Chapter 17- Blackmail War II

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It happened on Friday afternoon. A simple text sent by Tony Stark to Peter Parker, that held more meaning than it should. A deliberate threat. Something that should have never reached the hands of Iron Man. Peter Parker had been compromised. His status within the Avengers (he really had none, but okay), could be demolished within a second. And all of this because:

Anthony Edward Stark did not want to go training with Natasha. And someone had to go instead.

And really, Tony had just one person to choose from, if he wanted to make someone really get their ass kicked, because only him and Peter never once won with Natasha (he really had doubts if anyone did, anyway). Knowing perfectly well than Peter would not go and risk his life while in combat with Black Widow, he needed to blackmail the kid. Oh, and another reason. Tony Stark needed to start Blackmail War II, greedy to get some revenge from loosing the first one, because he couldn't live with the fact that James Rhodes and Steve bloody Rogers had blackmailed him with a photo of him eating chocolate as a kid to watch some animated junk for two hours straight. And he had literally died on that couch.

Peter stared at the screen of his phone for a whole minute when he was returning home from school. On the screen, was a photo of him in an Iron Man costume at the age of five in a superhero pose, smiling like an idiot! And underneath it was a caption: I'll show it to the team and frame it, hanging it in the kitchen if you don't got training with Nat. She is in desperate need of kicking someone's ass right now, she will choose me if you don't go to her willingly

 No. No. No. This was not happening. How the hell did Tony get that picture? How the hell did this photo even exist? What the actual fuck?

"Happy, Happy, Happy, I have a critical situation. This is the level of an imminent threat from a parallel universe-" patting Happy's shoulder anxiously. 

"Yeah, I get it, kid. What is it?" the man asked. 

"Tony is blackmailing me, with a photo of me in an Iron Man costume, being a complete idiot. He doesn't want to go training with Nat, so someone has to go instead. And if I don't go he's going to hang that picture of me in the kitchen for everyone, and I mean everyone to gape at. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?? HAAAPYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

"Can I see it?" Happy asked, deliberately ignoring Peter's panicking babble.

"WHAT?! NO." Peter replied in shock, "no way!" The teen leaned back, anxiously tapping his foot.

"If this is one of the Blackmail War's, then you have to understand one thing Pete, it's everyone against one, so you can't lean on me with that." Happy said, a smile appearing on the corners of his mouth.

"Then I am doomed." Peter replied, "how do you even win this stupid game?"

"You're the last one standing."

"What do you mean, don't you like have to survive through the blackmailing, ready to drown in humiliation?" Peter questioned, confused by Happy's answer.

"You win by doing the cruelest blackmail ever, so that the other person won't make up a crueler one, they need to give up. You play against the person that blackmailed you first." Happy said, and by Peter's look of complete horror, he couldn't help but smirk.

"You're really not gonna help me, right? I literally have like two pictures, and you are the only other person apart from Rhodey that has everything embarrassing about Tony, please Hap." And the puppy eyes came next, and Happy couldn't help but agree.

"I'll help you. But-"

"Yeah? I'll literally do anything!" Peter's eyes filled with hope.

"You do not, and I don't care if Tony tortures you to get this out of your mouth, tell Tony from who you got those photos from. Because this war might not only end on you." Happy warned. Peter nodded his head eagerly.

After a moment of silence, in which Peter mulled over the answer to the question he so dreaded to ask, he finally spit it out.

"So I have to go train with Natasha? Is this really only a two- way road. Can't I just blackmail Tony to stop blackmailing me?" Peter asked. Happy looked at Peter through the rear-view mirror, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

"It's against the rules to blackmail someone while he is blackmailing you." Happy replied.

"Damn the bloody rules!" Peter hissed in annoyance.

"It's kind of the point of this war. You force someone to do something they don't want to." Happy said matter-of-factly, "and one more thing, you don't have to wait for the other person to do a comeback. You can have many blackmails in a row. So better watch out, because Tony does have quite a supply of photos of you and he's greedy to win." Happy said, when they reached the Tower. 

"Thanks, Hap. At least you are the only sane one round here." Peter said, getting out of the car and heading towards the lift, "you'll send me those, right?" And after a nod from Hap, the lift doors closed and Peter was left to deal with Tony and Natasha alone.

When he arrived in the common room he wasn't surprised to see Tony chilling on the couch, tablet in hand, trying very hard to keep his face calm. Peter was very willing to hurl something at the man, or even better, web him up to the ceiling.

"You know, I was actually going to ask Nat to train with me. Unlike you, I'm not lazy." Peter said, jumping onto the counter, his legs dangling of the edge, taking a carton of orange juice. Tony looked up.

"Uh-huh. That tactic doesn't work with me, Spider-boy." Tony said, grinning at Peter widely, "your choice, show everyone your beautiful picture or get your ass kicked."

"Shut up, Tony." Peter replied, and set off to his room to get ready for his death. What a pleasure, to be killed by your Spider-Aunt. 

And as promised, Natasha did arrive in Peter's room, finding the teen upside down, hanging from the ceiling, a Chemistry book in hand. He smiled weakly at Nat, and without any of them saying a word, Peter jumped down from the ceiling.

"FRIDAY, please tell Tony that he cannot watch my training and that he is a lazy asshole and a complete coward because Iron Man should not be scared of fighting Black Widow. Shame on you, Tony Stark." Peter said, smirking at Natasha.

"I'm signing below that statement." she added, and grabbing Peter's wrist she took him to the lift.

After an hour of Black Widow beating his ass every five seconds, smashing against a wall too many times that he lost count, finding his face stuck to a mattress more times than he found himself standing and gasping for air, for life, for mercy, begging for water, he finally managed to survive this torture. And when he arrived in the common room, finding Tony in the same place that he found him when he returned from school, looking very pleased with himself, he completely forgot about keeping his cool, and acting as if it wasn't that big of a deal, he just muttered: "You're really gonna pay for this," before he drank the entire capacity of the water storage. 

When he returned from a quick shower, he found that Happy had already sent him several of Tony's embarrassing photos. And Peter was literally dying of laughter, rolling on the floor of his bedroom so loudly that FRIDAY asked him if she should call for help, because Tony was beyond the average level of cuteness. There was even a video of little Tony trying to climb a kitchen counter, (probably filmed by Jarvis or Peggy Carter), and failing miserably. And that was the definition of blackmail material, and Tony was so going to pay the price.

So the new question was: what would Tony Stark, Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist, hate to do?

Sing karaoke against Steve Rogers and James Rhodes.

Peter's eyes glistened with vengeance. Texting Happy his brilliant idea and receiving instant approval, he didn't hesitate sending Tony his embarrassing video of trying to climb a kitchen counter. This could have really become a worldwide meme.

Peter: Failing your childhood ambition of climbing Mount Everest could easily become a hit among the team, IF you do not prove that your secret talent, because everyone knows how beautifully you sing, is better than Steve Rogers' and James Rhodes' singing abilities. 

P.S. You have to win.

Tony: From what parts of hell did you get that from?! 

Peter: I have my sources.

Tony: I'm having your head for dinner, and you're so going to regret finding that video, Peter Parker- Stark.

Peter: Good luck. And I'm so NOT regretting going to see you sing. 

Tony: Do not get smart with me, Spider-boy.\

And as expected Tony Stark went into a karaoke match against Steve and Rhodey singing Highway to Hell at the top of his lungs. For Peter and Clint the safest spot was in the air dents, where they could rest from Tony's life-threateningly high voice, which everyone had to escape from. It was unbearable, Peter and Steve, the two with their enhanced senses, had to dive into Tony's lab for a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. The savior came in the form of Pepper, who had just arrived from a day long trip in California.

It really was a show to watch. The woman marched towards Tony, switching off the music with dramatically pulling out the cable, turning completely furious. Tony backed away.

"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, I DON'T CARE WHAT THE HELL HAS ENTERED THAT HEAD OF YOURS THIS TIME BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I DO NOT INTEND TO LISTEN TO YOU SCREAMING HIGHWAY TO HELL AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS, AND HAVING TO COVER MY EARS AT THE ENTRANCE!" She yelled, and when Pepper finished, complete silence filled the room. Tony looked petrified, Peter was frozen in space, the rest could barely stop themselves from bursting into laughter.

"His fault." Tony said, meekly pointing at Peter like a five year old. Pepper just sighed, taking a deep breath before giving Peter an incredulous look. 

"Can someone please explain to me why did I find my future husband screaming Highway to Hell at twelve in the night?" she asked, looking around the room.

"Then that is his fault." Peter said, pointing at Tony. 

"Blackmail War II between Shellhead and Spider-boy." Natasha replied, checking through her StarkPad, as if nothing had happened.

"You guys are really going to be the death of me." Pepper said, taking in a deep breath. She left the common room, leaving the team alone. After the lift doors closed behind her, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Glad we all survived." Clint exclaimed.

(A/N:) So Blackmail War II is done, or maybe not quite, I might add some blackmails here and there, but not for now. I'm currently working on the next chapter, which will be linked to Chapter 16, if you know what I mean. I'm open to ideas, and as I see that you are totally against having Peter and MJ together, I'm not going to write about their relationship (I never really planned, anyway), no need to start a "Protect Peter" club, but believe me it's hilarious to read your comments! 

Have a good day/night!

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