Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tea or Coffee

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It took me a full minute to register the fact that my father was standing in front of me with those pitiful eyes and a permanent frown etched on his face.

And it took me less than a second to close the door in front of his face.

You're two months late, my dear father.

"Who was that?" Axel questioned, emerging from the living room.

Shaking my head, I started to push him away from the door, "Just those door to door salesmen."

"At this hour?" he asked, looking at his wristwatch.

When the doorbell rung once again, I groaned under my breath. Everything was finally falling into place, the situation was finally being lifted up; I even told myself that I'll just enjoy this date night with Axel.

Another doorbell. Oh for goddamn sake!

Apparently, Adam also had enough of the constant ringing as we saw him go down the stairs, "The door's just there."

Do you think I'm not aware of that, Captain Obvious?

He moved past us and before I even had the chance to stop him, he opened it again and froze at the same sight that greeted me when I swung the door open earlier.

"Ooh," Axel drawled out in realization.

We looked absolutely ridiculous. Adam was staring in disbelief as he held onto the doorknob as I had one hand on Axel's back and the other was paused midair to stop Adam. My dad? Well, he just look like a deer caught in the headlights.

Could this situation be anymore awkward?

And as if the heavens wanted to prove me wrong, a car stop right in front of my house and out came my mother who was holding a ceramic casserole dish.

This cannot be happening!

She stopped once she saw her ex-husband and I was sure she was going to drop what she was holding, but instead, she gaped at the sight.

"Anyone up for tea or coffee?" Adam coughed out, just to get us all of this horrible position.

Even with the heels I had on, I breezed inside my house, ignoring their calls for me. I rushed up the stairs and straight into my room, locking the door to make sure nobody would bother me.

I was running away again.

In the midst of getting rid of my shock due to my father, I was already mentally preparing myself for a deep conversation between him and I. I could have handled it smoothly if it weren't for the sudden visit courtesy of my mother.

If only they knew how hard I worked to make sure they didn't meet after the accident that happened inside mom's house.

They both had their already broken hearts shattered on that day.

It was the initial reason why I told mom that it was alright even if she didn't attend my concert back then, it was because there was this slim chance that they may run into each other.

It came crumbling down this day.

I was ready for them to bombard me with questions. At first, I thought that it was going to be Adam who will be the first one to knock on my door, or maybe it would be mom so she could comfort me.

Imagine my surprise when I heard Axel's voice accompanied with a few taps on the wood of my door, "Valentine?"

I didn't respond as I only hugged my pillow tighter. Another knock came and also another call, "Open up."

"Are they out there?" I asked, referring to the other three involved right now.

"Just me," he replied and with a sigh, I stood up and walked to the door. He showed me tight lipped smile, something he was clearly forcing as he spread out his arms, "Sorry if it wasn't who you were expecting."

"I'm not disappointed, I'm just curious," I told him truthfully, leaning against the doorframe.

"Leaving me down there with any of those people would just be plain awkward," he said, "To everyone here right now, I'm the outsider."

"Technically, all of you are outsiders because this is my house," I laughed in an attempt to lighten up the mode. Unfortunately, even I was having a hard time to cheer myself up.

"Valentine..." he trailed off.

I don't know why, but the way he said my name made me crack. It was so gentle and understanding, yet it was clear that he wanted me to just get everything off of my chest. He was asking, but he wasn't prying.

"My dad loved Kate," I mumbled, even though I hate to admit it. I saw it in the way he acted around her, even going as far as choosing her over me. Even if I was mad at him, it was still horrible to see him become so heartbroken for the second time around, "And he was hurt once again."

You know how screwed up this is? Let's do a recap, shall we?

My dad loves Kate, but Kate doesn't really love him back. On the side note, there's still a place for my mother in his heart, and even though they've been divorced for years, mom still loves dad. At some point, they met and shared a kiss - which was horribly engraved into my brain.

So, anyone up for tea or coffee?

He lifted a hand and flicked my forehead, making my vision focus right back at him, "Honestly, Valentine, hiding up here won't solve anything."

"Do you think that I don't know that already?" I sighed, my fingers instinctively went to play with my hair, before tugging slightly on them, "I need to think."

"Says the girl that overthinks everything."

"Have you seen how terrible was my father's expression?!" I suddenly blurted out, trying to get my point across, "And did you see how much it pained my mom to see him again, and worse, he's in that situation."

Sinking to the floor, I once again pulled on my hair, a thing that I seemingly used to do when I get frustrated, "Everything is my fault, I prolonged this."

He bent down to his knees and grabbed my wrists, "It's not your fault."

I looked up at him and gave him a look that clearly states that I didn't believe him one bit. If I only moved on earlier with getting rid of Kate, the damage would have been lesser than this, but no, I did the all scheming process and shit.

"They're like that, because they love each other, you're not at fault," he tried to explain.

And that's why falling in love is a very dangerous thing, my dear Axel.

It was as if he saw right through me, his grip loosened until his arms finally fell to his sides as he drew his own conclusion, "You don't want to love because of them, am I correct."

I didn't have the heart to say yes, but the way my eyes averted his gaze was enough of an answer for him.

"So you're going to live in fear for the rest of your life?" he almost yelled, making me flinch back in surprise, "And didn't you say before that you loved that Brit before we started going out, so that meant that you weren't really strained off of the idea."

Are we seriously bringing that back up right now?!

"Adam's different!" I responded, "Maybe I was just confused back then, but now, I love him as my best friend and like a brother."

"You were so quick to fall for him yet it took me so long to get you," he grumbled.

"Because he used to be the only boy that I talked to," I defended myself.

"Then why did you go out with me?!" he asked with his tone challenging and curious.

I reached out for his hand and brought is to my lips to kiss it. For the umpteenth time, I hurt his feelings once again. I'm the reason why he's so insecure about this relationship - I was the one who made him go through his circles of hope and rejection, before I finally chased him when he was the one to turn away.

But even after that, he was quick to forgive me.

Why do I even like this arrogant, bastard, egotistic, insulting little spoiled prince?

"Because you did not give up on me," I mumbled, "Because even though you liked me, you still helped me with Adam back then," I continued on, "Because you still managed to like me even if I was like this. Because you allowed me to see your soft side. Because you were patient enough for me to realize what I wanted. Because even after the whole escapade that you just witnessed, you're still here crouching down with me on my floor."

Taking a deep breath, I mustered to look at him straight into the eyes, "Because you were the first person to say that Sophia and Heart doesn't matter, because I'm Valentine; you saw me as a whole."

"Valentine..." he trailed off.

See? There it is.

"Give me some more time," I whispered.

He reached out and pulled me in his arms, "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I said truthfully, trying to move my arms so I could return the hug, "I'm sorry that I'm taking so long."

"I really do like you," I muttered sincerely, clutching the back of his shirt as I snuggled my face at the crook of his neck, "You're the only one, okay? I won't make you worry anymore."

"Okay," I heard him reply.

"I promise to call you every before and after each concert, I'll skype you every single day, I'll fly to you when you call for me, and I promise to return to Hollywood for you," I told him.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and I unconsciously smiled. Finally, we've gotten rid of that problem, and like I said, I will do it. I'll let him have me, but for now, let me live in fear for a while until I sort my parents out first.

"Are you two done now?" a voice said and we instantly fell back, placing a good distance between us. We looked up to see Adam who was just staring down at us as we sat on the floor. He had this intimidating stance, but his proud smile said that he wasn't upset.

Wait a minute, if he's here, then what's happening to my parents right now.

I quickly pushed myself up to my feet as I started to speedily go down to the living room where I know they were sitting.

Even though I'm relieved that all my furniture are still intact, I wanted to run back into my room because the moment I stepped into their vicinity, I felt the tension as each of them sat at different sides of the room.

My mom held a cup of tea while my dad had a mug of coffee. I guess Adam did keep up with the offer.

"Distract mom," I whispered to Adam and he nodded.

My best friend walked up to my mother and held out a hand, "I think you need a walk around, Aunt May."

She only looked up at him with sadness filled eyes as she nodded, following him out of the door completely ignoring my father. Before they passed, I went to give my mom a side hug. When she squeezed my arm, I felt secure.

I have to do this, for her.

Sitting in front of my father, we had a short staring match, before he spoke, "I left Kate."


"It was you, wasn't it?" he questioned, referring to the presents I delivered to him, "And that's the reason why you fought with her."

I kept my silence as my hands fidgeted on my lap. The only thing keeping myself together was the fact that Axel was sitting right beside me, giving me a silent encouragement.

"I was so stupid!" he growled, burying his face in his hands, "I almost married her."

Daddy dearest, in a span of a few months, you gave a hundred reasons why I should hate you, but you spent years to give me a million reasons why I should love you.

I won't just stand here and let you get married to a bitch.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm sorry."

Once again, I kept my mouth shut, staring at him, trying to figure out what I should say.

That was when Axel reached out a hand for him to shake and gave him the charming smile that acquired him his many fans, "I'm Axel Brooks, sir, I don't think we have formally met yet."

He looked shock, and I was too. Glancing at Axel, he didn't falter, he still kept his had in the air with that smile, waiting for dad to reply. Slowly lifting his hand, he shook it with uncertainty, and that was when Axel continued, "You don't have to worry, sir, I promise that I would take care of your daughter."

Is this mystical boyfriend-father meeting that everybody was talking about?

"Ah yeah," dad scrambled around for the words to say, "Thank you, it's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is al mine, sir," he let out smoothly, "You have a very wonderful daughter."

Dad's eyes shifted to me and as we shared a gaze he nodded in agreement to Axel's statement, "Make sure you treasure her, don't be like me who almost forgot to take care of the most precious thing in my life."

"Yes," Axel affirmed as they released their grip on each other.

I looked back down onto the carpeted floor, I knew that just a few more hits and I would be bawling my eyes out.

"I thought that I caught a real jewel, but it turned out that the only thing real about was it was a real fake," dad said, "And I ended up ignoring my diamond."

A single tear fell down and created a wet patch on my skit, but I tried to keep it together a little longer. I felt a hand on top of mine, and I didn't have to look up to know that it was dad's.

That warmth, that comfort, that assurance, "I'm sorry, Sophia."

Another tear. Oh for fuck's sake, Valentine, keep your shit together!

With a sigh, he heaved himself up, "Well, I better find a place to stay for the night."

Taking a deep breath, I tried to keep my voice leveled as I said, "Second floor, third room to the left."

I heard him inhale sharply, saying a soft, "Thank you," before he wheeled his suitcase out.

I head fell onto Axel lap and I felt softly stroke my hair, "Good job."

Reaching up, I held his hand as I quietly allowed the tears to escape my eyes, looking back at the doorway, I said, "There's still my mother."


Well, this had been a good one to write. But I'm just in time for Father's Day so yay! Say a loud Happy Father's Day to all your dads and say a huge thank you for me, because they're the reason why I have my amazing readers.

By the way, Watty's season is seriously stressing me out, not because I'm entering or anything, because I feel like every story is competing and I'm here being shocked by the fact that my story went down 30 ranks in one day.

Dedicated to PinkMufiin for the cover.

Question: Do you think it was right for Valentine to forgive her father? Why or why not?

For those who follow me on twitter, already knows that updates will be quick on this one and the reason why. So that means, keep your eyes peeled because we are updating every week.

Please leave me a comment, vote, and a follow. I love you guys and I hope you had a great week, I'll see you all on the next chapter!

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