Chapter Seven: Goodbye Temper

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“Wake up!” I yelled, barging into Adam’s room. He only groaned a few incoherent words before he proceeded to grab his pillow and her buried his face with it, attempting to block out my voice.

I rolled my eyes at him before I shook him with all my might, “Adam Nicholas, get your ass out of bed!”

With a very childish tone he said, “No.”

I should have remembered that Adam was not the biggest morning person. He used to be always late for school because he’ll sleep in. I thought he grew out of it since he’s older but right now, I proved my theory wrong. Jet lag finally left his body and he was now treating the time zone like it was normal for him.

I think I liked him better when he woke up at one in the morning. I’m already running late as it is and I don’t need him to delay me any longer.

Grabbing the vase on his bedside table, I pulled out the flowers before dumping all of the water onto him. Just as expected, he shot right up with the change of temperature.

“Hey!” he yelled, jumping right out of the wet sheets.

Placing the vase back down on the table with the flowers, I gave him a tight lip smile, “We leave in fifteen minutes,” and with that, I spun on my heel and I went out of his room.

Adam was walking at such a sluggish pace; I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor as I watched him drag his body to where I was standing. I really love this boy but I have a tight schedule to follow.

I practically dragged him to my car and just as I expected, he dozed off on the passenger seat while I drove to our first destination.

I had a radio interview, followed by another table read for the new movie then a luncheon with my record company. After that, I have a few hours off before I got to the studio to record new songs before I go to dinner with my mother.

And they said being famous was easy.

The radio station came into view and shook Adam until he woke up. We got off and since my best friend loved his sleep so much, I was running late.

Just as always, the interview went well for the first half. Since that little slip up, I should have expected some question pertaining to Adam. It didn’t help that I arrived to the station with him right next to me.

“So about this boy…” the interviewer trailed off and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“He’s my best friend,” I replied sweetly, my voice directed to the foam mic in front of me, “He’s visiting here for the summer.”

“Is he really just a friend?” he pressed on, attempting to squeeze some information about him. I may have feelings for him but I just won’t bawl it out to the whole world like this.

“Yes, he’s like a brother to me,” a complete and utter lie. What is this, incest?

When I finally finished, I walked to the break room where Adam was making use of the game console placed in there. I tried to get him away with it but you just don’t touch a guy playing Call Of Duty.

So even with Taylor’s repeated calls and messages, I used every ounce of patience that I have to wait until Adam was finished with his stupid game.

 I was getting annoyed but when he yelled out in triumph before he turned to me with a toothy grin like a child receiving a present, I couldn’t help but forgive him.

“You’re late,” Taylor scolded when I met up with her in the building.

It was our last table read before we finally started filming. This time, we’ll have the full cast without, unlike the first time when it was only the leads which were Axel and I.

“Sorry,” I apologized, I wasn’t in the mood to fight with her today. I’m praying that Axel is decent today, I don’t want to argue this morning.

Taylor pushed the double doors of the conference room and just like before, George sat at the head of the long table with a welcoming smile on his face. On his right was Axel who had his arms crossed, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. The empty seat on his left is what I presume as my chair.

“Finally!” Axel grumbled, “Be a little more punctual, Valentine.”

Temper Sophia, keep your temper.

Marcus gave his favorite client a warning look, telling him to behave. At least somebody was civil in this room.

“Please take a seat, Heart,” George gestured to the seat that was on his left. I glanced at Adam, wondering where I will make him seat. Taylor, finally noticing him, she sighed.

“There’s a game room at the third floor,” she informed him, handing him a pass, “Show this to them and they’ll let you in.”

I was about to tell him to stay but with Taylor’s businesswoman demeanor told me that this was one time that I shouldn’t counter her. Adam dejectedly exited the room with the lace of Taylor’s pass swishing back and forth. We waited until the doors finally closed until we were back into silence.

“Why did you made him leave?” I demanded but my dear manager only gestured for me to the chair that George offered to me.

My lips pressed into a thin line as I collapsed on the seat. Silence erupted throughout the room before George coughed out loudly, attempting to start the meeting.

“I couldn’t be prouder of my cast,” he grinned, looking around the room. My eyes followed wherever his eyes landed on and I almost fell off of my seat when I saw the woman that was seating meekly at one of the cushioned chairs.

Claudia Russell, the former Hollywood’s Princess.

She finally met my gaze and she gave me a soft smile. Everybody admitted that she was a beauty; I was kind of ashamed to be the one to hold the title after her. Compared to Claudia, I was a bullfrog.

Coming from me, that was a tough blow.

She was in her thirties but she looked so young considering her age. She had black curly hair that contrasted with her extremely pale skin. Unlike the usual people in this town, she doesn’t need a tan, people often compare her to an angel due to her white complexion.

Then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks… I was doing a movie with the former holder of my title as Hollywood’s Princess.

No wonder George was practically bouncing off his chair.

He passed along the full script of the movie and as he explained the vague details, I scanned through the lines. I knew for sure that Axel and I were the leads, him as a guy named Collin, and I as a girl named Ellie.

When passing a page, I froze on my spot as I read the typed line of the script.

Collin and Ellie kiss.

I’m going to kiss Axel Brooks. Oh fuck no.

I knew I shouldn’t have accepted a role with this jerkass.

“How about a break?” George suggested, gesturing to a person to bring in refreshments.

“Explain this script!” I growled, dropping the script on his lap with the page where it tells that Axel and I will kiss.

Axel scrunched his face in disgust,” It’s like I want to do it.”

I glared at him with all my might, shooting daggers with my eyes.

“It’s a love story,” George pointed out, stopping our on-coming fight, “There’s supposed to be a kiss.”

“Besides, there’s no way these lips of mine will touch something disgusting such as Valentine.”

Oh well, goodbye temper.

“What did you say?” I growled, “You should consider yourself lucky that you’re going to kiss me.”

He shot me an amused smirk though his eyes showed annoyance due to his statement, “Hey, maybe there’s a twist where the princess will be the frog and the prince’s kiss will be the one to make her look the least attractive.”

“Are you saying I’m not attractive?!”

“Have you even seen yourself in the mirror,” he chuckled.

“You’re not such a panty dropper so you’re not the one to talk,” I snarled.

Geeze, I always lose my etiquette with this guy.

“Have you seen the fan letters I’ve received?” if it was possible, his egotistical smirk grew bigger.

Two can play that game; I flipped my hair over my shoulder before smirking, “You should have seen mine, I get a proposal every day.”

A figure stepped in between us causing the both of us to stop on our little argument. Claudia stood in-between us, looking down on each one of us before a twinkle of amusement showed in her face, “Are you two done yet?”

We both stepped away from her; it was embarrassing to be told off by her. She gives off the vibe of maturity everywhere she goes; too bad I wasn’t too invested in celebrities when she was in the limelight. It was having been amazing to watch her while at her highest peak in her career.

She stared at me but I looked away, “I’m going to check on Adam.”

Scrolling through my contacts until I found his number, I called him and I waited patiently for him to pick up the phone.


“You alright there?” I asked before I heard loud gunshots in the background.

Don’t tell me…

“Yeah, can I talk to you later, I’m starting to get into the game,” before I could say anything, he hung up the phone. I only stared there at blank space, processing what just happened.


Again, Claudia stepped beside me and she smiled. I’m never going to get used to this.

“Seeing you and Axel remind me of my teenage years,” she laughed lightly, looking at the said boy. He was leaning against his chair with his phone in his hands, probably tweeting about the world.

My head snapped to her direction as my face morphed into a one of curiosity, “How?”

“My husband and I used to fight about petty things too,” she giggled like a school girl, reminiscing the good old days, “We used to push each other’s buttons but look at us now.”

Nobody can forget her husband, it was the old Hollywood’s Prince. It was one of the reasons why the public wants to see Axel and I together so badly, they want to see a love story come to life. Claudia and her husband was the epitome of happily ever after in Hollywood. They dated, they got married, and now the world is aware that they have a child that they have yet to reveal to the world.

“I don’t think whatever happened to you will happen to Axel and I,” I muttered.

“You like that boy you came in with,” it wasn’t a question but it was a statement that was right on, “He’s your best friend, I presume?”

I nodded, wondering how the hell she knew.

She saw my expression before an excited smirk appeared on her lips, “I guess I’ll have some entertainment while working on this film.”


With those words, she walked back to her seat just as when George told us to resume with the meeting.




Adam sourly stabbed his broccoli with a fork before placing it in his mouth.

I was doing my best to be patient with Adam, I kind of deserved the bitter treatment. I basically abandoned him while I go read through a script and argue with Axel.

I’m the worst best friend ever.

The hall was filled with people from my record company and I took the liberty of dragging Adam to a table until he was finished giving me the cold shoulder. He was cooling down thanks to the help of the buffet table.

“Honestly Soph,” he sighed, “I feel like you never have time anymore.”

I frowned at his statement. It was true though, my schedule was always packed, I barely had any time to hang out with Adam lately.

“Why don’t I tell Taylor to clear my schedule for tomorrow,” I suggested, “I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

He stared at me for a good moment before ducking his head, “You’ve changed.”

I rolled my eyes before releasing a very unattractive snort, “You’re not the first one to mention it.”

He now continued to play with the food on his plate, “It’s like you’re a whole new different person.”

Adam grew up with Sophia, ever since the amount of drama entering my life, I’ve convinced myself that Sophia and Heart are two different personalities.

Sophia was naïve and an optimist, while Heart knew how to rule the spotlight.

“Your dad knew that this will happen,” he admitted, avoiding my eyes, “That’s why he brought me along, thinking you’ll melt down when you see me.”

Adam Nicholas was the only thing that stayed the same ever since my move from England. He’s still my best friend and he still knew every single weakness that I have. I don’t want him to change, I’m scared that if he changes, my connection with home will finally be broken.

My mom became a lot less cheerful after the divorce, my dad finally moved on and he forgot about the family that produced his only daughter, and now my life was always watched over by the public eye.

That’s why even if I love Adam, I don’t want to say anything that can possibly make me lose him.


I have a question here, what would you do if the guy you like gave one of your best friends a bracelet and you knew for sure that he liked her?

It wasn't a pleasant week for me, just saying.

Question: Ah, the infamous divider I have for all my readers, Team Adam or Team Axel and why?

Don't forget to vote, comment and hit me a follow while you're at it. Bye guys, love you all.

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