Chapter Thirteen

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"Everyone has secrets. Some are just better at keeping them than others."


H o l l o w s I n

"Where did you learn that?" I asked with astonishment, not being able to believe my eyes as a very 'popular' boy laid on the floor, groaning in pain.

Lexi looked over me for half a second, as if checking if I was severely hurt. She shrugged in the end, "All those James Bond films." She joked, but I saw past the joke. But I still didn't know what her true reason was.

Twelve months ago

She cared about me. It was as simple as that. But I had a crumbling trust in the Academy, where my 'big heart' was broken when I lost all faith in humanity, believing everyone was out to get me. Because of this, I began to doubt Lexi's true intentions—somehow. I just had to get back into the swing of things—somehow.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lexi asked me for the fifth time whilst I was pushing the key into my front door.

I rolled my eyes, "No. I developed a deadly reaction to a poisonous snake bite on the way from the driveway to the house." I sarcastically replied and Lexi rolled her eyes.

"I'm still coming in with you." She told me as I pushed the front door open.

This time, I rolled my eyes, "Of course you ar–" My voice cut off quickly once I spotted a collection of people in my house. Some I recognised—somewhere far, far into the back of my mind. Some I passed off as intruders.

My mother popped up in front of my vision, "How was your first day?" She asked, burning curiosity and concern gleaming in her luminous pale skin.

Her eyes trailed behind me to glance at Alexi before I responded, "Yeah. Great. I was educated." I responded, and although I heard a snicker from behind me, my mother still looked interested.

She dragged me into the house, taking off my bag and blazer for me. I slipped off my shoes as I looked around with crazed eyes. What on earth is going on?

"So what did you learn?" She asked, sounding way too eager to be genuine.

"Oh, Chrissy dear, let her be!" It was a croak of a voice, yet still soft and tender. My Grandmother. I could recognise it, even if I hadn't seen her for over five years. My mum looked flustered as she nodded, saying a few words before leaving us.

My nan tutted to herself, "She's a mess don't you think?" She laughed and I joined in awkwardly, ignoring the sniggers that Lexi was trying to hide. My nan made small talk for a while, once she had expressed just how 'beautiful I had become', and then I made a feeble excuse to go and get a drink, dragging my poor excuse of a friend with me.

When I got to the kitchen, I nearly smacked the tap as I dropped a cup—thankfully plastic. Lexi caught it as if she played fetch with cups in her spare time. She filled up my cup with water before outstretching her arm, trying to hand it to me. But I was too distracted.

She sighed, leaving the cup on the side, "It's not that bad." She said, trying to cheer me up.

I stared at her. "Alexi, I don't know who half these people are!" I tried to keep my voice down as I exclaimed.

"Of course you do," She replied and I rose an eyebrow, "You knew your nan."

I looked at her with a deadpanned expression, and then my voice reflected that same emotion. "Wow, one person."

Lexi leaned into the side of the counter, "You know me." She tried to counter but I nearly laughed at her.

"You're not my family." I retorted, but before she could speak again, another voice flooded the room.

"Sky!" It exclaimed and I winced, before turning around and flashing my best 'you're my family' smile. Except, I didn't recognise her—at all.

"Who are you?" I asked her upfront, losing my manners all of a sudden.

The woman's grin faltered, "What do you mean? I'm your Aunty Marion." She laughed as if I was just joking, so I joined in.

"Of course!" I grinned, "Aunty Marion!" I continued as she began to embrace me.

I turned back to see Lexi casually sipping on my water. "Who is she?" I mouthed and Lexi nearly spat the water out.

"And who's this?" My 'Aunt' asked, suddenly becoming aware of my friends presence.

So I announced her as just that, "Oh, this is my friend." I told the woman and her smile seemed to break—for real.

My mother entered again as she spoke up, "This is a family gathering my dear." She informed me as if I had no idea—because the sea of unfamiliar faces totally didn't tip me off.

My mum approached us, hearing the gist of my Aunt's discomfort. "Marion, this is Alexi." It was only four words, but my Aunt's expression changed from a grimace to a sudden realisation. I frowned, my eyes darting between my mum and my Aunt, trying to figure out what on earth was going on. Then, finally, I glanced at Lexi, but she was somewhere else, her stare focused straight on ahead, but when her eyes finally flitted over to mine, she flashed me curious expression. I shrugged back, then decided to be dismissed before I got too confused.

I trudged upstairs, Lexi following close behind me with my cup of water. I reached the landing and fumbled around in the dark before reaching my room—then squealed when I walked into the wall instead of turning on the lights.

"Are you okay?" Lexi asked, suddenly right next to me. I jumped before chuckling as I finally found the light.

"I'm fine, not sure about my forehead though." I joked, rubbing at my injured forehead. Lexi smiled, setting my water down on the side. I threw myself on the bed, sinking into the soft mattress. I heard Lexi laugh, and somewhere in the room I knew she had found comfort too. I sat up just as Lexi plopped herself on a beanbag in the corner.

"What just happened with my Mum and Aunt?" I asked her as she flicked through some of my old school books—she knew that I knew she was ignoring me. She was obviously very tactical.

"You were kind of good at art, you know." She remarked and I huffed, "Have you drawn since?" I froze. Suddenly, I felt like she knew everything about me. And as her eyes rose to reach mine, they weren't eyes of warm curiosity, they were eyes of cold scrutiny.

But it wasn't her, it was the paranoia. Lexi asked me a simple question, and, yes, I had drawn since. I had drawn in lowkey circumstances, for example in an art class in an Academy she can't know about. But I also drew Jameson. In that notebook I hid in the sofa. It doesn't matter how lighthearted the question was meant to be, I will still assume that she's ready to imprison me for lying to the police. It was just an effect, caused by the own risk of my safety. For my safety, I lie everyday. And it catches up to you, you know.

Lexi was still looking at me.

I ignored her question like she had ignored mine, "What happened down there?" I asked once more and Lexi stifled a laugh before tucking my old art book down the side of my chest of drawers.

She shrugged, "Maybe she wasn't aware of how much your family loved me." I jumped off my bed and shoved her in frustration.

Lexi laughed, "Come on, sis, that's not very nice, is it?" She joked and I punched her arm.

"What was that?" She chuckled before pretending to be injured from my feeble punch.

"Shut up." I groaned, walking away from her and towards my window, ready to close it and draw my curtains. Then I spotted a movement. At first I tensed, but then the figure was made clear to me. They weren't on the offence, they were on the defence. The figure was a Guardian. It was a surprise, really; they shouldn't be lurking so close to the naked eye.

For a while, we just stared at each other, until I saw him nod. In response I raised my fingers slightly in a half wave.

"Is there something out there?" Lexi asked from behind me, and I nearly shut my fingers in the window as I nervously tried to close it. I drew the blinds as Lexi started to peer over my shoulder.

"Nothing," I told her, "I thought I saw a cute poodle underneath the streetlight." I lied. The best kind of lies are the ones that sound like jokes. They sound believable. Like you're the sort of human being who stares out the window for no reason and you need to cover up the embarrassment, when, in reality, you're covering up a whole other life in an Academy that protects 'endangered' people.

"Oh yeah?" She rose an eyebrow at me, "Was it taking itself for a walk?" Lexi retorted in response and I snorted by accident. No matter what, Lexi was still that one friend who was either oblivious or just trying to save your pride. Or both.

I was laughing too hard to respond, so I just nodded.

Lexi shook her head, "Weird, weird world."

And I couldn't agree with her any more.




chicken and chips
-bgt 2017




This chapter was cute and was totally not a filler so don't complain

If you think it was a filler then you read it wrong

Stats all I'm saying




Next update: Friyay


Surprise, surprise,

We're going forward in time.

In our last present chapter, we left off with Sky finally returning to the Academy.

How does she get on?

Will everything fit into place once she's back where she always wanted to be?

Or will her life be forever missing vital pieces?

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