Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"You can try to hold the truth back, but we all know that it just wants to be free."
—me (finally added a quote after a good three months lmao y'all are welcome)

H o l l o w s I n

"Or was." Jameson interrupted my trail of thoughts. I hummed. That's a possibility too. I started pacing.

"She sprung on him in the hall. Something about him not keeping a promise." I walked back over to the papers, peering at Jameson.

"What could that promise be?" I asked.

Jameson shrugged. "I'm as clueless as you are. I never knew she even existed, never mind knowing that she's your Guardian."

I shook my head, turning to look at the group gym class photo. "I still can't get my head around that. I had a Guardian before I even knew what a Guardian was." I frowned, turning to face Jameson once more as he started to collect up the papers.

"So why was I brought to the Academy?" I asked him. He looked up at me, and then his eyes averted as if he was in thought.

"If I already had a trained Guardian, who was female, and knew everything about me—then why did I need to be brought to the Academy?" I asked, both to myself and to Jameson.

He frowned and returned the papers to a folder. "That's a good question." He opened a drawer and stuffed the folder in. "Let's ask someone who actually knows the answer." He told me, before grabbing my hand and gesturing for me to be quiet. He opened the door carefully, then peeked out to check the corridor. After assessing the hallway, he pulled me out in one swift move. And then we were walking.

"Who?" I asked, finally, as we blended back into the crowds.

"An authority figure who just returned to the Academy. And she probably owes you." Jameson explained, never letting go of my hand. I don't think he realised he was still holding it

I frowned. "Who?" I echoed. Jameson pulled me to the side suddenly and I nearly tripped. But Jameson cushioned the fall and we remained in the shadows, near the entrance of the school. Then the doors swung open, fierce frozen air blasted in. And then appeared a blonde, dressed in all black. Everyone shifted, moving out of her way.

"Why does she owe me?" I whispered to Jameson, watching Guardians trail behind her.

"Because she is the Head Guardian at this Academy. Yet she still couldn't save you." Jameson responded as he tugged me out from the shadows. Then we followed her. We followed Kate Wright.

"So where did she go?" I asked Jameson as we watched her enter her office.

"Back to your hometown." Jameson answered. I stared ahead. My hometown. I gulped.

"To do what?" I asked as Jameson took a step forward, ready to approach the Guardians that had flocked her upon her arrival.

He paused to answer. "To find out what went wrong. To find out why no one could save you until it was too late." He glanced back to the Guardians who were shifting uncomfortably. "And my guess is that she didn't find an answer." With that, he turned and approached the Guardians.

They conversed for a while and I glanced around nervously, crossing my arms and holding them close to my chest. Once again, I am forced to dig up my past with a spiked shovel.

Then Jameson turned around and beckoned me over. I walked over hesitantly, seeing the Guardians at the door scrutinise me as if they were trained to judge and not to protect.

Jameson gestured for me to follow him as he walked into Kate's office. I happily followed, hiding away from the Guardians using the hair that cloaked my face.

"..but we combed and combed. I swear there are obvious evils and then there are the invisible evils." A voice spoke, clearly frustrated. It was Kate.

"Maybe there was something you missed." Someone responded.

"Yes, obviously." I heard her sigh, and then Jameson and I emerged from the shadows once more. Kate looked up immediately, and the lines etched on her face relaxed slightly at our presence.

"Jameson, Sky—hello." She greeted us with a warm smile despite her mess of appearance. As if realising this, she tucked her hair behind her ears before gesturing for us to speak. A Guardian stepped forward, but she waved him off—he eyed Jameson and I before departing.

I took a step forward. "Alexi Abbot is back." I told Kate. She rose her eyebrow.

"She's early. Though, what did I expect?" She laughed to herself, pulling a notebook out of her bag.

"Did you assign her as my Guardian?" I asked Kate as she fumbled around uselessly in her bag.

"Not quite." She responded, then, upon looking up at my expression, she sighed. "She was assigned to you by inner circle connections—I have no idea who did it, perhaps someone close to you who wanted to ensure your safety." She explained.

I frowned. "But she trained here."

"She did." Kate replied.

"So if you trained a Guardian for me, why did you need to bring me here?" I asked.

Kate sighed. "It was upon request. From someone in a way higher position than me who payed the Academy a lot of money to secure the confidentiality of our meetings, and to ensure that you'd be safe." I found myself recoiling at all the new information.

But I didn't let it phase me. Not as I had a new revelation. "Well what if they were trying to get me to the Academy to make me vulnerable to their attacks?" I asked.

Kate sighed. "Not likely. The reasons given for your requested safety at the Academy were sufficient."

"Which were?" Jameson spoke up for the very first time since we'd got here.

"I'm not sure what training session you missed, Fahr, but I did tell you both that this transaction was confidential." Kate replied, fingers on her temple.

"Look," Kate began, "Abbot wasn't a bad Guardian, in fact, she was probably your best bet, Sky." Kate let that sink in. "But apparently she just wasn't good enough." Kate leaned back in her chair. "So now you have two Guardians, and you're also protected by the Academy." Kate herself didn't seem to be able to comprehend that information. "Maybe that was their plan all along." She whispered under her breath.

"Wait," Both Jameson and Kate looked at me. "You said I have two Guardians." I told her.

She nodded, "Jameson and Alexi." She replied, eyes flickering over to Jameson's frame beside me.

"But Alexi just got back here, how has she already been assigned to me?" I asked.

Kate smiled warmly. I had a feeling Alexi was a favourite. "She hasn't been. Not yet. We're keeping her under a strict eye—training and rules and such, but she's always been a quick study—then we will assign her."

I slumped over and lost my formality, of which I probably never had. I threw my hands up. "Who on earth needs two Guardians?" I asked.

Kate clicked her pen. "Sky Forest does." She responded, which earned an eye roll from me and a grunt from Jameson.

Shortly after, Jameson and I dismissed ourselves, and Jameson closed the door to Kate's office with a sigh.

"My life just keeps getting weirder." I said, shoving my hands into my jean pockets. Jameson hummed.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked, looking down at me as he opened a door for me.

I smiled and shook my head, meeting his eyes. "It just means I have a lot to say on dates," I flipped my hair over my shoulder, "'yeah those two are my Guardians and they follow me everywhere, and also you're going to be checked by the Academy I'm being protected by to make sure that you aren't going to abduct, maim and kill me—so that's me. Tell me a bit about you?'" I finished my joke and Jameson flashed a rueful grin. But I couldn't figure out why.

We walked in silence. And then he perked up.

"I never thought about that." He said suddenly.

"What? Maiming me?" I asked with a small smile. Jameson shook his head and laughed.

When he sobered up he said, "Dates." But the look on his face wasn't humoured anymore. So I did my Sky Forest thing. I tried to make himself feel better by making me look like a nutjob.

"True, I think everyone likes apricots more." I quipped. Jameson frowned at me for a while, then he shook his head, his unruly hair falling all over the place.

"You are definitely Sky Forest." He smiled.

"Oh wow," I put a hand over my chest and rubbed fake sweat off my forehead, letting out a long breath. "Thank God; I prayed every night that I'd definitely be Sky Forest." I walked away, breathing in and out slowly. "Phew."

Jameson cracked up into a bout of laughter behind me and I turned around, watching him crumple over as he tried to catch up with me. Then I joined in.

I am definitely Sky Forest. And thank God.


Cringe alert
Cringe alert
Cringe alert


Are my #skyson shippers satisfied for once??

Greedy buggers

excuse me I'm starved this is a pea on a very large dish

-nice description do you want an award

Next update: Friyay

(A new era!! Also, wtf that went fast omg how is there only 44 chapters left??)

With a nightmarish day approaching, the girls are going to need their armour.

I sense a shopping trip coming.

And how could I deny you some #skyson banter?


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