Chapter 1

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A little she-kit was just opening her eyes for the first time. They shone brightly in the dim night. Many cats seemed to move around her-- and when she saw them in clearer focus they cheered. The little kit didn't know why or how, but they cheered. She let out a tiny mewl and then hearda  loving purr.

"Phormiumtail! What's going on?!" Called a voice from the crowd. The little dark-furred kit looked in it's general direction.

"The little dark kit opened her eyes!" The loving purr cat-- Phormiumtail? --replied to the anxious mew cat. "Come see your kits, Yuccaberry!" 

The anxious mew cat stepped forward into the dimly lit den. It seemed to be a dark gray cat with bright brown eyes.

Well, not really stepped. More like ran in as if his life depended on it. But close enough! The she-kit looked up at him and tried to make a smile, which made the crowd of cats gathered around them display various degrees of adorable sounds. 

"Can we name them? I hate calling her the dark kit." Phoriumtail pointed out, and the kit looked up at the large she-cat happily. She seemed to nod in agreement.

"Alright, alright! Simmer down! How about Hollykit?" The gray tom reached down towards the dark she-kit. She reached up with her paw to touch his nose. He was warm! The big she-cat nodded.

"And something with the sting of poison ivy. How about Ivykit for the other she-kit and Poisonkit for the tom?" And with those few words, Hollykit had a name. A gentle, calm name. But at the same time it left a stinging impact. She looked around at the surrounding cats and smiled.

But, of course, at that very moment Ivykit decided to wake up and tackle her. Which ruined the effect. Phormiumtail looked at the crowd surrounding the little family, spoke a few words, and the crowd dissipated.


A moon later, Hollykit awoke. She had been dreaming of giant mice, until Poisonkit lept onto her from behind.

"Rawr!" He was roaring. Hollykit laughed and bared her teeth at the silly tom.

"You don't intimidate me!" She exclaimed and playfully batted at his head.

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