Chapter Six: Crazy Fans

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“This is absolute torture,” I gritted out in anger, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at my father and Kate who was seated on the both across from me.

Dad gave me a warning look but I simply ignored it, sipping my mug of coffee as I proceeded to shoot dirty looks over at their direction. Adam was awkwardly fidgeting next to me, completely troubled on how to get out of this tricky situation.

“Well this had been fun,” I muttered sarcastically, grabbing my purse to get up from my seat.

“Sophia,” dad stopped my movements, “Sit back down.”

Sighing, I slumped on my chair as I tugged at the collar of my coat. Ever since the interview, people were trying to get at least a bit of talk from me. I would practically disguise myself every single day just so I could do the normal things in life. Even right now, I’m sitting inside a warm café with a thick coat wrapped around my body while the blazing California sun shone outside.

I would be surprise if people still thought that I was normal.

“Why do I have to do this?” I groaned, flipping through the piles of wedding brochures on the table. I was a hairline away from ripping each one of them.

They were planning the perfect wedding and in order to do that, they needed a wedding planner. They thought that I would just wave a magic wand and offer them the best ones in town.

Yeah right, like I would help plan a wedding of my father to a girl I despise. I’m not even sure if I’ll be attending the wedding, maybe I can make Taylor schedule an interview so I would have excuse not to go.

“How about this?” Kate asked, her eyes sparkling as she browsed through one of the brochures. Great, she finally found one, which meant that I can leave now.

Dad leaned to peek over the pictures and advertisements before nodding in approval.

“Great,” I grinned a bittersweet smile, “Can I go?”

Another dirty look came from my father and just like before, I ignored it like flopped celebrity.

“Do you know this planner, Sophia?” he asked, his voice was threateningly calm. Oh how much has changed, the last time he used that on me, I was scared shitless. Now? It bore me to the bone.

Kate handed me the brochure and the words Forever and Always Bridal was scribbled in a cursive font at the top. It was a famous wedding planner, giving most high profile people living in LA the most lavish ceremonies. From the cake to the dress, everything was utter perfection and I was invited to a few weddings that they planned to say that they’re one of the best in the business. The only bad thing about them is that they’re way ahead of time and not-so-subtly hinted that they would love  to be part of the wedding of the Hollywood Prince and Princess.

Just the thought made me want throw up everything that I ate.

“Yeah,” I confirmed, “They’re highly recommended by many.”

Kate smiled at this and she turned to father that she wanted Forever and Always to plan their wedding. Of course, my father became the love sick puppy that he is and said yes to whatever his dear fiancé asked of him.

I looked away because the scene was too painful to watch. I felt Adam take my hand from under the table and gave it a tight supporting squeeze. He knew that deep inside this anger I was feeling, I was depressed that my dad was finally giving up on my mother.

“Can you contact them for us Sophia?” dad asked and that was when I finally cracked. Did he even asked himself about that?

I stood up without saying anything. I slapped enough money to cover my part of the bill before I marched out of the café.

He expected me to help his fiancé plan the perfect wedding for the both of them? He was supposed to be half of the perfect marriage that gave birth and raised me.

“Sophia!” I heard Adam call out. I whipped around and I saw him running as fast as he could to where I was standing. Due to his long legs, I think he has no problem in doing so.

He stopped just right in front of before he bent down and engulfed in a hug. His warmth graciously enveloped me, giving me the comfort that I needed. That was why I was always liked Adam, he gave me comfort and he understood me even if I didn’t say a thing.

“It’s alright,” he whispered, “They were just caught up in the moment.”

I shook my head and he released me, “They weren’t thinking of me.”

“You want to take a hike?” he suddenly asked me, catching me a little off-guard. Where did this idea come from?

“I think I just want to go home,” I told him honestly. I lost my mood to do anything after I met up with dad and Kate. Just seeing them all lovey dovey made me want to tear my hair out.

Adam only waved me off before he started to push me to my car, “I heard there are great places to hike in here. Besides, I’ve been cooped up in that house for a long time that I needed some exercise.”

I would have loved to remind him that my house was a walking distance from a gym where most high personalities went to stay fit. It’s a great place to work out because it’s not crowded, and the place doesn’t have that horrible smell of sweat clinging to its walls.

The look on his face made me shut my mouth up. I got inside the car as he walked around to the passenger’s side, strapping on his seatbelt and looked at me like a child on his first car ride.

Honestly, that made me crack a real amused smile. I started the engine and I drove away from the café that contained the nuisance in my life.

I wasn’t really keen on the thought of hiking, but here I was, dressed up and ready to take the battle of walking.

“This is a great way to clear our minds,” Adam chirped, walking ahead of my by only a few steps.

He was lot more cheery today and I just have no idea why.

We stopped on our tracks when we saw the one and only Axel Brooks taking a picture with a teenage girl who obviously couldn’t contain her excitement.

Each celebrity had a known rule, it’s to love your fans. No matter how crazy or reckless they are, you need to learn how to appreciate the little things they do for you.

Even the jerky Hollywood’s Prince made no exception to this rule as I saw nothing but patience in his features as he allowed the girl to scream and fangirl right in front of him.

This allowed me to get a hold of a little bit of respect for him.

When he caught my gaze he, he held it there with his own. When the fan saw what her idol was looking at, she nearly fainted at the sight.

Please allow my patience to go longer, I lost almost all of it during the meeting with my dad.

“It’s Heart!” she squealed, looking absolutely torn with the idea of running up to me or to stay next to Axel.

I went to them with Adam in tow, just to spare her of the headache.

Even with my sweaty body, she hugged me with all her might. I swear, I heard my bones cracking.

“I love you so much!”

Her excitement did stop when she saw Adam standing there awkwardly. She slowly released me before her eyes turned into slits. Now, from years of experience, I could say that she ship Axel and I with that glare she’s currently sending to my best friend.

I’m only praying that she’s going to stop with the glares.

But of course, that’s never going to happen with a crazy fan.

“You!” she yelled, pointing at him with much hatred, “What are you doing to make sure that Heart and Axel doesn’t get married and have three kids?!”

Too far ahead in time there. Besides, I would have been contented with only two.

Wait, what the hell?!

Adam did everything to make sure he pried the girl away from him without hurting her. She looked like a lunatic, doing what she can to inflict some kind of pain to him.

I looked in horror as she did before I leapt to pull her away, “Alright, that’s enough,” when I did wrap my hand around her wrist, she looked like she was in pure bliss.

“Heart Valentine touched me!” she squealed and I resisted the urge to slap my forehead.

This girl is mental.

Axel came to the scene and smiled at the girl, calming her down, “Didn’t I say that only good girls can stand beside me?”

This made her pause for a moment, thinking his words deeply. She then blushed then turned to Adam, bowing her head shamefully, “I’m sorry.”

Adam was taken aback and looked at me for instructions on what to do. I simply nodded at him, telling him to accept her apology so she can go away peacefully.

He rubbed the back of his neck and said, “It’s alright.”

Something in his accent ticked the girl before she got into a fit of screams. She then proceeded to talk about how attractive his accent is while he just allowed her drone on, knowing absolutely nothing on how to handle an admirer like her.

Axel on the other hand was shaking with unspoken laughter. He was clearly amused at how flustered Adam was and when I took a good look at my best friend, he looked adorably funny. I covered my mouth and turned around to contain my amusement.

Adam was practically screaming for help with his eyes, deciding that I finally get rid of his misery, I approached the fan and giving her the award-winning smile I’ve mastered, “We really need to go, how about we take a picture and I’ll give you an autograph?”

She seems contented with this and I gave her all that she wanted. She left us while frantically waving goodbye until she was finally out of view.

“Remind me to never go here again,” Axel sighed, “All I wanted to walk around.”

Truthfully, he should have known that we will never have a moment to ourselves. Everybody will somehow find a way to barge through this wall we called our privacy.

“I’ll be taking my leave now, see you Valentine,” he called out, walking away. He didn’t turn back and as always, Axel Brooks craved for a dramatic exit.

“Why did we go here in the first place?” Adam huffed, leaning against the trunk of a tree.

“It was your idea,” I laughed, finally remembering his reactions to the girl.

He looked away, avoiding my eyes before muttering, “I only did it to see you happy again.”

My face heated up as I fought a blush. This boy was really too much.

“So did I succeed?” he asked suddenly. A soft smile made its way to my face, I kept thinking to myself that I’m extremely lucky to have this person in my life. Honestly, I think having him as a best friend is already a great blessing as it is.

I do wish we were more.

“Yeah, you succeeded.”

My phone blasted from my pocket and I sighed, fully knowing that it was my father. When his name was flashed on the screen, I only stared at it while I contemplated on what to do.

“I know it’s right to forgive him,” Adam said, taking the phone from my hand then he tapped on decline, “But I also know that you’re not ready to do it,” he handed me back my phone and tugged me with him.

He was gracious enough to drive me home even though I was so reluctant for him to drive my baby. I was practically gripping my seatbelt and shutting my eyes closed whenever I saw another car on the road.

He also volunteered to cook the both of us dinner. This time, I was terrified that he’ll burn down my whole house.

It’s not that I don’t trust my best friend, I just don’t trust his cooking skills. He once cooked me burnt eggs, it was dark pit of nothingness.

“It must be hard for you, Soph,” he sighed as I eyed him while he chopped the onions, “I’ve been freaking out with one fan, I can only imagine what you have to go through with.”

“It’s a package,” I replied, “If there are no fans to perform to, then what’s the point of performing?”

“It’s nice to perform for others,” he stated, mixing the sauce he was making, “But sometimes, it’s not too selfish to perform for yourself.”

What did he mean by that?

“I’m presuming that’s a metaphor.”

He didn’t reply, he only proceeded to cook the lasagna. Surprisingly, it was delicious and I was able to praise him for his skills. They had greatly improved over the years.

Since he was always curious on how hard it was to become a celebrity, I smiled at him before asking, “Want to spend the day with me tomorrow at work?”


I'm booming with updates today! Next week is my exams so please pray that I do good, I'm seriously so stressed with studying this week. 

I think it's time that I asked chapterly questions on this book.

Question: We need a cast so for Axel, Adam and Sophia, who are the perfect people to play all three of them?

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