Chapter 26- M.S.G.C.

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"You postponed this meeting three times, Tony! They won't wait another month until you decide to finally show up." Pepper shouted. It was nine in the morning on another Saturday, and Pepper's anger was definitely not what Tony was capable of dealing with without having even finished his first coffee.

It wasn't common to find the man in the living room so early in the morning, and finding him being yelled at by his future wife was even more of a rare occurrence. It was generally known in the Avengers Tower, that Tony Stark would refuse to function unless he had already drank at least two cups.

"I'm busy, Pepper!" Tony exclaimed.

"With what exactly? Your entire schedule is empty, everything postponed to next month, you're tinkering in the lab doing absolutely nothing, and I know that is very entertaining, but for once in your life show up to one meeting!"

Silence greeted the room. Tony took a sip of his coffee, placing it down on the table. He looked up.

"So whose Peter going to stay with for five days? We're gonna be somewhere in...wherever that meeting is... the team's sunbathing in Jamaica, we can't drop him off in Wakanda when he's supposed to be in school, or at his friends, and I'm not leaving him alone when he's..." Tony paused. He looked up at Pepper, the woman knowing exactly what Tony was trying to say. The man gulped. "What if something happens to him? Who is there to help him, apart from us?" They stood in silence, Tony completely forgetting his coffee on the table, slowly getting colder.


It was probably the first time in which Tony didn't roll his eyes at the mention of the man. His eyes shown with relief.

"He saw it all. He was there on Titan. He knows everything." Pepper continued, "Peter's going to be fine." Tony didn't reply, wanting nothing else but to believe in that sentence. Every meeting he canceled or postponed was never because he was busy, never because he was on some kind of mission, or in his lab, it was always because he knew how much Peter needed someone he trusted close, how Peter felt safe in his presence, and Tony always tried to provide that by being as close as he could to Peter.

"Yeah, okay, I trust that guy, and Peter trusts him." Tony said, he picked up his coffee and sipped on it, "he's not very good with children, though."

"I'M SIXTEEN!" came Peter's voice from behind him. Tony turned round to face Peter, who was trying very hard to look angry, but with the Iron Man pyjamas and the hair sticking out, it was hard to think that the words that came out of his mouth seconds ago were anywhere close to being true.

"Yeah, I see that." Tony replied before disappearing into the elevator.

"Shut up." Peter mumbled, before greeting Pepper and grabbing a pack of cereal, still looking "furious".

He sat down by the table, and began eating.

"So what's going on? Whose not very good with children? Why's dad up so early?" Peter asked, looking at Pepper who still hadn't sat down.

"Strange is going to look after you, while we're going to be in Asia." Pepper said.

"Strange, as in Dad's number one sass enemy?" Peter asked, gazing disbelievingly at the woman.

"Pretty much." Pepper replied, smiling at the description. Peter couldn't really hide his grin he tried to cover up by stuffing himself with milk and cereal.

"'ow 'ong?" he asked, mouth full, nearly choking. Pepper scrutinised him with a glance.

"Five days. Tony missed far too many meetings." Pepper said, sitting in front of Peter and checking through her StarkPad, "is that alright with you?" She looked up to see Peter trying very hard to stop himself from bursting out in laughter.

"Peter?" she pressed.

"Yeahyeahyeah, I'm completely fine. Totally." he said, finally swallowing, a huge grin on his face, that looked far too bright for such an ordinary occasion. Pepper frowned.

"What are you smiling at?" Pepper asked.

"Oh, oh, nothing." Peter said, suddenly becoming forcefully serious. Pepper raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Look, if you need anything, you phone us immediately, okay? If something happens on patrol, you phone Stephen, do not hide anything. You feel bad, you go to him, you need to talk to Tony, you phone him."

"I can invite people, right?" Peter said, making the question sound normal and without any meaning in between the lines.

"Yes, but for the sake of Stephen's sanity, do not invite Shuri from across the globe." Pepper said, sighing heavily.

"No, no, of course not, just MJ and Ned." Peter said.

"No crazy business?"

"No crazy business."

"I'm going to a meeting now, so you're staying with Tony."


Strange came pretty unexpectedly, as Peter expected. On Monday morning, upon entering the kitchen he found Strange levitating in the air, reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee, which the wizard placed in the air as if it were a table. It was a strange site, but Peter got so used to it, that with a yawn and a quick "Morning" he went to grab himself an apple, before disappearing into the lift. He was already late for his bus (sadly Happy was with Tony and Pepper), so when the lift suddenly started to go up again, he couldn't resist letting out a groan of frustration and rolling his eyes, knowing full well who caused that.

"What?" he moaned, when the doors opened again, "I'm late already, school's starting in fifteen minutes!" 

"According to Pepper, you cannot leave this house without having a proper breakfast and five dollars for lunch." Strange said, looking down at the apple in Peter's hand, already half-eaten.

"I'm not hungry and I'm late!" Peter exclaimed. 

"I can easily transport you to your school within the next five seconds, so if you kindly let yourself be given your breakfast, I can easily assure that you will be at your school in time, or else, you can catch the next train due to be at the nearest station in thirty minutes." Strange said bluntly, with no concern in his voice. Peter groaned. With a wave of Strange's hand, fifteen waffles landed on a plate, appearing right in front of Peter's nose.

"Eat." Strange said, pointing at the plate. Peter gobbled down the majority of the waffles, before looking at Strange with pleading eyes.

"I've got a Spanish exam in the morning, I really can't be late." Peter said, his puppy-dog eyes looking at Strange. The wizard rolled his eyes before casually opening a portal, returning to his book. "YEEEEEEESSSSS! THANK- YOUUU SOO MUCH!" the boy shouted, before dramatically making a 360 in the air and disappearing inside.

Peter landed behind the school building. He had probably done this a hundred times before, but he could never get bored of it.

Starkboy: i forgot my maths homework. I need to come back and get it. pls?

Dr. Dumbledore: ...

And just before Peter wanted to beg again, his maths textbook came hurling down from the sky, straight at him, hitting him right in the face.

Starkboy: what was that for?!

Dr. Dumbledore: ...  You annoy me more, I will make sure you die of hypothermia on Jotunheim.

And Peter knew that Strange actually loved him, so after shoving his textbook into his backpack, he walked triumphantly to the front gates, finding MJ entering the building. He tiptoed from behind her and in a pitiful attempt at scaring her, he got welcomed with a book nearly being smacked into his face, and without his spider-senses his face would have probably suffered yet another attack at his face from a book during the same day.

"What is it this time, Stark?" MJ said, though there was a sincere smile making its way onto her face. 

"Got bored of me already?" Peter scowled, opening the front door for MJ. 

They walked towards Calculus class, where Ned was already sitting, waiting for them.

"What's up, guys?" he asked.

"Time for project M.S.G.C." Peter whispered to him, sitting down next to him. He looked at Ned's wide-opened eyes.

"WHAT?! NOW?!" he exclaimed. Peter nodded his head.

"Dad and Pepper are in Asia. It's just Dr.Strange and I. Penthouse open for destruction. Today after school, bring balloons." Peter said, just before he got interrupted by the teacher. And so, during every lesson that day, the three planned the worst four days for Strange ever possible. 

Project Make Strange Go Crazy was in progress.

Peter greeted MJ and Ned at the reception, taking the huge bag of different items into his hand.

"Ballons, nerfs, that kind of stuff." Ned said.

"Let's get to work then, losers." MJ said, smirking. Ned and Peter grinned in response. 

Peter was having an interesting dilemma, if planning pranks wasn't actually going to be his future job, seeing how often he planned them and how good at them he was, because truly, the group chat Shuri made for her, Peter, Ned and MJ, named "Kings and Queens of Prankland," was pretty accurate. Peter had a massive stack of papers in his drawer marked Pranks, which included as many as 100 different ideas, and one of them, dug out on Sunday by Peter, said project M.S.G.C., one of the five planned pranks on Doctor Stephen Strange. And the four of them had to admit, it was the hardest to plan to devise, having to consider the fact that they had to deal with one of the most powerful sorcerer's in the universe. They hoped the practical would turn out to be as good as the plan.

Peter was on the ceiling, planting bomb-webs hidden inside the panels, blueprints he put together with Shuri sticking from a web in front of him, Ned was mixing Strange's favourite coffee with soil, MJ was hiding balloons with water in a trapdoor, which upon stepped on would activate them, making them fly out, and in contact with the ceiling would activate the bomb-webs, which consisted of black paint hidden in a dense bundle of webs. It took them four hours to complete the entire plan. Strange, throughout the entire construction was in his sanctum, not really bothering to check up on Peter until later in the evening.

And so when the three were resting on the couches, playing Mario Kart and sipping on coke's, Strange arrived at around 7:00 in normal, civilian clothing, in his hand holding three boxes of Chinese takeout.

"Hungry?" he asked, placing them on the kitchen island. The three jumped from the couches and grabbed the boxes, engulfing the insides without second thought.

...That day didn't bring any luck. Strange hadn't stepped on the trapdoor, and nothing activated, neither did he drink his coffee, probably realising that it was somehow meddled with... 

...The next day didn't change anything either. Peter, Ned and MJ were waiting, more desperate with every minute...

And the next day...Peter was following Strange with his eyes constantly...nothing happened...

Thursday? Peter returned home to find that everything was still in its place, untouched, not activated. Sending a sad face emoji to the chat, he began to look at the time every passing minute, seeing that they were slowly running out of time. The master plan. The plan that could defeat the sorcerer. 

Friday came. Peter came to school with a miserable look on his face.

"They're coming back today. I think we need to dismantle it." Peter said, resigned.

"First prank we failed. We had such a chance!" Ned exclaimed in frustration, and as if everything was synchronised, the silence was broken with a text alert. A text alert. They looked up at each other, hope appearing into their eyes. 

It was Peter's phone.

And the message was from...Tony Stark...



And instead of panicking, the three burst out in laughter, having meant to prank Strange, they managed to prank Tony Stark.

(A/N:) Sorry for the wait! I was on holiday, and had no time whatsoever to write even a sentence, I'm very sorry! I hope you liked it, another chapter with pranks, because I know I tortured you enough with the depressing post infinity war chapters.

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