Fourteen- Aizen's proposal

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Fourteen- Aizen's proposal

I manage to make it back to school around lunch time as I knew that Kon would be able to sense my presence. But getting away from Rukia was going to be tricky. I waited within the boys bathroom for Kon to show up. The doors finally opened revealing Kon as he let out a frustrated growl.

"Damn that girl needs to back off and get a life. She is going to drive me crazy!" moaned Kon.

"Was she able to figure out that you weren't me?" I asked the mod soul.

"I don't think so. But she did feel your reishi spike and sense the Arrancar's presence. I assured her that you dad had it covered." replied Kon. "How long is she going to hang around?"

"One week just to make sure that I am not a threat. God my week has barely begun as this happens. What else can go wrong?" I moan as I ran my hand through my hair. "I am going to take it over for now. Thanks Kon for your help."

"Not a problem. Besides it is kind of boring not having anything to do." replied Kon as he stretched out my body. I placed my glove hand against my body popping Kon out before I took his place as I then went back to my class. True to Kon's statement, Rukia carefully was watching over me as she didn't seem aware that for a while Kon had taken my place. Around lunch time Orihime came up to me.

"Ichigo can we talk?" she asked.

"Sure." I reply as I look at Keigo and Mizuiro who was giving me the thumbs up. Uryu managed to drag Rukia away. I smiled as I needed to thank Uryu later for his help. "What's up Orihime?" I ask trying to act like my casual self.

"I thought over the stuff you said earlier about falling in love with me and that you wanted to go out with me." she stated. I swallowed harshly as I could feel myself sweating bullets waiting for what Orihime was going to say. Orihime blushed as her eyes meet mine. "I like you too Ichigo. You are really nice to me and have been a good friend."

*Oh no she's going to say that she only sees you as a friend and wants to remain that way.* Shiro moaned in the back of my mind.

*Shut up Shiro. She wouldn't be blushing if she didn't have some feelings for me.* I growl at my inner hollow. "Go on Orihime." I stated as my voice sounded nervous. Orihime lightly nibbled her lip as she stood up on me tiptoes giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too Ichigo." she whispered blushing at least three shades of red. Before Orihime had a chance to pull away, I pulled her closer planing a kiss directly onto her lips. The kiss was soft and not over heated but it didn't remain that way for long as I lightly nipped at her lips to deepen the kiss. But when I sensed Rukia's presence, I ended up breaking the kiss.

*Kill joy!* yelled Shiro in the back of my mind. Orihime blushed as I carefully wrote a quick note with my phone number on it before walking out of the classroom. I glared at Rukia.

"What?" I asked trying my best not to snap at her.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible." she states.

"Just because I am part hollow doesn't mean that I can't have feelings. I happen to care a lot for Orihime. I love her. Is it so wrong for me to actually care and/or love someone?" I snarl.

"No it's just I didn't think....."

"You didn't think that something like me could actually have feeling. You believe that all hollows are capable of doing is eating and attacking souls. Well I am not that kind of hollow. I was human and in someways still human!" I snap as I could feel my reishi lashing out at Rukia.

*Careful Master Ichigo. Remain in control.* Tensa yells at me. I storm off walking away from Rukia before I literally lost it. All the while I mumbled to myself underneath my breath. I stormed out away from the school as I needed time to cool down. I began to piece together why Shiro and Tensa always kept me under control not losing control of my rage and anger.

*Our resurreccion (resurrection) happens to be based around my rage and anger isn't it?* I asked.

*Yes. This is why we carefully monitor your emotions. If you lost control, who is to say what would happen.* replied Tensa.

*Worst case scenario is that you could hurt the people that you care for.* added Shiro.

'Great just flipping great! What else can go wrong?' I asked myself. It took me a while to calm down as I returned back to school. The rest of the day Rukia laid off of me but I could still feel her watching me. By the end of the day I quickly flash sonido out of there as I didn't want to face Rukia or anyone else for that matter. I was still slightly ticked off about everything that happened today. I decided to head to Kisuke's place as I needed to let out some of my anger. When I arrived there, the place was strangely quite as I didn't see Tessai and/or Kisuke around. "Kisuke..... Tessai..... are you here?" I asked as I opened up the door to the basement.

*I have a bad feeling about this King.* stated Shiro. That is when I first sense it, a powerful reishi that would have knocked an ordinary person down. I quickly turn facing a man wearing shinigami robes similar to Rukia's but he also wore a white robe of a captain. He had dark brown hair and matching eyes as he wore a pair of glasses but the presence to him felt more violent much like a hollows. I lept back as I took a defensive position.

"Relax Ichigo Kurosaki I am not here to kill you." stated the mysterious captain. I didn't relax as I carefully studied the brown haired captain.

"What do you want?" I growl.

"I trust that Grimmjow passed along my message?"

"So you are the master. He did express your interest in me. What is it that your after?" my voice began to lace with my hollows as I could feel my powers lashing to escape my gigai. The captain just smiled at me as I found it creepy.

"It is as Grimmjow told you. I want to over throw the Seireitei and become the soul king. But in order to do this I need an army with powerful souls. This is the reason why I have gathered my Arrancars as hollows have been shinigami's enemies for as long as the Seireitei has existed. You Ichigo Kurosaki are the only vastro lorde that I have ever encountered as you are very strong and powerful. This is why I need you." stated the captain.

"And what happens when you do become this soul king? How do you plan to change the Seireitei?"

"For one thing I plan to have hollows never come to the living world. Wouldn't it be great not to have their presence here? No longer would you have to use your power to protect those you love. You could live a normal life never fearing if the shinigami would come to destroy you." The captains words struck me as I could feel myself calming down. I wanted to believe in his vision.

*I don't trust his words Master Ichigo. There seems to be more to it than that. Why over throw the soul king in the first place? What is it that he is truly after?* Tensa stated in the back of my mind. I could sense Rukia's presence approaching the shop as the captain sensed it as well.

"Think about it Ichigo Kurosaki as I will return to hear your answer." stated the captain as a senkaimon opened up revealing another captain with white hair and a Cheshire like grin.

"You never did tell me your name." I stated.

"It's captain Sosuke Aizen. I will return to hear your answer Ichigo Kurosaki." replied the captain as the senkaimon closed disappearing from sight. I was left there troubled by this captains presence and what he told me.

'I don't think the Seireitei has any idea about this man's plans. This could spell trouble not only for the Seireitei but also the human world.' I thought to myself as Rukia finally caught up to me.

"There you are, I have been looking all over for you!" stated Rukia.

"What do you want Rukia?" I asked angrily.

"I wanted to apologize. I know next to nothing about you as I am basing my knowledge on what I know about hollows. I know I shouldn't as I should get to know you better." replied Rukia. I stood there shocked as I accepted her apology. I turned heading home as I had to talk to Kisuke later about meeting Aizen and hearing his proposal.

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