Chapter Fifty-Eight

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^ here's our angel again, ready with her laptop to watch the trailer ^


H o l l o w s   I n
T    I    M    E

She blazed in like a blackbird straight from finding a kill. But she wasn't done. With wings poised, she snapped her head around, eyes pierced as she sought out her next prey. But who she picked shocked me.

"You promised me!" She screeched, yanking him up by the collar. "You promised!" She drummed her fists into his chest.

"There was nothing I could do!" He yelled back.

She scoffed, "When can you do anything?"

By now, the pair had attracted a lot of attention, but I still had the perfect view of Alexi from where I sat. And I thought I saw tears in her eyes.

I watched the girls—Avery, Cassie and Saph—gravitate towards the scene. And then Saph started to push through the crowd.

Alexi said something, leaning in close to him. But I couldn't hear it. Her body language was less tense; it couldn't have been a threat.

And then Saph flew in like a broken winged eagle.

"What's going on?" She asked, albeit quietly.

Lexi swung around, and her temper grew, if even possible. "Great." She threw her arms up in the air. "So this is why you failed." She shook her head and backed away, bumping into many different people. He reached out an arm towards her, but she continued to walk. And then I glimpsed it. A stray tear, rolling down her cheek.

She wiped it away hastily and shoved past everyone.

"Lex!" He shouted. "Lexi, wait!" He called after Alexi, trying to catch up with her.

"Damn you!" She yelled, making me jump as she erupted from the crowd. "Damn you!" She repeated before stalking off. In my direction.

Like a shadow, she darted past me. I knew she knew I was there. But shadows don't really have great sense of direction. So she kept walking. Then she was gone.

I'm usually oblivious. But I can read friends. And both Saph and Lexi are—or have been—good friends of mine.

From this day on, they will always have strings tied to their backs, that knotted themselves to each other. Because, right now, they have two things in common.

Firstly, they are both friends that I have fallen out with.

But, secondly, they are both connected to the same person.

They are both connected to Jonah Torrest.

The boy that Alexi had come for was Jonah.

But why? And how does she know him? And what was the 'promise' that he didn't keep?

Suddenly, I was up on my feet. But I didn't know why. Was I going to console Saph or Lexi? Or was I going to find out what just happened from Jonah?

Turns out, I'd be doing absolutely nothing. Because a figure ghosted by the table like it was collecting me for death. When I turned around, I recognised Jameson.

"Sky, I need to talk to you." He told me, running his hands through his hair in order to get it out of his vision.

"You think?" I responded, quirking up an eyebrow as I glanced at the crowd that was now dispersing. Jameson gave me a sheepish smile, then beckoned me with an outstretch of his arm. I was about to follow, then I remembered Toby.

I looked down to see him glancing between us, holding his fork the wrong way up as he tapped on the table with his bitten nails.

When he saw me looking, he smiled. "Go." He told me, shooing me off with his hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked, subconsciously checking that I still had my phone and cash in my pockets.

"No, I want to trap you in this cafeteria and condemn you to a life filled with wiping down tables and fixing vending machines." He told me deadpanned and still holding his fork the wrong way up.

I smiled and nodded as I heard Jameson mutter something behind me. It wasn't really coherent. But it sounded like, "You better not."

I turned around and Jameson glanced up at me quickly, as if wondering if I had heard his words. But then he turned and started to walk away. I did the same, before glancing over my shoulder and waving over at Toby. He shook his head in response, a grin on his face.

Then I left the cafeteria. 

I caught up to Jameson, who was walking at super-human speed, and he gave me a side glance.

"Are you close to Toby?" He asked out of the blue.

I turned to frown at him. "I guess." I replied.

Jameson's facial expression nor body language changed. "That's good. He needs someone right now." I sighed, looking downwards as I walked.

"I know." I agreed.

"You don't blame yourself for that, do you?" He asked, turning to look at me as we entered an empty corridor. I had no idea where we were going.

"No." I told him, shaking my head.

Jameson stared out ahead of us. "Good. Because you shouldn't."

Silence followed. We reached the end of the corridor and Jameson held the door open for me.

"Neither should you." I told him. Jameson paused, his hand still on the door as I stood on the other side of the threshold. He sighed, letting the door close, and then leaned against the door frame.

He closed his eyes. "I'm your Guardian, Sky."

"Is that your excuse for everything?" I asked in response. Jameson's eyelids fluttered, and then his eyes were open. He frowned at me.

"You're only human, Jameson." I told him.

He stared into my eyes. "And so are you." I nodded slowly. We were half a metre apart. His eyes flitted from my eyes to my lips, then, after a few seconds, they gazed into my eyes once more.

"And you're–" but he seemed to cut himself off, as if he realised that what he wanted to say wasn't appropriate for the situation.

"And I'm..?" I raised my eyebrow, silently gesturing for him to finish his sentence.

He broke eye contact. "Endangered." He finished. I laughed and Jameson turned to peer at me under his brown locks, which had somehow forgotten organisation.

"Call the RSPCA." I joked and Jameson smiled, stifling a laugh as he ducked his head. The hair on his head bounced. And then it started to agitate me as it fell over his face when he looked up again.

I took steps forward and reached out. Jameson watched my hand in surprise as it reached his forehead, my fingers pulling locks of hair from out of his vision. But it just fell back into place.

I huffed, reaching up again and brushing my hands through his hair, hoping it would stay back if I deliberately brushed it backwards. It did. But there was one last lock of hair, lingering above his eyebrow. I pushed it away, the pad of my finger brushing the skin of his face. And Jameson closed his eyes at the contact. I pulled away abruptly, clearing my throat.

When Jameson opened his eyes again, he was speeding off into the distance. "Let's go." He shouted over his shoulder.

We reached an unfamiliar room and Jameson put his index finger to his lips as I was about to close the door. I pushed it gently and followed Jameson to the table in the middle of the room, light on my toes as to not make any noise.

Jameson tapped the table, where papers among papers sat, fanned out so that I could see all of them. "When you used to talk about Alexi, it never registered in my head." He started.

"But then I realised that someone knew her."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't say." I was referring to what had occurred only minutes ago. Alexi somehow knew Jonah.

"Don't assume I lied to you," he started, stepping back. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue, "but Alexi has been at the W before."

At my expression, he held his palms out in surrender. "I've never seen her around here." He assured me. "But when I arrived and eventually made friends, I heard the guys start to talk about some girl, going by 'Lex'." He told me.

"Alexi." I murmured under my breath.

"Exactly." Jameson responded. "Now this was in two-thousand and fifteen, when Alexi was fourteen or fifteen—I'm assuming." I nodded in response so he continued.

"And then she suddenly disappeared," he told me. I frowned and he tapped a piece of paper on the table. "Because she completed her training." I followed his finger and read the words he pointed out.

PASSED 27/12/15'

"So she could be my Guardian." I whispered under my breath, and Jameson nodded.

"But she was only fifteen." I looked up to see Jameson smile.

"And I was thirteen. Guarding has no age limits, Sky." I looked down, absorbing the new information.

"Did Alexi ever seem to take frequent trips?" Jameson asked.

I stared hard at the pages as I thought. "Her mother had an interest for nature; she used to supervise the camps a lot." I told him.

"Supervise camps, or return to the Academy?" He asked, pointing to a register log. An 'AAbbot' had checked in and out on average five times every month.

"I'm guessing she still participated in training. But I think she was there for other reasons too." He picked up a page by its corner, and when it was uncovered by the other sheets, I saw what it was. A picture. Of a Guardian class, perhaps.

And there, in the middle of the bunch, grinning with all teeth, moulded into Jonah's side, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, was my childhood assigned Guardian. It was Alexi Abbot.

"She isn't just connected to Jonah." I stared at the picture. "She is in love with Jonah."





I can do whatever I like ye


Now they're are two things that need to happen

First of all



The One Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller
504 Reads
30 Votes
15 Parts
(14 Chapters)

And now

The Two Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller (I've probably had a better rank but I can't remember it so here's last months one)
659 Reads
64 Votes
29 Parts
(28 Chapters)

And now now

The Three Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller (I've probably had a better rank but I can't remember it so here's July's one)
761 Reads
78 Votes
43 Parts
(42 Chapters)

And now now now

The Four Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller (I don't really check for the rank oops)
872 Reads
94 Votes
59 Parts
(57 Chapters)

And that's all for now folks

Hope you enjoyed what I call: crazy uploading bc I had no time during the week so I somehow make time across two days to post like five chapters I don't think it's possible but I do it anyway

-I'll publish that

Next update: Wednesday

CHAPTER FIFTY-NINE SPOILER: (the end of an era!! And so soon!)

We all follow our hearts.

But just how far was Alexi willing to go before the house fell down?

And more importantly, you can't have a reunion party with just one person.


Well, it wouldn't be at all fun.

Especially when we have mysteries to solve.

Why, I say, what a nice chapter awaits you.

But, something better, something in the here and now. 

It's finally here.

It's ready for you.
But are you ready for it?



[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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