Thirteen- recruitment

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Thirteen- recruitment

The following day I meet up with Uryu to proceed to tell the Quincy what was going on. I think he was a bit surprised to see still alive.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were worried about me." I stated.

"Come on Ichigo be serious for once. That shinigami is going to kill you because of what you are!" snapped Uryu as I shook my head.

"Actually Rukia is going to observe me for one week before she fully decides what to do about me." I stated as I could feel Rukia's presence right behind me. "Good morning Rukia."

"Kurosaki, Ishida. Remember Ichigo I will be keeping a close eye on you." Rukia stated.

"Yes mam!" I replied with a salute. Rukia shook her head as she went to take her seat. "God that girl needs a sense of humor." I stated causing Uryu to laugh lightly.

*God you are unbearable King. That girl wouldn't know a joke if it bit her in the ass.* stated Shiro. I laugh mentally at Shiro as he did have a point. *More importantly King.... when are you going to tell a certain princess your feelings for her? You may never get the chance to if Rukia tends to destroy you.* questioned Shiro. I sighed softly hating when Shiro had a point. I ran my right hand through my hair before walking over towards Orihime and Tatsuki.

"Hey Ichigo. I see that you are getting along with Uryu and Rukia." stated Tatsuki.

"Yeah I guess that you can say that." I replied as I noticed Orihime lightly blushing which made me even more nervous than I already was.

*You can do this Master Ichigo!* Tensa cheered on in the back of my mind. I took a long deep breath letting it out slowly.

"Orihime I have to tell you something important." I stated as she looked up her eyes meeting mine. I swallow harshly.

"What is it Ichigo?" she questions.

"For a very long time I had fallen in love with you!" I kind of yell out. Everyone stops talking as I can hear Keigo and Mizuiro u's. "I figured that I should finally tell you. And I wanted to ask if you would like to out with me?" I could feel my face turning red as every kid except for maybe Uryu and Rukia is u-ing. The bell rings as I quickly bolt out of class totally embarrassed at what happened. I don't think I could face Orihime ever again. 'God I wish Rukia would have just killed me.' I think to myself as I dart into the boys bathroom. I sat in the bathroom splashing water on my face as I detected an unusual reishi enter the bathroom. I look up to see an older looking man possibly in his mid twenties with electric blue hair and piercing blue eyes. What strikes me most is that he isn't wearing our school uniform as he had a hole in his stomach and a part of a jaw bone mask attached to his face.

"So you are the one? It took me a while to find you. When he said that you went to school here and were posing as a human, I thought that he was kidding." stated the man. I reacted quickly leaping away from him as I pulled Kon out of my pocket popping him into my mouth. Almost instantly I had separated as Kon stood behind me.

"Ichigo is he what I think he is?" Kon whispered to me.

"No he is actually nothing like me Kon. He is an Arrancar." I replied.

"Ah so you do know what an Arrancar is. I only want to talk as our master wants you to join him." stated the man.

"Kon head back to class. I am going to talk with him elsewhere." I tell my mod soul.

"Are you certain? He looks like bad news to me Ichigo." Kon whispers.

"Just go Kon!" I tell him as Kon scampers out of there quickly.

"So your name is Ichigo is it?" asks the man.

"What if it is? I don't know your name as I don't know why this master you speak of wants me." I replied as I head out of the bathroom through an open window. I quickly flash sonido away from the school as the blue haired man is following me. "We can talk better hear without anybody knowing." I stated which causes the man to laugh.

"Worried about your rep? It wasn't like anyone was going to see us or even know that we are there!" stated the man.

"You are absolutely clueless. There was a shinigami in that school who is keeping an eye on me. So unless you want her to come after us, you will put a cap on your reishi." I snap at him as my voice laced with my hollows. This guy was seriously pissing me off.

"But how did a shinigami manage to find you when I could barely? Its not important right now. If that shinigami is causing trouble then I could easily kill her for you!" I moved quickly as Tensa Zangetsu formed into my hands as I grabbed the Arrancar slamming him into a nearby building holding my zanpakuto to his neck. My reishi leaked out of my body lashing at the Arrancar which caused him to smile.

"You will do nothing to her. Do I make myself clear!" I snarled. My power radiated forcing the Arrancar to lose his smile.

"Kay.... I hear you loud and clear. Jesus he wasn't kidding when he said that you were powerful."

"Get to the point!"

"Our lord and master wants you to join him in over throwing the soul society and getting rid of the shinigami."

"And instead of him coming to speak to me himself he sends you to speak to me.  Unless he can meet with me face to face, then I will have to decline his offer.  I am not going to side with anyone unless I know what they are after and their plans." I reply as I let go of my hold on the Arrancar. I turn as if heading back towards the school.

"This isn't over yet.  I will return.  Remember my name as it is Grimmjow Jaegerjaques as I am Arrancar number six!" stated the Arrancar before his presence vanished.  I had a feeling that this was not over yet as I could expect another visit soon.

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