Chapter Twelve

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H o l l o w s I n

He was Zack Espan.
He was dead.
He was Zack Espan.

The survivors got driven in similar cars to ours once more field Guardians had arrived on the scene. Zack left in an ambulance—but the doctors couldn't fix any of the damage—not unless they could bring a man back to life.

I sat next to someone I didn't know, in a car full of people I didn't know. I felt trapped. Still trapped. I was advised multiple times to go to sleep, but I wanted to expect everything. I leant my forehead against the glass of the window, my eyes envisioning a better life, somewhere in the depths of security, surrounded by trees of benevolence. Now I've really gone crazy.

In my world, days had passed, but we got out of the car four hours later, according to someone I didn't mind talking to. I met Angeline at the 'base', and she clutched onto my hand, steering clear from her 'boyfriend', although I could see the glimmer in her vacant eyes every time she stared at him.

My memories told me where we were before I noticed. And I froze. I stopped. Everything stopped. I'd longed so long—I knew I had—I felt like I needed to be here. Now I felt like I needed to be in many other places, far, far away from here.

Angeline turned to stare at me, her heard cocking to the side. "What's wrong? Are you stuck?" Yes. Stuck in the middle of hell. The Guardians instantly recognised a change, but the damned devil had them marching on forward with a small gesture. He trudged over to me. I glared at him, my eyes ablaze.

"Sky, what's–"

"I'm not going in there." If I could've have cemented my feet into the ground in that moment, I would have. Angeline stood beside me, her eyes flitting between us cluelessly until a Guardian came and dragged her away. Flashes of a time like that ghosted along my skin, the misty memories murdering my mind. But how? My mind has already been lost and gone, it came back for a second once, but I can't remember when. Neither could Jameson by the looks of it.

"Stop talking." I threw at him and he frowned.

"I was–"

"But you did, and I know what you want to say, I know what you will say. So stop talking; I'm staying here." I crossed my freezing arms over my freezing chest, over my frozen heart.

The one with one half of my life took a tentative step forward but I didn't budge. I won't fall by his hands again. I might have been fooled when we met before, but home was always a person—to me, J–he was a home, he brought up memories, I liked the memories; but not him.

"We have to go inside," His voice was strained. I wonder if his emotions were straining too—too many false pretences; you can't fake morality. "You're cold." He tried again, gesturing to my shrivelled up frame.

"No," I spat, "You're cold." I hurled back at him. My eyes were mirrors, and in that moment, I hoped that when he looked into them, he'd see who he was. Then he'd look away from my eyes, but he wouldn't be able to avoid my lifeless from, and he'd see what he had done.

"Sky, come on, let's go." He hid his hurt, obviously, it was a Guardian talent. "Sky, please." For a moment, I saw it all flash before my eyes. Everything. His emotions had condensed, circling in the cold air as he exhaled. And just like a warm breath in cold air, I saw his warm emotions in cold circumstances. And my lost mind, my lost mind tried to be found.

"Sky Forest, may I speak with you?"

"My name is Jameson Fahr,"

"We will arrive at Zasolnište in approximately three hours."

Little flashes was what it was. Like another life I had lived yet one that was too far from my reach. Is the past always supposed to feel like that? Like memories feeling so sweetly clear yet so bitterly hazy? That past was so near, only metres away and a crystal clear image in my mind. Just so far. Too far away, my lost mind was too far. And so was that life.

I was going to take steps forward. Then I stopped.

"What do you think about Jameson being your bodyguard, your protector?"

But he hadn't protected me. He was a liar. He was a human yet crafted from mythological evil. He was cruel. How could I have ever loved him? He never came for me. He never saved me. He never came for me.

He outstretched his arm towards me. I backed away from it.

"I won't go anywhere with you." I spat.

He frowned, hurt flashing in his eyes. It was way too obvious—he was becoming weak. "Sky, what have I–"

Someone interrupted his drone. "Is everything okay?" The voice called as the person approached us. I looked up, I recognised this person. My eyes searched for confirmation of my suspicions in his eyes, and they found it.

"Maxwell?" My voice was a croak, maybe the weakest I've sounded yet. The boy, a Guardian—Jameson's friend who I had met last year—nodded, beckoning me over to follow him. And I, unlike with my unfulfilled Guardian, followed him, leaving a heartless man standing on his own. He would always be alone.

The three of us walked in silence, and I had felt the burn of a stare in my back before Jameson had caught up with us. His hand brushed the bare skin of my arm and I recoiled away, practically falling into Maxwell, who caught me skilfully, smiling down at me. I returned the smile, with gratefulness shining through it. At least he could catch me, Jameson couldn't even remember that I existed. Even when it was supposed to be his job. His name is the epitome of satanism.

It was late at night when we finally walked into the Academy, through a back entrance, but we walked in nonetheless. No one was about. No one was around to see me. To see what I'd become. I wasn't sure if I preferred it that way—everyone would know I was here by tomorrow morning.

In a daze, I was led through corridors, and I soon found myself perched on the end of a seat on the end of a very long table. I recognised this table. But I didn't recognise the person sitting at the end of it. It was supposed to be Kate—Kate isn't here.

I frowned. "You must be Sky Forest," It was a man, and I peered up at him to see that he was already staring at me curiously. "I'm Christopher, it's nice to meet you." He spoke tentatively, as if I was going to jump out of my skin all of a sudden. I couldn't blame him though. From the treatment I'd had, I probably resembled something of a caged animal.

"Okay, Sky, we're going to need to have a little chat about your time over the past six months some time," He told me. I tensed. I didn't want to talk about a single Satan-induced second of that place.

"But not at this moment, we will get you settled back into the protection of the Academy, and you can speak to the Head Guardian when she gets back from her assignment." Her assignment. She was assigned to me. Kate is still in my hometown. Why didn't she save me? Everyone here is a liar. 'Guardians'. More like a useless excuse to waste my time.

"Until any further changes are made, your Guardian is still Jameson Fahr." The embodiment of satanism. A name I'd have to bless out of my body. Clean me, Lord. You're wondering—what did he do?

The meeting ended, and so did my last thin thread of dignity. The boy looked over to me, and seemed to want to hold out a hand, or maybe call me over as if we were long lost souls mates. Well, if that were the case, I'd want to stay lost.

What did he do?

It's not what he did, it's what he didn't do.


Sorry y'allllll

Although there are a lot lot lot of hints ^^ we really still don't know what Jameson did


I've just figured it out

What is one thing that Jameson hasn't done


-land and sea

Next update: Wednesday


Pack your bags,

We're going back to the past.

We join Alexi and Sky immediately after the last past chapter.

What is the real reason behind Alexi's kick ass moves?

And why does it feel like the past chapters are suddenly asking more questions than answering?

Look out for small hints, because you'll need them to become equipped for the future.

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(Bc I laughed)

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