Chapter 25- Wakanda

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"For the love of God! PETEEEEEER!" Tony yelled, looking out from the Quint Jet. They were just about to leave for Wakanda, but the kid was too excited to even bother with actually getting there.

"I'M COMIIIING! JUST A SECOND!" Peter yelled, grabbing his backpack and phone, running out through the main door, to where the team were piling in.

"Finally, kid. Sit down and don't even dare to step out of this door again." Tony said.

"Wait, guys, I forgot my headphones, I'll be right back." Peter exclaimed, and before anyone could protest, the boy was running back down the landing pad and into the building.

"We're leaving you behind, kid!" Clint shouted.

"Yeah, would've done that, if he wasn't the most expected there." Tony said, sighing.

"We're starting in...10...9...8...7..." Steve exclaimed from the front of the jet.

"Pete's still getting ready."

"I'm here!"

"If you forgot your favourite teddy bear you're leaving it behind now, sorry kid." Clint said.

"Shut up." Peter replied. They seated themselves and the jet started, flying higher and higher above the city, till it disappeared in between the clouds. Peter watched through the window of the jet, the skyscrapers casting a shadow in the blazing sun, the sky a beautiful pink-blue colour.

"Nice, isn't it?" Nat said, coming up to Peter. The teen nodded his head in response.

"Yeah, kind of used to it now." Peter said, "everyday swinging through the city." He looked up to see Nat looking at him inquiringly.

"Stop thinking about it now." she said. Peter looked down at his hands.

"Flying is always hard, it's like being back on that ship, having no idea if you are going to survive." he said truthfully. Nat raised his chin, examining his face.

"Don't. Enjoy the view." she picked up his headphones and put them on his head. Peter smiled at her.


The rest of the flight was spent in a quiet atmosphere. Peter wasn't in the mood for talking, and everyone knew the reason. When they were beginning to descend, nobody could miss the most anticipated moment of the journey, the moment when they crossed the barrier.

"'s happening." Rhodey said, looking back at the rest. They came up to the front, and in seconds after entering through the barrier, the green scenery changed into a living city of blue, black, white and gold, the transparent windows reflecting the morning light. An empty field replaced with a world out of a futurist's dream. Skyscrapers towering over the shining river, the mountain tops in the distance casting a warm shadow over the city below.

"Makes you stare, huh?" Clint said, as they descended onto the landing. The jet opened, revealing T'Challa, Nakia, Ramonda, Shuri and Okoye together with a part of the Wakandan Army, as well as Bucky standing to great the team.

"So, been a while." Tony said, coming up to T'Challa and greeting him, "brought the gang, Strange said we're here to celebrate."

"Good to see you again." T'Challa said.

"Yeah, you too. Seems everyone's back to normal." Tony said, looking at Okoye, who scrutinised him with a glare.

When everyone greeted each other, Tony caught Peter's eyes, the boy lingering at the back trying not to catch anyone's attention.

"Forgot about this young chap. Didn't properly introduce him to you. You've been waiting to see him for the last four months." Tony said, dragging Peter to the front.

"Hi, I'm Peter." the teen said shyly, shaking T'Challa's hand. He side glanced at Shuri, who winked at him. He smiled lightly in return.

"Spider-Man, there has been a lot going on about you. I am honoured to finally meet you." T'Challa said. Peter blushed in embarrassment.

"It's an honour to meet you, sir." Peter responded.

"Please, just call me T'Challa." the king replied, smiling at the boy, "you might want to get to know my younger sister, Shuri." Peter glanced at the girl again, "if you're into science, I'm sure you will want to see our labs."

"I'll show you." Shuri said. Peter lightened up at the thought of visiting the Wakandan labs. He walked alongside Shuri, both of them looking back at the group of adults, grinning widely at them.

"Do you have any safety protocols in your labs?" Tony asked, looking at the two teenagers already laughing together.

"No. And neither do I think that this is a good idea." T'Challa replied, raising his eyebrows. He turned to the team, "but as we are here to enjoy our time, let's go inside."


Peter and Shuri were having a blast. They build a spider-fort out of webs, played a Nerf battle with their new invention- web bullets, which worked perfectly well. They planned a prank on anyone who entered the lab next, which consisted off catapulted web-bullets and grenades, containing every single colour of paint they could find.

The victims turned out to be Tony and T'Challa who came to check up on the two teenagers, the two upon hearing footsteps from outside, climbed up into the fort and prepared their Nerf guns. The sliding doors activated two catapults and in seconds the two men were fully covered in paint, both of them already wearing their suits for the party. Peter and Shuri burst out laughing.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER-STARK!" Tony yelled, but before he knew, Peter was already swinging on his web, one hand holding a Nerf gun, firing colourful web-bullets, yelling: "WAKAAAAANDA FOREEEVEEEEEEER!"

Up on their fort, Shuri blasted Shoot to Thrill on the highest volume, while shooting T'Challa with her own gun, the man trying to hide behind one of the desks, shouting for them to stop the chaos right this instant, to no avail. Tony already activated his suit and was trying to aim at Peter who was avoiding the beams any way possible, his own DIY shield protecting him, laughing like a maniac.

When Shoot to Thrill ended Shuri and Peter jumped down, large grins spread on their faces, webs in their hair and on their clothes, beaming in satisfaction, as T'Challa appeared from behind the desk and Tony deactivated the suit, looking furiously at the two.

"Mission accomplished." Peter said, doing the new, special handshake with Shuri.

"Agreed." Shuri replied, finding the sight of her brother looking like a rainbow greatly satisfying.

"You're so going to regret this, Spider-boy." Tony said, glaring daggers at Peter, paint dripping from his hair.

"So after you clean up all this mess, get ready for the party." T'Challa said, looking around the lab, taking in the amount of webbing it got covered in. He took some into his hand and examined it closely.

"You made this yourself?" T'Challa asked, a hint of amazement in his voice. Peter looked up at the man, confused at the question.

"The webs? Umm...yeah...I did." Peter replied.

"Good job." T'Challa said.

" you, it's really nothing compared to what Shuri has done." Peter said, star-struck after T'Challa's comment. This time Shuri beamed, playfully hitting Peter on his shoulder.

"Can we just assume that everyone's a genius in this room. Except my bro, he's an idiot." Shuri said, grinning at T'Challa. The two teenagers took their guns into their hands and walked right past the two adults and out of the labs, high-fiving.

Tony and T'Challa looked back at Peter and Shuri, sighing in unison.

"Will these webs...dissolve anytime soon?" T'Challa asked after a moment, still looking back at Peter and Shuri.

"Yeah..." Tony started, sighing, "but the paint won't." He looked at T'Challa, a tired smile on his face.

"I never said this was a good idea." T'Challa said.

"Neither did I."

After getting ready, suit on with a tie (because Pepper said so) and his hair styled Peter walked out of his room to find Shuri waiting for him outside.

"You brought it?" she asked excitedly. Peter frowned in confusion, before finally realising what Shuri had meant. He turned around and went into his room again to grab his camera resting on his bedside table.

"Here it is." he said. They smirked, the same plan in their minds. Entering the lifts, they found Sam and Clint in it already, dressed for the party.

"What do you need the camera for, Stark-boy? We've already got enough cameramen." Clint asked, suspiciously.

"The view. Shuri said the night's really nice here in Wakanda. I'm capturing the moment." Peter said, trying very hard to sound convincing. Shuri was on the verge of bursting out in laughter, which she covered pretty effectively with starting to cough loudly. Peter turned to her alarmed, and mouthing: "shut up."

"Uh-huh." Sam said, unconvinced, looking at the two sixteen year olds.

They arrived at the ground floor. The lift doors opened revealing a huge ballroom, already filled with many people standing and talking, quiet pop music filling the room, making the atmosphere much more lively. Peter hated crowds, instantly feeling overwhelmed.

"Come on, Peter. I'll introduce you to my mother." Shuri said, pulling him from the lift. That sounded terrible to Peter. He was always so awkward when meeting new people, and especially the Wakandan king's mother. Shuri dragged him towards her, Peter trying very hard to smile genuinely, without turning red from embarrassment yet again.

"And you must be Peter!" Queen Ramonda exclaimed, placing her hand on Peter's shoulder, smiling brightly, "Tony Stark's son, I heard about what you got into today, just like Shuri, everything for science."

"Well...yeah..." Peter said. Tony came up, putting his arm round him, saving him from saying he might regret later just in time.

"Science is in his blood, right Pete?" Tony said, smiling at Peter, who returned a grateful glance, "go eat something kid, you must be starving."

Shuri and Peter went towards the food table, where they dipped strawberries in chocolate, watching the crowd as some people danced, others sat round talking or eating.

"They started drinking yet?" Peter asked, trying to look past the crowd of people and to the far side where the bar was.

"I...think so- Clint's there..."


"Sam, Natasha, Okoye, Strange, Fury...I mean we gotta be patient, it's just 9:30 now."

"I just want to see them dance limbo when drunk so badly." Peter said, "Natasha always wins, she's like the master."

And so they waited, munching on fruits dipped in chocolate, watching the crowd of people, from time to time trying to dance to the music. 10:00 struck. 10:30. Pepper told him to go eat something proper, he never did, the chocolate fountain was too good. Tony came and shoved them outside to get some fresh air, they returned after five minutes (Peter made photos of the view), Natasha came and tried to make Peter dance, the boy nearly tripped, they returned to their former spot next to the chocolate fountain. 11:00. And finally...

Clint and Sam were playing tag, drunk as hell. Shuri and Peter only looked at each other. Peter grabbed his camera and made as many pictures of the scene as possible, dancing around people to make the perfect shot. He came up to the group by the bar, who were watching him carefully. 

"Plan on playing limbo?" Peter asked, smiling brightly. His question was mostly directed to Natasha, as he knew Strange or Fury would rather disintegrate than dance limbo. He looked at Fury and Strange whose facial expressions were the equivalent of: "WTF?", and before either of the men knew, Peter's camera was already up, photo taken. Peter grinned and escaping Fury's hand wanting to snatch the camera out of his hands, he sprinted back to where Shuri was standing giving him a thumbs up. 

Ten minutes later, Okoye brought three bars for limbo setting them up in the middle of the room. Clint and Sam were first in line, followed by Tony, Rhodey, T'Challa and Steve. Peter and Shuri quickly joined the queue. 

And so it started. Everyone one by one went under the bar, Clint nearly colliding with the right pole. Photo taken.

And the bar went lower and lower, it came down to Peter, Shuri, Tony, T'Challa and Natasha. Tony dropped to the ground, T'Challa next. Three people. Shuri went down. And the decisive battle. Natasha vs. Peter. 

"Come on Stark-boy!" 

Natasha came first and went through. Peter's heart was racing, adrenaline in his veins. He came forward and only then he realised how low that bar actually was. He had the advantage of having his spider flexibility, which was enough to match Black Widow's skills. And when he finally managed to come through, he couldn't resist but let out a sigh of relief. 

And the next round, and the next, the bar kept going lower, but neither Peter nor Natasha seemed to be finding it hard. 

"Can we just end it now, with two first places?" Tony asked. Everyone agreed and two winners were announced.  

It was around 12:00 when the limbo ended, and by now mostly everyone was sitting down, the music only lightly playing in the background. Peter's camera storage was full, filled with funny pictures, he desperately wanted to show to Ned and MJ when he returned and hang some of them up in the common room.

Peter and Shuri decided to spend the rest of the night in the lab which was still covered in paint, to play some video games, stealing some popcorn. After fifteen rounds of Mario Kart and some game designed by Shuri, their eyes were slowly closing. By now, Peter's tie was laying somewhere in the ballroom, his jacket hanging from a web, and his hair sticking out in every way possible. Before they knew they fell asleep, without even bothering to get up and go to their rooms.



"Tomorrow's Wednesday, right?" Shuri asked. She looked at Peter, who just smiled wickedly.

And so that's how the most evil plan of all time started. The next day, at exactly 6:15 a.m., on a bright, sunny Wednesday, Peter and Shuri charged into the ballroom where most people were still sleeping, half of them with a hangover, nerf guns in one hand, yelling at the top of their lungs:


From that day on, Tony and T'Challa made it clear that they were never ever going to allow Peter and Shuri in one room together. That plan which was pretty reasonable, turned out to be the worst decision ever made in the history of mankind, but that is a story for another time.

(A/N:) Another chapter, hope you like it, it's pretty long. I needed to make Peter and Shuri meet, because we need that legendary duo in our lives. Next chapter is going to be somewhat calmer, as far as Peter together with a certain magician is concerned.

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