Chapter 18- The Fight

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"I watched the video of you fighting those guys in that market place! So cool, what type of web combination did you use?! Like-"

"Just keep it down, Ned, please." Peter hissed, eyeing the cafeteria carefully.

"Yeah, fine, sorry, but, come on, you got that dude literally flying..." 

It was a normal Monday afternoon. Ned was hyping over Peter's latest Spider-Man fight which went viral on the internet. MJ was sick, so she wasn't in school today, but apart from that, and a Chemistry exam, it was a pleasant day. Until...

"Penis Parker." Yeah, that. Peter sighed and continued acting as if he was listening to Ned's rambling intently, ignoring Flash completely, like he always tried to do. Flash never really intended to make a scene, especially at school, with teachers, but Flash's problem seemed to intensify from their last encounter. Another lost Stark Internship? Peter smiled at that thought. 

Peter could sense Flash's anger, and he felt the teenager coming up to him. And he still didn't get why his muscles were tensing and why his heart was thumping faster. He remembered Natasha's words, clearly. He deserves his ass kicked once in a while, other people aren't the only thing you should protect, yet he found it hard raising his fist as Peter Parker. 

"So? Parker. How's your new science project with Stark going? How's your Aunt, Parker? Or maybe you, dickhead, and your fat friend, Ned are going to build a new LEGO set..." Flash taunted, and Peter's ears were ringing now. What did this jerk just say?! What did he say about Ned?! How dare he even mention May?! How dare he rise that matter?! He deserves his ass kicked... He really does now, he really truly does now. This stupid game was supposed to be between you and me, and you made a step too far, buddy. Peter's head was on fire. And he didn't dare Flash's insult go away like that.

He stood up immediately, looking at Flash furiously. With that movement, everyone's faces turned to look at the two. The cafeteria was silent.

"Say that again, Flash! What did you just say now?!" he shouted. Flash was backing away now, a circle of students forming around them, but Peter didn't register. His heart was racing like mad, his head was boiling, he could just see Flash right now, nobody else. He had enough of it all. He had enough of Flash's stupidity, of his comments. He didn't care what people would think, if he was expelled, suspended or whatever, he just couldn't care less. Flash stepped way too far this time. And Natasha was right. He deserved his ass kicked.

It went fast. Peter didn't even hesitate. He raised his fist, swinging it straight at Flash's right eye. Flash fell to the ground and a sense of warm satisfaction rose inside him. "Don't you dare say anything about me or Ned again, you hear me?!" Peter shouted.

Before anyone knew two teachers ran over to Peter and Flash. One of them grabbed Peter and took him out of the forming circle, taking him straight to the Principal. Peter couldn't choke out a single word. It was slowly getting to him what he had done. Inside his head, the guilt and satisfaction were fighting madly. He did deserve that? He had to stand up for Ned and himself, right? He couldn't let it continue. But really? What if he struck to hard? He might've killed Flash. He might've blinded Flash. What if the teacher didn't stop him? He was completely blinded with anger. He could've done anything if he was given the space, could't he? Would he have stopped himself? And why did he react like that? It's not even a big thing, right? What did Flash even say? Mentioned May? Insulted Ned? Exactly. He did deserve that. He wasn't supposed to know about May. And how dare he say anything about Ned?

"Peter?" That wasn't the Principal's voice, nor that teacher's. Tony? Peter's thoughts were stopped suddenly. He looked up. He was shaking, sitting on a chair, Tony crouching in front of him, holding his hand, "bud, you alright?"

"I'm so sorry, Tony-" Peter said. He looked at the principal now, concern on his face. 

"Hey, hey, hey, not now, Pete, calm down." Tony said, squeezing Peter's hand. After Peter slowly calmed down he stood up and sat on the chair next to Peter's.

"Alright, Peter. You ready to tell us your side of the story?" Principal Morita asked. Peter nodded his head. 

Peter didn't say much. He just said what Flash told him and what triggered his response. He didn't know why he said the absolute minimum, he could've said something that might've really land Flash in trouble. 

"How long did this bullying last for?" the Principal asked.

"Since Freshman year." Peter said. He looked at Tony.

"Why didn't you tell anyone, Peter?" Tony asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Because it was never serious. I could always ignore his comments. And he found out about May." Peter said.

"What?" Tony exclaimed, "I thought this information was held private."

"It was, he had to find out from someone, or heard a conversation." Peter replied. Tony looked at the Principal.

"I'll ask Mr. Thompson about that, and I'll make sure he will definitely not tell anyone about your Aunt, Peter." Principal Morita said.

"Thank you." Peter said.

"However, I will have to suspend you for the next two days, as we do not tolerate violence at this school whatsoever, and despite the reasons for your actions I will have to punish you. Your actions were justified, and Mr. Thompson will face serious consequences regarding this matter." 

Peter was just about to stand up and escape as quickly as he could, not wanting to stay there any longer, when the Principal stopped him.

"And if any of this bullying continues, I do not want you keeping it away from us. This is a serious matter, and if any of this happens again it needs to be dealt with immediately. Is that understood, Peter?" 

"Yes, sir."

"Of you go then, and thank you for coming, Mr. Stark." the Principal said, and as fast as possible Peter went out of the room, not waiting for Tony. He found the Audi Tony came with standing on the far end of the parking lot. He sat inside and waited for Tony to come. He was so scared to face Tony now. What will he think? He just got suspended for two days because he hit someone!

Tony arrived soon after, starting the car without a word. Peter didn't dare catch Tony's eyes, staring out of the window for the majority of the drive. The music was off, uncomfortable silence filling the car. Peter broke it.

"Sorry." the teen said, still not glancing Tony's way.

"For what?" Tony asked. Peter immediately turned his head, frowning in confusion. 

"I hit Flash. I got suspended for two days. And you are not mad?" Peter asked. Tony turned to look at Peter, the dark eyes revealing concern.

"What I'm mad about is that you didn't tell anyone. Because these type of things can't go on, Pete. You should know that. This can't continue. And you telling us that this has been going on since Freshman, worries me. We're here to help you, Peter, you can't hide this Pete. And I'm actually glad, hell, I'm happy that you served him right, because he more than deserved it. You can't just allow someone to offend a dead family member, you can't just allow people to kick you in the face and then smile at them like nothing happened!" Tony exclaimed. Peter gulped, turning his eyes away from Tony again. Silence filled the air again. 

"Natasha knows." Peter said, after five minutes of silence. 

"What?" Tony asked, completely not expecting such an answer. 

"When you were gone for a week with Pepper in Germany..."


"I got into a fight with Flash after school. He followed me to the toilets, hit me three times, I didn't hit back, I couldn't. Natasha found out about what happened, had a pretty swollen eye then. I told her about it. She told me that I should kick his ass the next time he even dares to say something to me." Peter said, his voice on the verge of breaking, his eyes watering.

"Good you listened to someone for once. But Nat out of all people..." Tony said. Peter smiled.

"Come on, I always listen."

"You sure do, Pete, you sure do."

They arrived at the tower ten minutes later, to the whole team sitting in the common room, the two being greeted by a very uncomfortable silence. What Peter could almost instantly deduce was the fact that they all knew why Tony had to go to his school in the middle of the day. He blushed in embarrassment.

"Anyone wants to watch a movie?" he asked awkwardly, trying very hard to avoid the staring from the team. There came no response. Tony pushed Peter towards the couches, making him land in between Natasha and Steve.

"I'm ordering pizza, everyone up for it, or is anyone feeling picky today?" Tony said, feeling the tension in the room. After receiving no response, finding everyone either staring at Peter in a very non- discreet fashion, or looking as if they were avoiding any eye contact. "What's entered you guys, you feeling alright? Deciding what Disney movie to watch? Choosing between Hawaiian and Pepperoni pizza?" Tony said, knowing perfectly well what actually was going through everyone's' minds. He sighed heavily, shoving his hands into his dress pants' pockets. 

"Peter's not guilty, served that jerk well, if you were interested." Tony finally said. Peter looked at Tony, relief painted on his face, a sense of gratitude entering his eyes. Everyone instantly awoke.

"What jerk?!" Steve and Sam exclaimed instantly, concern and bewilderment on their faces.

"Guys, just chill, please, stupid bully." Peter replied, "so, Star Wars?"

"What's his name?" Clint asked. Peter rolled his eyes, before he snatched the remote out of Rhodey's hands.

"He really doesn't need a team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes chasing after him, cause that will get people thinking." Peter said, checking through the movie collection. After a moment of silence, Peter looked around seeing that everyone was still looking at him, except Tony who was  talking with Pepper over the phone, and Natasha who was smirking while reading a book.

"Oh, and I got suspended for two days, so I'm keeping you company." Peter said, grinning.

"That's my boy." Natasha said, looking at Peter knowingly.

(A/N:) So sorry for the long wait, I promise the next chapter will come earlier! So, I hoped you like it, love the feedback from you guys! The next chapter will bring something new!

And a question: do you prefer more Peter as Spider-Man and battling crime, or more Peter as Peter Parker?? 

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