Fifteen- Seireitei

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Fifteen- Seireitei

Later that night I called Kisuke as Tessai picked up the phone.

"Uharara's." answered Tessai.

"Tessai its Ichigo. I need to speak with Kisuke." I stated.

"He's busy with Miss Kuchiki." answered Tessai. I sighed softly as I knew within my gut that I had to tell them both about Aizen.

"Good keep them there. I have something important to tell them both." I stated. Tessai agreed as I hung up the phone. I went downstairs my dad sat at the table going over some paperwork. Yuzu was cooking dinner and Karin was on the computer. "I am going out so save me some dinner." I stated.

"Kay Ichigo." replied Yuzu. My dad looked up catching my eyes as I could tell that something was up.

"Ichigo this wouldn't happen to do with the unusual reishi that I sensed today?" questioned my dad. I sighed softly running my hand through my hair. My sisters looked at me with concern in their eyes.

"I didn't want to worry you guys. Dad happens to know about a shinigami that has arrived investigating the unusual hollow activity. As well as who is sending spirits and souls to the Seireitei. The shinigami had found out that I am a vastro lorde when I used my power to help her out. Now she is going to remain for a week to see if I am a threat before she decides what to do about me. Today an Arrancar came to propose on behalf of its master. I told him that I wouldn't accept the offer unless I spoke to this master for myself. Later on I had been payed a visit by the Arrancar leader who happens to be a shinigami captain." I stated.

"Ichigo, are you certain that this man was a shinigami captain?" asked my dad. I nodded my head yes. "No doubt your going to speak with Kisuke."

"The shinigami Rukia is there as well. Tensa doesn't trust this captain as I believe that he has more planned than what he told me." I replied as I took out Kon's pill popping it into my mouth. I quickly separated from my gigai as Kon was now in my body. "Kon, I am leaving you in my body as I want you to protect my family." I told the mod soul.

"Leave it to me!" replied Kon as he saluted. Karin and Yuzu quickly gave me a hug.

"Please be careful Ichigo." they stated as I nodded my head. My father smiled as he gave me a charm attaching it to my shihaksho.

"Keep this for good luck as it belonged to your mother."

"Thanks dad. I will see you all when I get back." I stated as I flash sonido away from my house heading to Kisuke's place.

I arrived at Kisuke's place as Tessai allowed me in. Both Rukia and Kisuke sat at a small table drinking tea.

"What's so important that you had to keep me here Ichigo?" questioned Rukia. I sighed softly as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I have to be honest with you Rukia. Yesterday after I had left the room heading to the bathroom, I was approached by an Arrancar who came to recruit me on behalf of their leader. I told him that unless I speak to this leader directly, then I can't consider their offer. After you had pissed me off, I came here in order to release some of my pent up energy I was approached by a shinigami captain."

"Why would a shinigami captain approach you Ichigo? I wasn't aware that the Seireitei was sending a captain here." Rukia stated as she opened up here cellphone. Kisuke placed his hand on Rukia's stopping her from making the call to the Seireitei.

"Ichigo, did this captain tell you his name?" asked Kisuke.

"Sosuke Aizen. He told me that he wanted me to join his army to over throw the Seireitei and the soul king. He promised me that if he became the soul king that he would prevent the hollows from coming to the living world."

"It is just as I feared." stated Kisuke.

"What do you mean Kisuke?" asked Rukia as I came to join them at the table sitting down. Kisuke told us that he used to be a captain of the thirteen court guard until Aizen betrayed him creating the vizards.

"I was stripped of my post and banished to the world of the living along Tessai and the vizards. I had told the Seireitei about Aizen but there was testimony that he never left his squad barracks. It was almost like he had hypnotized the Seireitei." explained Kisuke. Rukia gasped in shock at what she had learned.

"Aizen is allowing me time to think over his proposal as he would return to hear my answer. I felt that I had to warn you about Aizen's plans as I can't help but to fear that this will cause trouble not only for the Seireitei but also for the living world." I tell them. I rose to my feet as I was ready to leave.

"Ichigo what would be your answer if Captain Aizen appeared again?" asked Rukia.

"I am not certain. My zanpakuto doesn't trust Aizen's words as I agree with him. I just felt that I had to say something before it was too late." I answered.

"Well it is a good thing that the head captain has agreed to meet with you." stated a female's voice. I quickly turned to see a black skinned female with cat like hazel eyes and purple hair. "Nice job on the conference call as head captain had heard everything. He wants to meet you Ichigo Kurosaki as he tell me that your mission here Rukia Kuchiki has been completed." stated the woman. She was dressed in ordinary clothing as I never sensed her  presence. She held open a senkaimon which brought the two worlds together. I could see Rukia rising to her feet as she went for her zanpakuto. I moved stopping Rukia from drawing her sword.

"Guys meet Yoruichi Shion. She used to be a captain of the thirteen court guard." stated Kisuke.

"I still am. Just I tend to be a spy as I have kept a careful eye not only the Seireitei but also on the living world." stated Yoruichi as she turned to me as I released my hold on Rukia. "Head captain knows all about you Ichigo as Kisuke told them about you. He felt that sooner or later Aizen would make his move. I am to bring you to meet the head captain himself as he wishes to speak with you."

"Alright." I stated as I moved to join Yoruichi at the senkaimon. Rukia followed us as the three of us entered the senkaimon bringing us to the Seireitei.

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