Chapter Forty: Rollercoaster Ride

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Recap: After accepting the fact that she will never be together with her crush, Adam, Sophia moved on and found herself falling for Axel Brooks, a guy she initially treated as a rival. They get together, but she still had other problems, her dad was still engaged to Kate, a woman with a bad attitude. With the help of the two boys, she was able expose Kate, prompting her father to break up with her and apologize to Sophia. She then talked to her mother, who still had remaining feelings from her father, and her mother removes her hesitations about falling in love, and assuring her that she would be alright.

Special mention to Chapter Sixteen, because some scene from that chapter would be mentioned here.

About a month ago, I was sitting in the same chair with the same set of headphones, next to the same guy and being interview by the same radio host.

The difference? I don't feel like murdering Axel nor the host in front of me.

He gave a signal that we were about to start, and just like before, he pressed a few buttons on his control board before speaking up to the microphone directly in front of him, "Good morning to everybody listening, here we are again with today's hottest couple, none other than the Hollywood's Prince and Princess."

We said our own greetings towards the mic, smiling up to the interviewer who squeezed us during the last time we were here.

"Last time we talked, you two had this crazy rumor that you two were engaged," he chuckled lightheartedly, but I couldn't help but glare at him for suddenly bringing that back up, "If I remember correctly, you two said that you didn't have feelings for each other, where did that go?"

Two minutes into the interview and we're just going to dive straight into that. There's no beating around the bush for this guy, is there?

Axel laughed next to me, "You could say that I wasn't ready to tell her back then."

"What?" my head snapped to his direction, and because it was so quick, I didn't have the time to notice the huge ass mic that was directly hanging in front of me and so I hit my head – hard.

"Shit," I grumbled unconsciously, rubbing the part where it made contact. I suddenly realized what I just said when I saw Axel had his eyes staring wide in surprise as I hastily tried to cover myself, "-zu. I suddenly remembered the shih tzu I saw on the way here."

That was one of the most pathetic saves I have ever done in my life.

And congratulations, it was on national radio.

"What were you trying to say, Heart, before you were reminded by a small fluffy dog?" the interviewer asked, raising a brow at me.

Giving him a tightlipped smile, I spoke to the mic, "I was just shocked, because, I never heard about this, Axel."

"Well, it was a minor detail," he reasoned.

"Now that you've mentioned it," I chuckled with a tone that meant that I was about to open up a topic that wasn't really supposed to be touched right now, "Ever since we got together, we have never really talked about the engagement rumor that happened."

"What's there to mention?" he questioned, shrugging nonchalantly, "Though I was silently hoping already during that time," he joked before shooting me a wink.

Even though he was just clearly teasing, my lips sealed tight and I instantly looked away, trying to calm down the oncoming blush, "Don't say that here."

You know what's our job? Being professional liars; I shouldn't be surprised even if he did that. Like I said before, even when we were rivals, I had a huge respect for Axel's skills in the industry.

But we don't need to tell him that, it will just be adding more to his already inflated ego.

Though there's one thing I would prevent the ultimate pressure of Hollywood life to penetrate – it's this relationship.

I'm not going to sell this out and create what the fans call a 'ship'. When this becomes a publicity thing, I'm going to put my foot down and block away the cameras, there's such a thing as keeping the real one behind closed doors.

For now, I'm going to let the public enjoy what we can give them.

"Sweet," the interviewer commented, "Well, it seems like this summer had been a rollercoaster ride for you two."

I almost scoffed at his statement. Mister, what you just said must be the understatement of the year.

Rollercoaster? It can be considered that way – only if you add an extra loop with the whole cart getting trapped on an airplane before it gets dropped a hundred feet above the ground, and after a miraculous series of events, the rollercoaster still makes it in one piece, just with a bit of scrapes.

So if you're going to ask me what kind of ride this summer was, that's going to be my answer.

Instead of saying all that, I plastered a small smile and nodded, "Yeah."

"But it's not over yet, I heard a movie starring you two would be coming out soon," he said.

"Ah yes," Axel perked, "For those who are going to see it, just think that it was when Heart Valentine fell for this man."

I shot him a dry look and I knew he was struggling to hold in his laughter, "What?"

"Haha," I voiced out in a monotone voice.

To be fair, it wasn't a lie, but again, that's not something you should announce on the radio.

"I mean at first, I never knew about it, but then she was being so persistent so I to end her misery, I agreed to date her," he continued on, keeping his tone playful to make sure the listeners still have this good impression of him, instead of an arrogant jackass.

I'm going to let him have his fun for now, but I'm going to make him pay later.

"So what's next for Hollywood's newest royal couple?"

"Well, I'm going on tour, and there may or may not be a special guest appearing at some point," I announced, shooting Axel a grin.

When I glanced at the interviewer, he was nodding in satisfaction as he looked at the screen where hundreds of messages are flowing in from the listeners.

"Seems like everybody's excited," he mentioned, "I wish you two luck and thank you for taking your time to be here with us."

"Thank you for us having here," the both of us said simultaneously as the guy from the other side of the table pressed a bunch of buttons before removing the headphones. We followed the suit and stood up, fixing ourselves as we waited until he rounded the table to greet us.

We shook hands like usual protocol, but before we had a chance to turn our backs to him, he said a quick, "Sorry."

Tilting my head to the side, I questioned, "Why?"

"What I did last interview, it was way out of line," he muttered, "Your managements have contacted the studio and we have sent our formal apologies, but I want to say it personally."

Thank you for being one of those few good souls that is left in this town.

Axel wrapped an arm around my shoulder and waved him off, "We don't really mind," he assured, before I felt him squeeze me tighter, "In fact, I'm rather thankful, if you didn't put me on the spot like that, there's a possibility we wouldn't be together like this."

He nodded in appreciation to Axel's words but I could still feel his eyes boring holes through my head, and I knew he was waiting until I said my own statement of forgiveness.

"No harm done, right?" I showed him the sickly sweet smile that I've come to master.

What he did was just another loop in our rollercoaster ride.

Truth to be told, during the week of that incident was something I could look back on and laugh. I lifted a hand and laced it with the one Axel had on my shoulder.

He smiled and nodded, before finally letting us go. We entered the waiting room where our managers were sitting with Adam.

"That was the last interview of the day," Marcus said, "So we're all free to go."

"Finally!" I grinned, practically bouncing all the way out of the building.

Taylor and Marcus were kind enough to drive the three of us home. Axel arriving his house first before Adam and I got off at mine.

You could say that the house was a current mess, mostly because both Adam and my dad were packing their bags to return to England.

T-minus one day until their flight back.

"Daddy, we're back!" I yelled, closing the door behind me. When we heard no response, we looked at each other before scouting him around the house.

I offered to take him with us as we did the different interviews, but he said that he still needed to pack so he stayed home.

The fact that he's nowhere to be seen scares me.

"He's not upstairs," Adam informed, going down the stairs after searching for him up there, "And he's not out in the garden or something."

Oh god, where did he go?

Wait, the last time he went missing was when Kate and I just returned from her dress fitting.

Please don't tell me...

I grabbed my keys and purse once again and headed straight back out, Adam diligently trailing along behind me.

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" Adam questioned, strapping on his seatbelt.

"I do," I answered, backing out of the lot, "And I sincerely hope that my hunch is wrong."

Let me tell you, I don't want to relive that dramatic episode.

When we saw the house I was praying to god that he wasn't there, Adam gulped, finally decoding what might be happening inside.

There was a fifty percent chance that my father is currently inside the mother's house.

I stopped right in her driveway, pulling the keys out of the ignition and exiting the car. I lifted up my keyring and searched for the spare key that my mother gave me so we could enter this humble abode.

Stepping inside, we turned quiet to observe if we could hear any sound.

"...Who knew you would come to your senses eventually?" we heard my mom's melodious voice coming from the living room.

We peeked through the doorway, and just like my guess, my father was sitting there with her. The only difference from the first time they had an encounter here is that instead of throwing various pieces of furniture, they were actually sitting and having a civilized conversation.

"You need to thank our daughter for that," he told her, leaning against the back of the chair, "You taught her well, May."

She smiled and nodded, "You deserve a bit of credit as well, you handled the crucial stages pretty well without me."

Nothing is more awkward than walking into your parents' conversation about you – oh wait, nothing is more awkward than walking into your divorced parents' conversation about you.

"Then how about we agree that she learned most of the things on her own," he said

She hummed in agreement as she took a sip from the white mug she had in her hands, "It had been years since I walked away from you, Robert Valentine, I wouldn't say that I regretted it, but I wouldn't also say that I regret marrying you."

"For once since the divorce, we actually agree on something," he muttered, "Thank you for giving me Sophia."

"Thank you for that as well," she said, "And also, thank you for letting me love you."

"Even though I did nothing worthy of it?" he asked.

She paused for a moment, tapping her chin thoughtfully before answering, "Yes, because it was still a wonderful part of my life."

In her own words, one of the most wonderful things in the world is to fall in love, get hurt, and still be stubbornly in love.

Her ex-marriage was just a perfect example of it, and right now, I don't hear a trace of hesitation in her voice.

"Maybe we were just there with the right thing at the wrong time," she said, "But it's over now."

"I was a fool, May, but thank you for accepting me back then."

"Same to you, Robert," she told him, "And now, when we cross paths, we could finally acknowledge each other with a smile, instead of a gritted mouth and a clenched fist."

He nodded in agreement, "Can you promise me one last thing though?"

She lifted a brown, unsure where this was going, but she gestured for him to continue nonetheless, "Promise me that whatever that may happen between us, let's keep Sophia out of it."

"Promise," she said, "She already experienced enough pain because of us."

By the time they were at that sentence, I was already leaning against the wall for support. I felt a hand on my head, and I turned to see Adam with his eyebrows scrunched up in concern as he gave me a comforting pat.

I never noticed the fact that my eyes were already glazed with tears, but when I realized what was happening, I allowed the tears to freely flow out.

Thank you mom and dad, but right now, my only wish is for you two is to be happy. What I've been through could never amount to the heartbreak you two experienced.


I'm not going to beat the bust around anymore, this is the second to the last chapter.

So yeah, this is scary to post because of my absence, but I'm still alive, don't worry. Here's the thing, you guys know that I have two on-going stories, both of which had been stagnant for months because of reasons concerning my personal life, but I fail to understand why the other book is doing mighty fine, while this one is bombarded with the most ridiculous comments, all of which I will address.

Yes, it was my choice to make a wattpad account. Yes, it was my choice to create a story. But when, since the day this account was born, did I ever say that this is going to be my priority? Never, because wattpad is a hobby, something that I do for fun in my spare time. Maybe I was able to get so many amazing opportunities because of it, but it will stay with its status of being a hobby. And, when in the world did I tell anybody to beg before I do an update? You guys know I'm not that kind of author, because I write for the sake of writing and telling a story, nothing more, nothing less.

But to bring peace to your reckless should, I will say that the last chapter is already typed and is just waiting for my finger to click on the 'Publish' button, so rest assured, you won't have to wait that long for an update.

Alright, I'm done. Don't get me wrong, I love you guys so much, I really wouldn't be anywhere without you guy, but please understand that I have other things going on as well. Maybe I was just in an emotional mood when I read the comments or something, but in the sea of positives, the negative really hit me more than usual.

Now this was longer than planned, so we shall now end this author's not like always. Don't forget to comment, vote, and give me a follow if you want. 

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