Chapter 13- Science Fair

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After three weeks of hard work, several explosions, a whole lot of sleepless nights with more than one unplanned sleepover with Ned and MJ, a totally furious Pepper Potts and an equally frustrated team, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds and MJ together with the man himself, Tony Stark, finished the robot. 

You could say it was built only for a science fair but even Tony Stark would get far with this invention, even though his input was by far lesser than the collaborated efforts from the trio, as he continuously insisted (it was true, in a way.) The end product was excellent, Tony was sure the three were going to win (I mean, how could they not, they have Tony bloody Stark with them.)

And when finally, December 15th came, the three, okay, four but the last one in a more show off fashion, arrived at Midtown, (because what man gets himself delivered, in a metal suit to a school. That's Tony Stark for you.)

Rolling their eyes at the man's antics, Peter, Ned, MJ and Tony entered the school on Friday with their robot. It was mostly the billionaire that got the stares from the passerby's, because in a school full of science nerds together with their parents, Tony Stark was a living legend, and having him in the same building was more of a dream.

"Yep, hello, nice to meet you, yes, that's me, hi, Peter, where's the freakin' hall, guys, where the hell are we going, hi..." Tony was literally the center of attention, but no surprise there. Trying hard to pass through, the four finally arrived at the hall, already prepared for the science fair. People where everywhere. Students, parents, teachers, all busy by their assigned stalls, and trying to pass through the crowd was a nightmare, well, not if you had Tony Stark with you. People literally made space for the genius, Tony putting on his show face.

In minutes, the school was filled with reporters, Tony quickly giving a few remarks, obviously having mentioned that he was here for his "intern" and the science. 

They set the robot by their stall, the teens trying hard to ignore the stares they got, Tony expertly dealing with the press. He phoned Happy, to "get in here" as the man was probably waiting by the car, security waiting for their call. 

"OK, guys, we got this. We are presenting 26th, so just at the end." Ned said. People were now staring at their robot, and the three were blushing upon seeing that people were actually taking pictures of it.

Soon, Principal Morita entered the stage, just about to commence the fair, but nothing could've started without Tony Stark sharing a few words with the audience. The principal invited the genius to the stage, evidently trying hard to compose himself, actually seeing the man himself at his school. I mean, his reaction of stuttering and drowning the billionaire with words of amazement was more than understandable. The audience wasn't in a much better state, anyway.

"Yeah, hello everyone, you see me, lets just calm down for a second. So I'm Tony Stark, as you know, because who doesn't, and I'm here because I came out of my own will to this science fair, genuinely interested in seeing what these young genius minds have created, and having been invited here by no other than my fabulous intern, Peter Parker-" every head in the hall turned to face the blushing teenager, who just muttered a "Shut up, Dad."

Tony caught eyes with Peter, winking. Peter just glared back. 

"You can thank him later, and I'm sorry, actually I'm not, but that's just a side note, to take away the pleasure of officially commencing this years science fair from your principal, but isn't it a lot cooler to have Tony Stark doing it, no offence Principal, and so, it my genuine pleasure to announce that the 2018 Midtown High School's Science Fair has officially started!" Tony exclaimed, his face lightened up by cameras flashing, his smile shining in the spotlight.

"That man." MJ whispered to Peter and Ned. The three rolled their eyes.

And so when Tony left the stage, the first contestant appeared in place. 

The science fair went on, students and parents still gazing out to catch a glimpse of Tony Stark who was now busy trying to calm Peter and Ned down. It was all thanks to Happy, that the people didn't outright attack Tony, successfully calling the security team to keep more the reporters in check than anybody else. 

And when the 25th contestant went off the stage with a loud round of applause, Peter had quite the difficulty standing straight. If it wasn't for MJ who was actually the one controlling the robot with a joystick, the robot would've long ago crashed into the crowds. The three entered the stage, sharing a last scared look with Tony, who was giving them a thumbs up.

"They won from the moment they entered this hall." Happy murmured.

"It's my kid up there, obviously, he won. Gonna send Pepper a photo." he said, taking out his phone and taking a few pictures.

"You behave like an over-excited parent." Happy hissed.

"Of course I bloody am, Hap."

"Hello, I'm Peter Parker, this is Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones..." Peter said and the silent murmurs started. This is Stark's intern. He's that kid that knows Tony Stark. He's the intern Mr.Stark was taking about at the beginning. Peter, Ned and MJ continued to show their robots features and skills, just for the sake of it, because even Flash, who was star-struck from the moment Tony said Peter was his intern, had to admit that this was the winning robot, out-classing any other shown previously.

"Tony, let's quit the smiling." Happy said.

And after five last robots, the judging begun. Tony had been asked to judge the robots, but stayed out of it, saying that he was just here for the science and his son,  as he didn't add. However the billionaire had wanted to present the awards.

"Having been asked to judge the robots, I found that I'd rather stay out of it, however I have decided to present these awards on this unexpected occasion, because lets face it, you didn't know I was going to come, surprise..." and some more cheering and yelling, stopped at once with one raised hand from the genius (he literally controlled the room with a hand), "you can yell at the winner's, this event is really not about me, if you were wondering..."

A sigh from Peter, MJ, Ned and Happy and an unsaid that man yet again, "and so, here are the winners. He took the list from the Principal, starting with fifth place, fourth place, and by the man's glittering smile, Peter's, Ned's and MJ's heart eased. They knew they won without Tony needing to call out their names.

They were applauded with a standing crowd, Tony smiling like a kid. They walked onto the stage. They got their awards, had a picture taken with Tony Stark and the Principal and walked of stage, hugging and high- fiving each other.

The science fair ended and as fast as possible the five escaped the crowds. Happy drove away before anyone could catch a chance of asking Tony a question. And the celebration started in the car.

"OK, Sushi? You guys like it?"

"Yes!" three excited voices shouted in unison.

"Call your parents, I'm calling Pepper and the team, we're going sushing. FRIDAY, you heard that? Call Capsicle, I don't care what he's doing right now, just call him. Happy, can you phone the restaurant? Ned, MJ, call you parents, tell them I'll have someone pick them up." Tony said. And the calls were made, and soon they arrived at the restaurant. And by restaurant, Tony meant the most exclusive sushi restaurant there was. 

And so the partying began, with everyone gulping down sushi after sushi, and everyone celebrating the trio's success. It was an amazing night, and if it wasn't for Pepper and Happy this party would have ended the next day with everyone having a wonderful time, especially after MJ's and Ned's parents slowly got used to having an Avenger sitting next to them.

After they returned home, Peter just engulfed Pepper and Tony into a hug.

"I love you guys." Peter whispered.

(A/N): And so the science fair is done and won, yeah, that was kind of predictable, but come on, I had to. And so, as your deductions might have led you to a conclusion that having the year nearly over in the fic, it's Christmas coming. So I'm making a Christmas chapter, but don't know if it's gonna be this one or the next, cause I have an idea for something in between. So, write your ideas, comment, I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

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