Sixteen- head captain Yamamoto

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Sixteen- head captain Yamamoto

The trip was a short one as the next minute I found myself within an office as an older man with a bald head and a long white beard sitting at the desk. Rukia immediately went down onto her knees.

"Head Captain Yamamoto." she stated in shock as she reached up to pull me down. "Bow down you foul." Rukia hissed.

"Please rise Miss Kuchiki. So this is former captain Isshin Kurosaki's son. I see that Uharara's reports about a vastro lorde was true. Never in my life would I think that I would ever meet one face to face. Tell me Kurosaki, how is your father?" asked captain Yamamoto.

"He is well. He misses my mother. He is glad that I am still somewhat around as my sisters would have been totally upset if I disappeared suddenly." I answered truthfully.

"You have nothing to fear here Kurosaki as I have read Miss Kuchiki's and Uharara's reports. I see that your father and Uharara have trained you well." stated the head captain. Rukia rose to her feet as the head captain told her to report back to her squad barracks. Once Rukia left, Yoruichi also left the room allowing Yamamoto and me to speak in private. "Allow me to introduce myself formally. I am captain of squad one and head captain for the Seireitei, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. You may just call me either head captain or Captain Yamamoto." stated Yamamoto.

"I trust knowing that you have read and heard the reports made by Kisuke, you know that I am not your enemy."

"Yes even being with your presence I can tell that you are far different from other hollows. I feel that I must apologize as Karakura town never had a resident soul reaper besides your father. I never pictured your father having children or even marrying a mortal. Since because he is your father, you must have picked up some of his powers. That is why that hollow Grand Fisher lured you to him." stated Yamamoto as he gestured me to sit down.

"We won't have to worry about Grand Fisher as I killed him after becoming what I am as I ate his soul." I stated as I went to sit down. Yamamoto rose to his feet as he used a cane to walk around with.

*That's no ordinary cane Master Ichigo. That happens to be his zanpakuto.* stated Tensa.

*It must be in its sealed state. No doubt he can transform The hilt to appear when he goes into battle. This old man has controlled the Seireitei longer than even possible.* added Shiro. I could tell that they were both impressed.

"Tell me Kurosaki after meeting Captain Aizen, what was your impression of him and please be honest." asked Yamamoto.

"My zanpakuto didn't trust his words. I could feel that he wasn't telling me the full truth to the reason why the Seireitei and the soul king needed to be under his control. It almost seems that he feels that he should be god." I answered.

"Speaking of your zanpakuto. I haven't seen it. Uharara said that it is unsealed but you can materialize it at will." Yamamoto stated as he turned towards me.

"That's true. Kisuke said that he hasn't seen one never sealed as I don't need a release word to transform it into a shikai state." I replied as I willed Tensa Zangetsu to form in my hands. Yamamoto's eyes widened when he saw Tensa Zangetsu form in my hands. "I have only seen one other person cause their weapon to form like this. A Quincy who happens to be a friend of mine. Uryu was able to create a bow entirely out of reishi as well as the arrows he uses. According to Kisuke he believes that I am several things mixed together but have the power of a vastro lorde. My zanpakuto, Tensa Zangetsu has told me that my resurreccion (resurrection) is triggered by my rage and anger." I told him before I willed my zanpakuto to vanish.

"Getting to the reason why I wanted to speak with you and called you here. I want you to act as a spy for us Kurosaki. I want you to agree to Aizen's proposal and alert us to his plans. I believe he has the knowledge on how to achieve his plans as according to Captain Kurotsuchi, some data from the research and development is missing. At first I didn't believe Uharara's words about Aizen but after hearing what you have told me, I am starting to have reasonable doubts about him." I got up and started pacing around the room.

*What do you two think about this?* I asked mentally.

*I say we should agree. Your father used to work for this man. Aizen will return back to Karakura for your answer.* stated Tensa.

*I agree. This way they won't send any more shinigami after us knowing that we are on their side. We maybe the only ones who could go to the realm where hollows come from.* added Shiro. I sighed softly running my hand through my hair. I knew that in my gut that I couldn't agree to Aizen's proposal as he seemed to be hiding something from me. Wether it be his true intensions or the method that he would complete his goals, something about the man troubled me. It was almost like he knew that this would happen to me and that he had arranged for Grand Fisher to attack me. No matter what Aizen's plans were I would do whatever it took to make sure that my family, friends, and the people I care for are safe.

"Alright old man. I will become your spy for Aizen." I stated as Yoruichi entered the room along with a sickly man with long white hair.

"Perfect timing Shihoin and Captain Ukitake. I trust that you were able to complete the task I gave you?" asked Yamamoto. The man with the white hair began to cough as he didn't look to well.

"Of course head captain. So this is the Arrancar that is on our side." stated the man as he came up to me extending out his hand. "Captain Jushiro Ukitake. It is nice to meet you."

"Ichigo Kurosaki." I replied shaking Jushiro's hand. A spark of energy lept between us when I touched him as instantly he began to look better. Jushiro placed an object into my hands.

"What's this?" I asked looking at the baseball plate object which had a skull on it.

"That is a special combat pass. It was specially designed for you as it shows any shinigami that comes to Karakura that you are a deputy shinigami despite your hollow appearance. You will be also able to communicate to us with the device as it will alert you to any hollows within the area." stated Jushiro as he took out his zanpakuto thrusting it into the air to have a senkaimon appear to bring me back home. I nodded that I understood as I placed the badge into my shihaksho.

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