Chapter 23- Panic attack

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Peter returned to school a week later. He was bored like hell, but Tony, or anyone else, wouldn't dare let him out until every single cut disappeared. Ned came over twice to give him his assignments for school and spend some time together, what had happened in space and on Titan a taboo topic. MJ was away in California to visit her Grand-parents, and would be returning to New York the same day in which Peter would finally leave the Tower. The school was fed with the lie, that Peter was ill for the past three weeks, since the day in which half the universe was revived.

And as much as Peter wanted to breath in the city air once again, he was scared. At the Tower, he felt safe, not as safe as before, he always needed to see someone around, someone he could trust in eye-view, knowing that he was back on Earth with everyone, and that no one was turning into ash. He dreaded the feeling of the universe dying on his shoulders, the moment just before half of the universe turned to dust, just before the snap of ........... fingers. He hated that word, he hated that name.

And he escaped as much as he could, the haunting sensation, anything that could possibly trigger more memories, the shortness of breath, his spider- senses going into overdrive the same way they did just before half of life was washed away, he really tried to escape it, but his mind as if on autopilot, came back to what he feared.

It was the feeling of death. It was the agonizing emptiness. It was pure torture. He was terrified that it could happen again, that someone would press stop, and replay everything that had happened, and every second, every tick of the clock was synchronized with his foot tapping anxiously and his fingers drumming on his desk, his eyes wandering to the sky, as if awaiting something to fall. Peter knew this wasn't normal. He knew that something was wrong with him. But he couldn't help panicking, at the thought of what he felt when the end of the world came.

And there was another sensation, deep down in side him, in the midst of all the chaos going on inside his head, a feeling of guilt. Strange told them there was no other way. They had to loose one battle, in order to win the war. They had to move along that exact path. But there was this other voice that told him you could have taken down that gauntlet, you could have pulled it off. You could have saved the universe. It was all your fault.

And he tried to say no every time. But his voice sounded weak. He sounded funny even to himself. Because Peter Parker was nothing. He wasn't worthy. Peter was scared of facing death again.

"Dude, wake up. What's happening to you? Peter, you okay? Bro, you breathing?" Ned said, while they were sitting at the back of the class, watching a documentary in Chem class, patting Peter on the shoulder rapidly, wanting to get Peter's attention. Peter returned to reality, looking around anxiously, his eyes taking in everything around him. He turned to face Ned, his mind not comprehending who he was seeing at first. He was breathing heavily, sweat on his forehead, instantly grabbing Ned's sleeve, needing to feel something solid.

"Do I need to call Tony?" Ned asked, knowing very well that Peter was having a panic attack. He didn't need an answer when Peter suddenly stood up from his chair and ran out of the room. Ned raced after him. Peter was against the wall, his arms around his chest, rolling back and forth, his body shaking.

This is not Titan...this is not Titan...the universe is not dying...not dying...

Ned grabbed his phone from his pocket, scrolling down his contacts' list and finding Tony Stark, hitting the call button, nearly dropping the phone.

"Hi? Ned?"

"Tony, Peter is having a panic attack." Ned exclaimed. Immediately, he heard doors closing with a bang, a car starting and the garage opening on the other side of the phone.

"Okay, Ned, listen to me, do not touch Peter now, but stay in his view, he needs to see someone he trusts, got that?"
Ned kneeled in front of Peter, trying to catch eye contact.

"Peter? You with me?"

"Tell him to breathe. Tell him that it's okay, that he'll be okay. Ned, you hear me? I'll be there in five."
The phone call ended, and Peter was still shaking. His mind was racing. He felt like he was dying.
Titan... the cold sensation entering his body... Pain... Numbness... people dying... ash everywhere....
Peter just wanted to breathe. He wanted those memories to disappear. He felt tears springing into his eyes, he heard ringing in his ears, and he covered them with his hands, closed his eyes and rocked. Back and forth. Back and forth, for what seemed like eternity.

"Peter? It's okay, you're going to be okay. Just breathe." Ned said.

"Breathe, you need to breath Peter."

Breathe. He needed to breathe. Peter forgot about that part. He felt his heart sprinting. Racing out of control, as if fuel to his thoughts. He grabbed his chest, feeling his heart beating madly.

Everyone gone... everyone dead.... Thanos....

Not Thanos. Not him. Never again.

"Breathe, Peter, breathe."

...with the snap of his fingers...

Peter wanted to forget. He wanted to breathe.

He needed to be breathe.

Just then, he heard footsteps. And there was Tony Stark, sweatpants and a black shirt with the AC/DC logo, hair a mess, running down the hallway. Tony crouched down next to Ned.

"Peter? Pete? Bud, I'm here...."


"It's me, son. Open your eyes, Peter. And breathe. Deep breaths. With me, okay?"

Peter opened his eyes. In front of him was Tony. Dad. And with the man in front of him, he breathed, feeling as the air entered his lungs. He grabbed Tony's hand and squeezed it. Solid.

His breath was slowing down as was his heart. He felt as he was lifted up, strong arms holding him up. He felt tired. His body aching. Legs weak. He couldn't quite stand properly.

"I'm sorry. You were probably busy. I shouldn't have made you come." Peter said, as he was held up by Tony. He heard the man sigh.

"Pete for once in your life understand, that I don't care if I have a meeting with the fucking President or Nick bloody Fury, if my son's in trouble I will swim the whole damn Atlantic to keep you safe."

Peter smiled, the warm feeling of safety entering his heart. He hugged Tony, resting his head on his chest.

"Thank you, Dad."

After Tony checked Peter out of school, thanked Ned for helping out, telling him that if he needed anything he was free to ask, for probably the fifth time during the same day, Peter and Tony drove back to the Tower.

"Oh, and someone's waiting for you, apart from a very distressed team." Tony said.


"Your girlfriend." Tony replied.

"She just showed up at the Tower today?" Peter asked, confused.

"Right after you went to school."

"Is she okay?" Peter asked, instantly feeling a surge of worry.

"Yeah..." Tony replied, evidently wanting to say something more.


"She's scary. She's like a smaller version of Pepper. And Jesus, she nearly made Cap run for his life."

And Peter just grinned, proud that MJ could even make The Tony Stark scuttle away in fright.

(A/N:) So, another chapter, hope you liked it. I know it's so angsty, and Peter is really suffering but I feel like jumping over the fact that he just suffered so much in Infinity War is kinda bad especially since it is probably going to leave a huge mark on him later on in Spider-Man 2.

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