Chapter 14- Pain

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That new Spider-Man suit was lit. Like, Peter was grinning wide like a maniac, swinging around Tony's lab, checking out every single web combination, all the extra features, laughing in joy, and Tony really couldn't hide his fits of laughter. The show had ended with Pepper entering the lab (read: attacked the door), and ordered Peter to come back down this instant, and then continued to scold Tony rather than the teenager.

Peter just grinned wickedly when Pepper left the lab, while Tony just rolled his eyes.

"You spoiled brat." Tony muttered, while Peter just continued to smile.

"You're the one spoiling me with the suit." Peter replied, and by Tony's expression, Peter at once wanted to take that back, "No, no, NO, you can't take the suit away from me! Don't you dare!" Peter exclaimed and Tony just smirked.

"I'm hungry." Peter announced, changing the subject, "and I need pizza."

"FRIDAY, you heard that? Feeding time. Spider-kid's hungry. The usual, plus, get orange juice, freshly squeezed." Tony said, looking at Peter the whole time, the boy's smile growing.

After a huge meal, Peter went out for patrol. It was a pleasant night, with only a burglary and one attempt at a bike robbery. Feeling a sense of accomplishment for the night, Peter was happily swinging around New York, testing his suit in the open-air. 

It was nearing to eleven, when Peter was sitting on a rooftop of one of the highest buildings in New York, legs dangling of the edge, headphones on, when Karen suddenly alerted him of high levels of radiation on one of the cargo ships. Peter's senses were on fire. He swung towards the Port of New York, as fast as possible, asking Karen for all the details.

"Karen, tell me, what is causing this radiation?!" Peter exclaimed, breathing heavily.

"I do not know yet, but it seems to be some radioactive elements. I detect radon, and large traces of Mercury, none of them properly protected. I believe it is an illegal transition." Karen said. Peter's heart thumped faster. These were dangerous elements? How did they get their hands on those?! 

Soon, he reached the Port, finding the cargo ship Karen was talking about. People were still piling in. Nothing seemed suspicious.

"Where are the crates with the elements?" Peter asked, webbing himself up onto the ship, watching out for people still boarding the ship, "are there people armed?"

"I detect radiation on the lowest floor of the ship, on the left wing. There seems to be five people with guns." Karen informed him. Peter literally had minutes before the cargo ship left the port. And how the hell was he supposed to get this ship to stop and get these elements out?! He landed on the deck, Karen mapping out the plan of the ship for him. There were three people on the deck. He webbed all of them up and went inside. He was welcomed by darkness. He detected movement on the far side and went that way. Getting closer, he could hear whispers. Peter ran further and hid behind a crate, seeing five men, sitting round, all armed. He gulped.

Peter looked round. It was a tight space filled with crates and boxes. There was a dim light coming form a light bulb sticking from the ceiling. Webbing them up would be pretty much impossible as he didn't have enough space to avoid bullets. He checked through his web combination and found an advanced web grenade, which in use could split into five nets. That was just what Peter needed. 

"You know, I wouldn't be so sure about sitting so close to very highly radioactive elements." Spider-Man said, when he went out from his hiding place, revealing himself. The response was instant, and predictable. Peter dodged the two bullets instantly, at the same time activating the web grenade. In seconds the five men were covered in nets. Peter smiled to himself. 

"Peter, there are eight men coming your way, I would advise you to hide, giving that your current situation with low levels of web fluid in your possession and a room with a blocked exit could mean no way out." Karen informed him. Peter tensed.

"What the hell, Karen?! Low levels of web fluid?! I had 68% before patrol! How am I supposed to get out?! KAREN, how much web fluid do I have?!" Peter exclaimed, frustrated. His heart was beating dangerously fast. There were armed men coming his way and he had nothing to fight with and no exit. He was panicking.

"14%. The advanced web grenade did use the equivalent of ten of your average webs. Should I call Mr.Stark for help?" Karen asked. Oh, right, Tony, he was probably the only line of rescue right now, but not very effective as he was around ten minutes away if he used the Iron Man suit, which was of no use given the fact that these armed guys were around fifteen seconds away.

Peter was panicking. He was stuck in between crates full of Mercury and Radon and guys with guns, and he had no way of defending himself. His blood was racing in his veins, he was sweating and his spider senses were alarmed. He looked round, for anything that might help. 

Before he knew, the men came. Bullets came Peter's way and the teenager moved every way possible to avoid them. He webbed four men easily with the lasts of his webbing and blocked the path of another team of armed men by webbing the whole corridor. It was him against four armed men in a room of the size of a small prison cell and with radioactive elements. Well, fuck.

Peter came forward, banging a fist into the first mans face, disarming him. He kicked the second man and in turn got a gash from a... where the hell did that knife appear from!!!??? He hissed in pain. What he didn't intercept was that one man had a laser beam for a gun. Okay, where did that come from. He was making a hole in the crates full of Mercury! What the fuck?! Peter did't need Karen to tell him that he was currently being affected by high levels of radiation. He kicked the man with the laser beam in the face, snatching the laser gun from his hands, hissing in pain as he received another wound from the same knife. A bullet was coming towards him, and there was no way he was going to avoid it, fighting the third guy at the same time. With the lasts of his energy he kicked the third guy in face, but failing to escape the bullet. Peter fell backwards, his head banging into the wall behind him. The bullet stuck inside his abdomen. He cried out in pain, fighting hard to stop the scream from leaving him. 

Blood was pouring out of his leg, arm and abdomen, he felt his body tearing apart from the pain. He limped forward, his eyesight blurred, seeing black, loosing consciousness with every step he made... with every movement. Peter was dying. He couldn't hear Karen telling him about a concussion, about the high levels of radioactivity, about the loss of blood. He didn't register anything apart from the last man standing and his gun raised through the blood in his eyes.

Luckily avoiding one last bullet from the second guy, he hit him in the face with the gun and limped forward.

"Kar'n, kar'n, help, please..." His eyesight was blurry, he clutched his abdomen. He didn't know where he was or what he was doing. He just knew that he needed to escape, just that. He needed Tony, he needed his dad. "T'ny, Kar'n. Help. HELP!"

Noticing a huge hole in the roof his body filled with hope. With one last thread of his web he swung upwards, only wanting to get away from the claustrophobic room. 

He didn't even realize when he fell into the water. 

He fell deeper...

His own blood mixing with the water around.

He didn't see anything, he didn't hear anything, he didn't feel anything.

He couldn't even shout out in pain.


Tony didn't move from the chair next to Peter's bed. The man looked terrible. He had bags under his eyes, his hear was disheveled, he was wearing a shirt from two days, sweat-pants from four and he looked nothing like the Tony Stark people knew. Living on an unhealthy amount of coffee, he never left Peter's side ever since he pulled Peter out of the water and performed CPR on him, in an attempt to save his son's life. He couldn't fall asleep, scared to see his son die in his nightmares, the moments from four days back reappearing before his eyes. It was too much. Peter didn't wake up.  No one was sure if Peter was going to pull through. There was nothing to be sure of. Peter didn't even stir.

People came and went, but Tony didn't even move. He managed to get a total of six hours of sleep in the space of four days. Pepper, Rhodey, Happy took turns to try and drag the man out of the hospital room but nothing made Tony leave his son's side.

By now, Peter's leg and arm wound were only scars, the bullet wound was still healing. But the concussion and the loss of oxygen could have caused some damage to the brain. His state was stable, but any second something could go downhill. 

It has been four days and Peter opened his eyes for the first time. His eyes didn't shine with the same brightness like usually, but his eyes opened. 

"Dad?" he asked faintly. A whisper. But Tony heard it. Tony heard everything. Tony noticed every movement. 

"Hey, Pete." Tony said, leaning forward.

"Wha- what- happened- I was underwater- I was hit." Peter muttered.

"Yeah, kid. I pulled you out. You were unconscious for four days." Tony said.

"You-you pulled me out?" Peter asked, a hint of amazement in his voice.

"Karen informed FRIDAY. You were loosing to much blood, you were unconscious, and drowning," Tony gulped, and looked down at his hands, "I pulled you out. You were practically dead, I did CPR, we got you to Med-Bay, didn't leave you since." 

Just then doctors entered, checking Peter.

"Any pain?" one of them asked.

"Head." the teen replied, feeling the bandage on his head.

"You're still recovering. You had a concussion and your brain didn't receive any oxygen for around four minutes. Two minutes longer you would have..." the doctor didn't finish.

"What about the radiation? Is everything safe?" Peter asked, suddenly remembering what led to this state.

"Everything's sorted. FBI agents got hold of the ship. Elements are safe, criminals in cells." Tony said. Suddenly on both of their faces appeared a look of confusion. Both of them started to remember something. A smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.

"If this happened four days ago-" Tony started.

"Doesn't that mean..."


(A/N): Sorry for the wait, was a bit busy. Anyways I hope you liked that chapter, and I would love to hear from you again! I'm so hyped for Infinity War, I guess you are as well, MARVEL is spoiling us with more content and I just can't wait for Infinity War, it's less than a month away!!

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