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A dark Russian blue cat stepped into the moonlight, her fur glinting as it suddenly hit a gleam. Her bright eyes were wide with fear as she ran; a pack of dogs running at her back.

These weren't twoleg dogs.

They were wolves.
The shecat was scrambling away now; running for her own life. Why had she gone to that STUPID garden? STUPID STUPID STUPID!

The next thing she knew the shecat was was being lifted into a tree by another cat-- a bright tom.

"Thanks, Bromeliadpaw. You're a lifesaver. Literally." She flicked her tail as they watched the pack growling beneath them.

"Shall we go now?" The tom asked, obviously uncomfortable in this tree.

"Yes. Come on, we are gonna be in SO much trouble!" Agavepaw lept to another tree and looked back over her shoulder.
"Race ya!"

She extended her tail to swing from tree to tree; the prehensile tail she had letting her swing from tree to tree.


A small dark gray tom was leaping and twisting through the water, his gills activated as he swam down to the camp where he lived. Before he could get away from the land where he had been hunting for some land prey, he heard some louder barks.
"Who's there?" He called out, terrified of who it was. When he resurfaced he saw glowing eyes and dogs barking on the shore.

"Basspaw, come on. Land predators are the other Clans' problem." His mentor called to him, and Basspaw looked over his shoulder.
"But... We need all four of us to keep the disasters away. Please, Reedclaw. We have to help."

"No. You aren't even supposed to be up here right now. Come back down." She said, and Basspaw took one last glance to the shore before diving back into the water.

His dark gray pelt shone as he entered their sea-bottom camp. The leader was calling a Clan meeting. Basspaw stepped into the gathering crowd.

"Basspaw, step forward. You have trained well for these past six moons. You have earned this name. From now on, until the water takes its toll on you, your name will be Basstoe."


A tiny kit looked up at it's mother, it's dark brown pelt gleaming in the rocky sunlight. He smiled as he nudged her, happy and proud to be where he was. Nearby his sister was floating, and he had a little float himself.

Everyone around him also floated, between each of the pillars. But Hawkkit was standing on the ground, alone.

"Mama! Mama! Why can't I fly? When can I fly?" He asked, repeatedly.

"Hawkkit, you can fly soon. I promise. Until then, I'll stay with you and protect you from all the evil birdies out there." His mother reached down and nuzzled him; and the tiny kit gleamed with happiness. No. He glowed with happiness.

Happiness and pride in his family. And suddenly, the flow stopped and he began to float.


Grizzlybite was a new warrior, and her strong claws were tucked in tight as she ran towards camp. She heard a crack on a stick behind her and whipped around.

Her sleek black pelt glimmered in the light as she growled. Her claws extended and she kept forward to take them across the muzzle of a cat that had been following her. When he stepped into the light the she-cat shook her head.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me, Bearnose. I honestly didn't know that it was you." She spoke to her brother. He shook his head, and stepped forward to forgive her. And then she heard the barking. Grizzlybite lept into her brother, forcing him down just as a dog came into the clearing. She roared at him; her thick pelt standing on end as she ran towards the big creature.

Her claws were already extended and she swiped them across the dog's muzzle, effectively scaring it and making it angrier. She sliced again, two more times, and the dog began to run.

Grizzlybite looked over to her brother.
"You alright?" She whispered, smiling.

"Yeah, thanks."

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