Chapter 24- Drunk Spidey

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It was a normal Friday afternoon. Peter would be returning home at around 5:30 p.m., Pepper would come an hour later, while Tony greeted the both of the them, returning from his lab, with three empty cups, he only got motivated to wash, because of the fact he was always needed upstairs to assure everyone of his existence.

When FRIDAY alerted him off Peter's arrival, Tony collected his mugs and went upstairs, to find Peter checking the insides of the fridge, a frown on his face.

"No food?" Tony asked, placing the mugs near the sink, scaring the living daylights out of Peter.

"What?! Oh, hey." Peter said, grabbing his heart when he saw Tony. And instantly, Tony knew something was up. Peter would normally start rambling on about school just about now, a large smile on his face, that would immediately make Tony do the same. But this time, there was no smile, no chatter. Obviously Tony had noticed that after Titan, Peter didn't talk as much, but still, you could see the difference now. He examined Peter's face, but the boy remained uncharacteristically calm.

"Someone's bothering you? Flash? Got triggered again? Too hot? Can't keep it out of your mind? Need a super-Tony massage with a Star Wars marathon? Tired? Nightmares?" Tony started his "dad-mode" ramble, checking Peter's forehead and disheveling Peter's hair in the meantime.

"I'm fine." Peter said bitterly. Tony frowned. Peter never sounded like that. The teen walked past, grabbing his backpack and disappearing into the lift. Tony decided to leave him alone, knowing that sooner or later Peter would come to him for help, or so he hoped. He began cooking lunch, waiting for Pepper to arrive.

An hour later, Pepper arrived to the smell of spaghetti, (Tony's speciality, whenever he was following his mother's cookbook). She kissed Tony on the cheek and sat on the kitchen stool, taking out her StarkPad.

"Where's Peter?" She asked, looking towards the couch, where usually the teen was sprawled on, already having greeted Pepper with his childish voice.

"Upstairs." Tony shrugged, taking out three plates. Pepper looked at him disbelievingly.

"Go check up on him." Pepper said. Tony entered the lift and walked to Peter'a room, hesitating, before knocking on the teen's door.

When he heard no reply, he entered the room to find it empty. He checked Peter's closet to find the suit untouched, hanging in between Peter's shirts.

"FRIDAY? When did Peter go out?" Tony asked, feeling his heart tighten inside. He knew he shouldn't be panicking. He should be alright with Peter finally behaving like a normal teenager. But there was something weird about this whole situation. It just wasn't Peter at all. It's not what Peter did when he felt angered, tired, sad. He would always turn to Tony.

"At 6:15." FRIDAY replied.

"Call him."

"Peter isn't replying." FRIDAY said.

"Shit." he looked up, "can you track him? Does he have his watch with him?"

"It appears that his watch is resting in his drawer." FRIDAY said.

"So he didn't want me to find out." Tony said, he sighed once more, before leaving Peter's room, trying very hard to comfort himself with the thought that Peter for once in his life was being a teenager, and that he was just being an overprotective dad. That's how it was, right?

Tony returned to find Pepper still waiting by the table, food untouched.

"Doesn't want to eat?" Pepper asked. Tony didn't reply. He sat down by the table, taking the fork into his hand.

"He's not here."

"What?" There was a sudden pause, in which Tony looked up into Pepper's eyes, anger, disbelief and worry fixed into them.
"Tony, do you want to tell me that Peter just left, and you're just going to pretend that he's behaving like a normal teenager? Do you want to tell me that you're completely okay with that? I know you Tony, and I also know that if Peter is trying to be a normal teenager it means something isn't right. And you know that Tony."

"So what am I supposed to do? I'm trying to help him, he always comes to me, I always try to be there for him. I want him to be happy. We  went through so much together. His Aunt died, a year earlier his Uncle, and then Thanos came. And what if I'm doing the wrong thing? What if Peter isn't getting better? Pepper, I'm lost." He sighed, looking round.

"What if I don't know what's good for him?" Tony said, his words accompanied with his fork clattering as it landed on the plate. He looked up at Pepper, trying to find some comfort and hope in her eyes, but instead he saw a light smile playing on the corners of her mouth and her eyebrows raised.

"You really are an idiot, Tony. Do you really think I'm going to believe that you aren't actually fighting the impulse of activating that suit right now and flying to wherever your son is?" Pepper asked incredulously. Tony grinned.

"Go now."

The man jumped up from his seat, activated his Iron Man suit and flew out, before Pepper could even say one more word. 

"FRIDAY, you know what-"

"Incoming call from Peter." FRIDAY interrupted him.

"Hey....Dad." Peter said uneasily, evidently hesitant.

"Peter, where the hell are you?"

"Can you...cough...pick me up?"

"I'm trying to do that for the last thirty minutes. Where are you?" Tony asked again. Peter didn't reply, neither of them saying a word. 

"You know Flash, right?" Peter said after a while.

"Yeah, kid, I know him, you got into a fight with him again?" Tony asked, "Pete, where are you, tell me kid. What's happening? What do I need to do?"

"I was at his house. There was a...cough...there was a party. I don't see well, I drank some alcohol, and it's all woozy now. I just wanted to...cough... forget. It's the metabolism, it's not like everyone, I'm not drunk, I'm like sick, my metabolism I don't think it handles alcohol well... it''s...I'm sorry." 

"Pete, Jesus, alcohol, really? You've got to be kidding me? Where are you now? Can you walk?"

"Yeah...yeah...I'm walking. I'm at a park." 

"Pete, there are a lot of parks here in New York, you have to be more specific." Tony said.


"Be there in five."

Peter was shaking and coughing. The only thing he wanted right now was his bed. It was getting hard to see straight. He sat down on a park bench, trying to focus through the blur in front of him. His eyes were slowly closing, and when he felt his head hit the bench, the green faded, only to be replaced by the welcoming darkness. Slowly he slipped into unconsciousness. 

Tony arrived seconds later, to find his son sleeping on a park bench. Quickly he picked him up, and flew to the Tower, where he rested the teen on his bed, keeping the messy curls from falling onto the boy's eyes. 

He couldn't feel worse for the boy. Peter just wanted to escape the memories that were haunting him every step he made. But alcohol was never the answer, and Tony knew it well enough. He would never allow Peter to follow Tony's own path of self-destruction. He wanted to show Peter now that he was always there for him. Just wanted to see Peter's old, wonderful smile back on his face, for him to finally be happy. He wouldn't bare watch his son drink himself into despair. He would do anything to carry the entire burden for Peter. He would really never mind.

He turned towards the door, to find Pepper leaning on the doorframe, hands folded, smiling.

"Dad?" Peter said. Both of them turned round to see Peter squinting from the brightness of his bedside lamp.

"Yeah?" Tony said, looking at Peter over his shoulder.

"Do you still have that spaghetti you promised me yesterday?" Peter asked. Tony and Pepper smiled at each other.

"How could I not know?" Tony said, sighing.

"'Cause you're an idiot." Peter said, leaning back against his pillows.

"Watch it Spider-boy, might as well ground you for far longer than you expected after that escapade." Tony replied.

Soon, the three were laying on the couch, watching a random comedy, empty plates on the coffee table, four tubs of Ben & Jerry's with the Iron Man and Spider-Man flavours resting in between them.

It was nearing to twelve when Tony's phone rang with the word "unknown" on the screen. Tony was hesitant to answer, especially since only the people that Tony gave this number to personally, used it. The unknown was pretty much the equivalent to "dangerous". But when Tony heard the voice on the other side of the line, he couldn't resist rolling his eyes and letting out a grown. 

"Another purple grape situation? Can the universe for once wait till the morning?" Tony groaned, resting his head on the cushion and staring up at the ceiling. "I'm currently enjoying my four tub of Ben & Jerry's with my son and future wife, what the hell is so important, Strange?"

"Believe me, Stark, you're hardly on my list of priorities. T'Challa's organising a party in Wakanda in two weeks. Might as well get your boyband together." the wizard retorted.

"Seriously, Strange? Why didn't he call me himself?" Tony asked.

"You're hardly on anyone's list of priorities." Strange replied and the call ended. Tony dropped the phone unceremoniously.

"Are we going to Wakanda?" Peter asked, eyes lighting up.

"Seems so."


"But you're still grounded till then. I don't want you turning to alcohol, Peter. It's never going to help you, only dig you deeper. I know how it is, and believe me, it never helps you. If it get's bad, you come to me, okay Pete? Alcohol is never the way, never. I don't want to see you go down this way." Tony said, hugging the boy tightly. 

"I'm so sorry. It was just so hard today. Everyone's talking about it, it's the number one topic. It's so hard to keep it out of your head. I'm so sorry, and I know you are disappointed." Peter said, resting his head on his hands. 

"Hey, Pete, it's alright. And isn't there a rule saying comedies are supposed to make you laugh? You see Pete, you're breaking the law. Watch the screen. I'm bringing another tub of ice-cream." Tony stood up, winking at Pepper, who mouthed: "you're such a dad."

(A/N:) So, something went wrong, and half of my story just disappeared. so here's an updated version. I hope you like it!

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