all falls on my head." I replied.

"If you ask me King, you are to soft hearted. If it were me, I would have torn that whole damned Seireitei down to the ground because of what happened seven years ago." stated Shiro. I quickly moved grabbing a hold of Shiro's shihaksho lifting him off of the building that we were on.

"Never say that again Shiro. It wasn't their fault what happened that day. The only one who is to blame is me. If I had any clue about the truth of what I was seeing that day then mom would still be alive and I wouldn't be like this." I growled darkly.

"All right King. It won't happen again. I promise." replied Shiro. I let Shiro down releasing him from my grip.

"What happened that day is in the past. What we have to worry about is the future." stated Tensa.

"Out of all of us, you are always the most level headed. I will talk to my dad and get some advice on what to do." I stated. Both Shiro and Tensa nodded their heads that they understood as I left my mindscape. I must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I know I was being awakened by Karin.

"Jesus Ichigo you sleep like the dead. Oh wait you are dead." stated Karin.

"Ha-ha very funny Karin. Is there a reason to why you are walking me up?" I asked.

"Dinner is ready." I slowly got out of bed ruffling Karin's black hair. "I will race you down. And no using your powers!" Karin stated as I gave her a head start. I made my way downstairs to find my family sitting at the table. I joined them as Yuzu served me my food.

"It looks good Yuzu. Dad I need some advice."

"Advice? Does this have anything to do with what happened today?" my father asked. I nodded my head yes. Karin and Yuzu looked at me wondering what was going on. I told the girls the story of what happened as I held no secrets from them. It has been that way since my death/rebirth. They knew all about Kon, our father being a shinigami, the hollows, and what I truly was. The girls treated me no differently than how they regularly did. "I see so you are worried about a shinigami showing up." stated my father as I nodded my head. Yuzu began to break down into tears.

"You can't leave us again Ichigo. Your not a monster like those other hollows. You are our brother, our family!" cried Yuzu. I got up pulling Yuzu into my arms as she cried into my chest.

"I'm not planing on going anywhere Yuzu. Just shinigami who do end up coming will only see me as an enemy. I don't think it matters to them." I stated trying to console Yuzu.

"Ichigo is right Yuzu. To people like the Quincy's and shinigami, Ichigo is a hollow. There for he is an enemy. But we all know full well that Ichigo isn't evil. Knowing the Seireitei, they will no doubt send a rookie to investigate what is happening. So try to keep a low key and hopefully things will work out as you won't attract the attention of this shinigami." stated my father as Yuzu dried up her tears.

"Thanks dad. I will try my best as I hope that we can get this issue resolved quickly." I replied. After dinner I went to do my homework before I went to bed.

I awoke feeling an unusual reishi in the air as it was right next to me. I opened my eyes to see a Shinigami's zanpakuto hanging over me as a shinigami sat on my chest. I reacted quickly as I threw the shinigami off of me allowing me to get a better look at my attacker. It was a female with black hair and light grey eyes.
"What the hell? I don't hang a sword over your head while you sleep." I growled at her angrily. The woman sheathed her zanpakuto as she studied me. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." I snapped at her.

*King let me take her!* Shiro yelled mentally as I told him to stuff it.

"I don't understand no human is supposed to see me. Something about you strikes me odd. You feel like a hollow. Maybe one marked you without you being aware of it." the woman stated. It sounded like she was rambling to herself.

*Is she kidding? She seems to have no idea that you are a hollow King. I say we take her.* Shiro stated. I got up out of my bed walking over to the woman.

*Shiro shut up! We aren't going to attack a shinigami. End of discussion!* I snapped at my hollow as I smacked the woman upside the head. I didn't use my full strength. "Stop rambling to yourself. I am already in a foul mood thanks to your wake up call. Now who in the hell are you?" I asked. The woman looked at me in shock. "Well speak up!" I snapped.

"Rukia Kuchiki."

'Now we are getting somewhere.' I thought to myself. I extended out my right hand towards Rukia. "Nice to finally meet you Rukia. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. Now can you tell me what this is all about?" I questioned. Rukia told me about the strange reishi that they have detected from Karakura Town.

"There has been an influx of souls to the Seireitei. When we talked to them they described you. I know that it is next to impossible for a human to be able to perform a konso. I have been trying to figure out what exactly you are." replied Rukia. Suddenly the door to my room opened as my dad stood there in full shinigami robe.

"Ichigo are you all right?" he asked pointing his zanpakuto at Rukia. I moved quickly grabbing my father's zanpakuto putting it back into its sheath.

"I'm fine dad. Rukia was telling me why she was here." I replied keeping a firm grip on his hand and zanpakuto. My dad looked at me as I lightly shook my head. "Rukia Kuchiki this is my father....."

"Captain Isshin Kurosaki. You used to be the captain of squad ten. The stories say that you died long ago in a battle with a hollow." Rukia stated as she bowed her head. Ichigo looked at his father as the older shinigami sighed softly as he sheathed his zanpakuto. 

"Please there is no need to be so formal Ms. Kuchiki. That was a long time ago. What brings you into our home late at night?" questioned my father. Rukia proceeded to tell my father what she had told me.

"I believe that your son maybe in trouble as I can sense a hollow's taint on him." stated Rukia. My father looked at me as I shook my head. There was no way that I was going to tell her the truth.

"I see. I suppose that you are going to stay around Karakura to find and kill this hollow."

"It is my duty. I suppose that it was you who has been sending souls to the Seireitei."

"Yes. But Ms. Kuchiki nobody must know that I am still alive. It would bring up a lot of unanswered questions as I do have a family to take care of." Rukia nodded her head that she understood as she opened a window leaping off into the night. I walked over to the window breathing a sigh of relief. "Well that went well." stated my father.

"I already know what you are going to tell me dad. I have to keep a low profile. No making any trips out in my soul form." I stated.

"This came up at the worst time possible. First there is trouble with the Quincy and now a shinigami has entered the picture. I just want you to be careful Ichigo. No telling what would happen if the Seireitei found out the truth about what you are." stated my father. I could tell that he was worried about me.

"Don't worry dad. I don't plan on them finding out. I promise to be careful. Hopefully things will work out." I stated trying to assure my father that I would be all right. My father hugged me before he left my room. I knew that he didn't want to loose me again.

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